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Posts posted by nobodysfriend

  1. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    Well I'm one of those nutters who has studied spirituality for nigh on 30 years and believe that only consciousness is primary and irreducible, matter is its manifestation and spacetime is its interface to its creation, your consciousness therefore was neither born nor can it die. I am in good company with such people as the cognitive scientist prof. Donald Hoffman, the physicist Thomas Campbell, physicist Federico Faggin (inventor of the micro processor) and many others.

    As for fatalism it seems to me that causality and not free will is life's determining factor and nobody has the power over causal events, whether you go left, right or straight on, order a beer or a cheeseburger each has a causal reason. Einstein was a believer in the spacetime block theory where past, present and future all exist together, cut into the block and your childhood is there, cut further up your wedding, further still, your death.

    Near death experiences and terminal lucidity seem to show that the brain is a Receiver of consciousness not a transmitter, in fact Prof. Hoffman has shown with computer modelling ( mathematics of evolutionary game theory) that the brain hides the truth of reality, without this deception we couldn't survive.


    Great  Post .


    Can you define " consciousness " please ...?

  2. 54 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    It's all rather sad, non acceptance of any situation produces conflict and stress but acceptance of 'what is', although the golden path to harmony within oneself, is hard and has to be practiced before it is easily achievable. What on earth was going through the wife's and boyfriends mind at the time? ''Let's wait till he falls off'' presumably.


    That is a very fatalistic conception . But a good one I think ..

    It has to include the acceptance of death . that is difficult if you lose someone close ...


    Harmony is good but acceptance has to be earned ... sometimes it is better to try to change things for the better ...

    Or , do you believe in Reincarnation ?

  3. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The elitist establishment is reliant on Thaksin and Pheu Thai to prevent the reformist Move Forward Party from taking power, analysts say.


    Well said .

    ALL is done to prevent the Move foreward party to threaten the old ruling elite .

    No , before I see the MFP and new ideas taking over the established government , I see a new coup .

    They are experienced , they know how to do that . ( in an autocracy that is only disguised as an democracy . )


    15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    But a recent move by Move Forward mentor Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit threatens to undermine the establishment’s plan and derail hopes for Thaksin’s early release and Yingluck’s return,


    Good luck Thanathorn , they outed you once already ...

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  4. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Farmers are being encouraged to adopt more eco-friendly practices, such as ploughing and burying residue or selling it to energy recycling plants.


    The government does not seem to understand that the burning is the easiest way for the farmers . Easier than harvesting what can be hard work ...

    The farmers do not want more work , they want more money .

    A solution would be a small fleet of automated harvesters . https://www.testing-simulation.com/post/automated-trucks-for-sugar-cane-harvesting

    Better than a submarine .

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