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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. The point was fairly simple. Here it is again for you Let me repeat. You are calling Hamas a reisistance group. You are wrong, they are an evil mini army of terrorists. Only a Hamas apologist would come out with such trash. Your sickening disregard for what they did is shameful.
  2. LOL you’ve been drinking too much Al Jizz cool aid the last week.
  3. If you believe an ex pm who provides no evidence on that then you must believe everytHing else he said. Barak replied "It's already been known for many years that they have a bunker that originally was built by Israeli constructors underneath Shifa," which was used as a "command post" for Hamas and as a "junction of several tunnels" "I don't know to say to what extent it is a 'major.' It's probably not the only...command post. Several others are under hospitals or in other sensitive places." https://www.newsweek.com/israel-built-bunker-shifa-hospital-ehud-barak-1845518
  4. You are much more than blinkered, you are an active Hamas apologist. Your post here calling them a reisistance is testimony to that. They are a cowardly mini army of murderous terrorists.
  5. Hilareous, says the apologist who gets his censored news propoganda from AJ
  6. Try reading my post again. I gave you the topic link and location at the time . Last couple of pages. Did you read that in my post? Nah I don’t think you want to find them anyway, anything that destracts from the normal Al Jazeera propoganda. location would have changed now anyway to last 5 pages. Old news now anyway as the IDF have already found a Hamas central command center at the hospital with weapons, intel etc
  7. No surprise there. You are probably used to being ignored
  8. I said he does not care how can it have been your problem….lol enjoy your party of one
  9. I don’t think he cares for your baiting Jeff. I don’t think he cares however you respond to him
  10. Over 200 hostages kidnapped on the 7th Oct disagree with you, including the babies and children
  11. Wrong. Tunnel vision is claiming the death of 42 press staff after 7th Oct is off topic. It’s not, who told you?
  12. Good I will respect that. Seems like you were wrong
  13. I disagree
  14. I edited and added the link to the topic. Now read my post again. You have to location for the vids. If you want to see them up to you. Your choice. I am doing no more just because you have posters on ignore this is your prob.me, not mine. Ignorance is really bliss right?…………right?…………….lol
  15. Cool carry on thinking it’s only Israel that has evidence of the underground command center at the hospital. ignorance is bliss. You want a link, sure. here is a link to the main Israel Hamas war topic, last couple of pages. To view your precious Al Jazeera doing as I said. Don’t forget to take your ignore block off as otherwise you propbaly won’t see them, I cannot help you there…………….lol https://aseannow.com/forum/432-the-war-in-israel/page/2/
  16. It’s not up to me to show you. I don’t use an ignore list. I am not ignorant to what is posted on this forum, with links to sources. Unlike you.
  17. Facts are not subject to propoganda when you view an AL Jazeera reporter ignoring and quickly panning away from those in the hospital complaining about Hamas
  18. Al Jazeera shows you want they want to show you and censors everything including those inside the hospital complaining about Hamas. If you didn’t have so many people on ignore you’d see all the videos. Yes IDF have doctors and medics with them.
  19. Al Jazeera is lying to you. Palastians in the hospital have been telling Hamas to go to hell for hiding there. IDF have just stormed the hospital now.
  20. Except this: ”These extremists who think babies dying every ten minutes is not ethnic cleansing”
  21. Ow go back to your claim and tell me who’s trolling
  22. I don’t care what you think. Told you that already
  23. The very definition of ignore is ignore. This is your choice to ignore. It is also others choices to respond to you when you have been dishonest.
  24. Your words. ”These extremists who think babies dying every ten minutes is not ethnic cleansing” Lies on both counts. Babies and ethnic cleansing
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