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Posts posted by nobodysfriend

  1. Pita is a charismatic leader .

    Many people who voted for MFP voted for him .

    MFP will probably be dissolved , but could reappear under a new name ...

    But Pita will probably be banned from politics for 10 years or more ... he is too well-liked and poses a threat by that .

    What the people want does not matter here ...

  2. 15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    China has agreed to lend a new panda to Thailand


    Pandas becoming kind of a currency by now ?

    These are living beings with feelings , they should be kept at least species appropriate if their natural habitat is destroyed already .




    Don't forget how the chinese treat their other bears ...









    15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    will be kept at the zoo in Chiang Mai.


    Oh no ... poor Panda .


    People are monsters . Humons .



  3. Well , there was this thai youngster trying to provoke me doing something bad .

    He went to stand right in front of me filming me with his phone ... may be just 1 meter away ... I found this to be annoying nad would have liked to give him a good punch in his face ... but that was what he apparently wanted ...

    Instead , I took out my phone and started to video him from very close as well and I showed him my middle finger while he was filming me .

    He stopped immediately and went away .


    It all depends if you are in a public place or in your privacy at home .

    If invasive videos or photos are taken from you at your private place , there are laws against this .

    Ask a Paparazzi , they know .

    • Like 1
  4. Some animals are not ' pets ' .

    Even lions can develop a close relationship to their owners , they still can act following their instincts ... when they feel provoked  for example ...

    They should be kept ' species appropriate ' at least in a reserve where they have enough space to live .

    I hope that no animal torture ( taking out the claws or teeth ) was involved .

    Dogs are domesticated , an entirely different story .


    • Agree 1
  5. 10 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    NO nobody can, one could say aware of being aware makes one conscious but nobody knows what consciousness actually is. Neuro scientists think consciousness is caused by the brain but they don't know where or how. How can something non material be made by something material, where is the taste of chocolate in the brain? There are correlations but the experience of taste isn't there. Conscious awareness is experienced by everyone but we don't know what it is. 


    I have a lot to say about this ... but I cannot do it now , because my left hand is swollen and painful after a mouse !! bite .

    Can only use one hand for typing ...

    My philosophy is a little different as it is based on clues Astronomy provides .

    What you call consciousness , I call " Spirit " ... but more about this later , may be ...

    have a nice day .

  6. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    Well I'm one of those nutters who has studied spirituality for nigh on 30 years and believe that only consciousness is primary and irreducible, matter is its manifestation and spacetime is its interface to its creation, your consciousness therefore was neither born nor can it die. I am in good company with such people as the cognitive scientist prof. Donald Hoffman, the physicist Thomas Campbell, physicist Federico Faggin (inventor of the micro processor) and many others.

    As for fatalism it seems to me that causality and not free will is life's determining factor and nobody has the power over causal events, whether you go left, right or straight on, order a beer or a cheeseburger each has a causal reason. Einstein was a believer in the spacetime block theory where past, present and future all exist together, cut into the block and your childhood is there, cut further up your wedding, further still, your death.

    Near death experiences and terminal lucidity seem to show that the brain is a Receiver of consciousness not a transmitter, in fact Prof. Hoffman has shown with computer modelling ( mathematics of evolutionary game theory) that the brain hides the truth of reality, without this deception we couldn't survive.


    Great  Post .


    Can you define " consciousness " please ...?

  7. 54 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    It's all rather sad, non acceptance of any situation produces conflict and stress but acceptance of 'what is', although the golden path to harmony within oneself, is hard and has to be practiced before it is easily achievable. What on earth was going through the wife's and boyfriends mind at the time? ''Let's wait till he falls off'' presumably.


    That is a very fatalistic conception . But a good one I think ..

    It has to include the acceptance of death . that is difficult if you lose someone close ...


    Harmony is good but acceptance has to be earned ... sometimes it is better to try to change things for the better ...

    Or , do you believe in Reincarnation ?

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