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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. By me and other posters. you ignored it until your were addressed many times. Yes you said babies which was not true
  2. When you have something to add to the topic instead of a lame attempt at trying to defend a poster @Neeranam who was caught out lying and not for the first time. get back to me.
  3. You’re not getting this are you. The poster was claiming numerous times that babies were being killed by Israel every ten minutes. It was a lie. That is the truth and fact.
  4. Another one who deflects the truth when he’s presented with it. Same as the poster he was trying to back. Troll
  5. No he was lying having been consistently addressed on it. The 40 babies thing was via a journalist, not Israel. Defection from a poster on here lying
  6. Are Hamas morals worse than Israelis?
  7. You know well you said babies this is the 4th time I have addressed you on it. Every ten minutes under 18’s die. No more lies
  8. No you equated Hamas morals with Israel’s morals. That is a classic Hamas apologist
  9. Yes why did you lie. Your links were for under 18 year olds.
  10. What do you think when you try to claim that Israel’s morals are on par with the Hamas terrorists. Hamas apologist much?
  11. Why did you lie about Israel killing babies every ten minutes?
  12. Hamas apologist much?
  13. Why did you lie about Israel killing babies every 10 minutes
  14. Well I don’t care what you do. So long as you stop trolling my posts
  15. Yes he is welcome to apologize now or later for his misinformation
  16. You said babies. This does not refer to babies but to children which is anyone under 18 in Gaza. Would you like to apologize now or later?
  17. No you missed citing where you dreamt up this figure of babies killed every ten minutes scotty?
  18. We know Hamas are terrorists that’s not what I asked. Where did you dream up that babies are dying every ten minutes scotty. (Sure by all means refer to me as hank)
  19. The whole world woke up on the 7th Oct to the atrocities Hamas carried out. Those pesky Hamas don’t want peace until Israel is wiped off the face of the earth. You forgot that Scotty.
  20. Babies die every ten minutes? In what way is it the best source of news by far and can you identify which Islamophobic posts from members here that you are accusing? Have you asked Morch and his merry men if they admit that Israel has done anything wrong, oh wait, you have them on ignore but you still talk about them, then accuse them of stalking you when they respond to your misinformation
  21. Your recollection of them saying they were going to deliberately target civilians lacks a………..mmmmml let me think a little………..oh, link.
  22. I didn’t say Israel has been deliberately killing civilians though but I know a poster who did
  23. The substantive issues have been discussed many times in the previous 300 or so pages. We are at the daily updates stage now. You are rehashing what has already been discussed time and time again...
  24. He knows lots of rabbits
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