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Everything posted by coolcarer

  1. Save the life of just one child in one year would be worth a ban but you would obviously save many more.
  2. American gun culture. This guy collects guns like a woman collects shoes
  3. Yep when used they kill more people and cause massive injuries, some of the kids shot were beyond recognition, so ban them, simple.
  4. Russian pundits and apologists claiming Europe was going to freeze looking for another flawed prediction instead. We don’t need orc gas. Lol
  5. Correct his followers at rallies often carry large crucifixes
  6. Are you on twitter. Trumps live twitter feed has that tweet time stamped on the 7th. So if one quotes that it’s a lie?
  7. You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye
  8. I did to prove you wrong on your claim. Accusing me of posting lies is another example of your dishonest debating.
  9. Deliberately being dishonest when the post I quoted of yours is available to read is about as immoral as you can get. You claimed it was only leftie sites twitter and Facebook, that is not the truth as I just said in my post
  10. But you said it’s only leftie sites that has them now you say you have no idea. Which side of the coin will you flip now?
  11. trumps truth social also has strict moderation rules that bans users who break them. Is that leftie too?
  12. Ukraine cats had this sussed a long time ago and are taking it in their stride
  13. What sort of response is that? We all know it’s not. That does not stop people believing it as one of the main conspiracies of QAnon which most MAGA also believe in.
  14. But believing that childrens blood is harvested by elites is ok?
  15. does this make them all insane? No, delusional yes. Majority Of Republicans Believe The QAnon Conspiracy Theory Is Partly Or Mostly True, Survey Finds https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/02/majority-of-republicans-believe-the-qanon-conspiracy-theory-is-partly-or-mostly-true-survey-finds/
  16. I can name a few high profile republican MAGA who churn out and believe insane theories just as crazy. Does that also make them insane?
  17. Nobody is saying he was not delusional. Most MAGA nuts are, believing in all sorts of wacky theories that the election was stolen, QAnon blood harvesting nonsense. He fits right in.
  18. Jeez, when all else fails blame it on his immigration status…..lol
  19. It’s well documented he had extreme left wing views historically, it’s also well documented that since August that changed in his many blog posts to that of an unhinged election denier with extreme right wing conspiracies.
  20. Just noticed this from a UK Defense Ministry Update a couple of days ago, the incredible amount of armored vehicles that Russia has been losing daily. In mid-October, in the face of Ukrainian offensives, Russian armoured vehicles losses increased to over 40 a day: roughly equivalent to a battalion’s worth of equipment. https://twitter.com/defencehq/status/1588054917234802689?s=61&t=ZZyNiclHXBw_leaHM3Gu6Q
  21. The weakest excuse I’ve ever heard for losing 64 cases. Not enough evidence means just that. Case dismissed. If they had further evidence they could have appealed. But I get it, you can now blame second rate lawyers for all previous loses and any future ones. ????
  22. Clueless QAnon: a timeline of violence linked to the conspiracy theory https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/15/qanon-violence-crimes-timeline
  23. no need to make this personal, I was adding some suggestions on top of yours, after all with all the security in place at Buckingham Palace an intruder still managed to get inside the queens bedroom. What I’ve read though is that there is currently some criticism at Capitol Police for not providing the same protective security detail to spouses as they do to Nancy including when she is at home. not read anything about blaming the actual house security structure, only on this forum. We can all rattle off what we think should have been in place……lol
  24. His transgender daughter who has disowned him and changed her name is.
  25. So what we can ascertain from your copy and paste is that you’ve completely ignored the points I brought up and which are missing data from the tweet. A tweet from a twitter employee who makes a claim with not details to back it up. Is mindful of the huge damage it can do to twitter and advertisers. You have even ignored the only other scenario possible. That the have already deleted the tweets as they class them as hate speech so this twitter platform will indeed be heavily moderated. I can only hope that is true.
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