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Posts posted by Grey11

  1. Why is it that when one person disagrees with another's opinions, that person brands the other as "ignorant?" I mean, is that necessary. Governments make these decisions and, believe it or not, not one of us can do a damned thing about the governments of our respective countries. If you are a millionaire or a billionaire, you can have an effect, if not you are just another peasant to the elites blowing smoke that comes right back in our faces. The drug problem? There is no solution. Governments do what they like so it appears they are doing something for a society they really don't give a dam_n about. They have the money, they have the power, they have the control not any of us.

  2. Did you see the guns on the table? That alone makes it a 25 to life felony in the US! So why should Thailand be different.

    Because the whole world isn't Amercia ? :)

    America? Central America, North America, South America or do you speak of the United States of America. Certainly anyone can buy their way out of a situation like that in Central & South America.

  3. Listen you bloody muppets - there has been no sentence.

    It's just what the journalist wrote in his piece.

    Has there been an IQ ceiling implemented here at Thaivisa for new members or something ???

    Why in the hel_l do you care what people write? It is their opinion and they are entitled to it. IQ? How is that even arrived at nowadays?

    Speaking of somenone's IQ could be racist and is not allowed.

  4. Don’t criticize Thailand for not being an audience to western Jewish propaganda.

    Mao was responsible for killing 50 million around the same time Hilter was supposed to have killed 1 million jews. How many Europeans know that? Ask Thais if they have heard of Mao Zedong and they certainly have.

    In the west we are constantly reminded of the holocaust some are even jailed for denying it. I come from Jewish owned country, England.

    Biggest contributor to Gordon Browns government = Rothschild.

    The food Chain = Tesco,

    Who owns more property in London than the Queen?

    Sorry to have a different opinion but I enjoy living in Thailand a non jew owned country. Immigration is still about Thai people and others are guests. Have a look around London. Who finances those immigration policies to undermine the natives of England?

    Don't be sorry, you are a very interesting fellow.

    I have indeed noticed a lot of antisemitism among expats in Thailand. I have noticed almost NO antisemitism among Thais, to Thais my feeling is they mostly think farangs are farangs (sorry if that is a crude generalization). Thanks for explaining why. You like Thailand because it is a "non jew owned country." When Thais ask you why you like their country, is that what you say? I would love to see their reaction to that one. In the UK, how does the "jew owned" issue impact you? Are you forced to not answer the phone on Saturdays or do you object to the forced feedings of chopped chicken liver? Or more probably, you are not happy with your life, and it feels good to have a SCAPEGOAT to blame all your problems on?

    jingthing. Are you Jewish? You seem to be a bit sensitive to their continued attempt to be the world's victims

  5. Dumb decision, he's one of the most famous figures in history, good reason to have a wax carricature. It's unfortunate a few imbeciles can choose what the rest of us can and can't see. The museum just needs to ensure that his portayal is done in a tasteful manner, which the comment probably didn't do but that's an easy fix and doesn't require him removed.

    It's odd that nazi sensitivity has grown with time rather than fallen, a sure sign people (you know who) are milking it.

    Look at the tens of billions of dollars Jews from all over the world have milked out of the Holocaust. What Western country doesn't have a Holocaust Museum. But, free speech is not allowed in Thailand as well as in the rest of the world. History is history and no figure should be eliminated as if they never existed. Mao & Stalin, still heroes in parts of the world, each responsible for the deaths of 50,000,000 to 100 million people, mostly their own people - Chinese & Russians. I doubt we would hear a word from the Israeli embassy or Jewish visitors to Thailand if statues of Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky, Pol Pot, Castro, etc. were placed in a wax museum. Removing the billboard would have been enough of a compromise, but being forced to remove a wax figure from a private business, is ridiculous! Anyone who believes in real freedom, freedom of speech, would not object to Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, or any other figure of history one believes to be a monster, on a billboard. How far do we need to go back in time?Henry VII? How many did he kill? And on and on. How in the world did all the governments of the world ever allow a very small minority of people of one race or ethnicity or religion to dictate to the world?!

  6. Avoid content from Bangkok Post

    I've avoided buying the printed edition of BP for the past five years. Thumbs up for The Nation! :)

    I live on the eastern side of Phuket and though The Bangkok Post is hard to find, The Nation is virtually impossible to find. The Phuket Gazette is a weekly newspaper. So if one wants to read a daily newspaper in English, one either buys The Bangkok Post are doesn't buy a newspaper. The Phuket Gazette is a great newspaper. But, like I said, it is a weekly newspaper.

  7. Notice to all foreigners planning a Thailand Holiday.

    Why take chances. Protect yourself...

    come to Chiang Mai...... not a jet ski in sight...


    No don't come to chiangmai we don't want all you tourists up here spoiling our beatiful part of Thailand. Don't have the problems that they have in all the major tourist areas can live peacefully here. If all the tourists pour in then it will ruin the place and become another shit hole like Pattaya full of bars and prostitutes and scammers.

    No prostitutes in Chaing Mai?!

  8. i'm glad to have a three years non-B!

    Exactly. We read here time and time again about how hard it is to get a tourist visa to UK if you are a Thai. They, the Thai Government are more than reasonable here. If you are here on 'business' well just do it right, get the right visa.

    And you all have a good weekend!

    A few years ago I tried to help my brothers-in-law and their wives get a tourist visa to visit us in Texas. My wife had been a U.S. citizen for almost 20 years. Whether dealing with the INS in Texas or the U.S. Consulate in Bangkok, we could never get them a visitation visa. Finally we were informed by the U.S. that my wife's brother's wives could visit but not her brothers. Her dad, retired from the Royal Thai Navy & also a retired Bangkok policeman could never get a visitation visa. One of her brothers was an attorney and the other a government school superintendent. Tens of millions of illegals come into Texas from Mexico and the rest of Central America. Few, very few, are ever caught once in the U.S. They are usually charged and let go with a promise to appear at court on a certain date. Needless to say they don't show up. So getting into the U.S. illegally is quite easy. Getting into the U.S. from Thailand to even visit relatives is very difficult. None of my wife's relatives ever were allowed to visit us. Now, we are retired in Thailand.

  9. What would you expect from a government that was put in power with mob rule? This government, if you can call it a government owes the yellow shirts big time and MUST protect them.

    ...you are absolutely right. Only the yellow mob made it possible, that the vote buying ruling party finally had to step down. We remember, that the ECs ruling to do so was done in May 2008. It took five months of protest and peaceful demonstrations for the yellow mob to learn, that those, who broke the constitutional law, will rather change the constitution and cling to power, than stepping down. The yellow mob finally decided to walk to the airport. And they did a successful job. They forced the lawbreakers out of the government. That is practised democracy. Sure thing, that those, who saved the leftovers of democracy in Thailand, deserve protection.

    And just who do you think financed the yellow shirts? democracy is the law of the majority and should be achieved via the ballot box and true democracy is a long way from reality here in Thailand. The real pandemic gripping the country is not swine flu but corruption.

    Is there any economic system that did not set out to protect an economic elite? Was Thaksin some kind of peasant?! Remember in sa democracy the poor are more powerful than the rich because there are more of them. So it depends on what kind of democracy you want. Generally the poor/peasants have little education. They can't run a Government. So for a democracy to work the people can pick the lesser of the evils running for political office. Every decent man is ashamed of the Government he lives under.

    Even on ThaiVisa the divisiveness caused by Thaksin is evident. His quest for Power has split the nation and will continue to turn Thai against Thai and farang against farang until the day that this convicted felon disappears. He knows he would not be alive it he would criticise a government like that of Israel. He would be hunted down somewhere in the world and assassinated. At least Thailand seems to be more civilised.

  10. Bit of a silly reaction imho. Sure point out that the interviewer is a Thaksin sympathiser and Thaksin is his ex-boss and obviosuly the whiole thing is a set up. Even question whether Jom is some Jakrapob wannabe (who also launched an ailing career with a sycophantic interview of Thaksin). However, to ban the thing is not only counterproductive but also has shall we say a few free speech implications.

    I believe it is justified. And well past being due.

    Thaksin has one agenda and one agenda only and that is to destroy Thailand. (or the result will surely be the destruction of the realm)

    People who talk of freedom of speech or freedomless of speech are talking out of their fundamental orifice.

    Thailand is on the brink of civil war and some are still seeking to justify the actions of this megalomaniac.

    There are none so blind as those who do not want to see.

    Go to this link < "http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=2637" > and you will see the type of mindless, brainless, gormless, and brain washed people who this man has recruited.

    I agree 100% with the statement that "Thanksin has one agenda and one agenda only and that is to destroy Thailand." As long as this convicted criminal is allowed to stir up half the country in an attempt to overthrow the present government and put himself back in Power, Thailand can never progress. Toxin is an ego maniac who is the most dangerous voice in the world against Thailand. The cost to all of Thailand is in the millions of dollars just for security when the Red Shirts, at Toxin's orders, march for the overthrow of the Government. Thailand was greatly embarrassed in the eyes of the world when the Red Shirts were able to run off ministers and other very important dignateries from around Asia in Pattaya. Toxin must be stopped by any means necessary.

    They should all have been at Jonestown, Guyana with Jim Jones.

  11. Another lowlife to give us all a good name...

    Where in the United States was this guy from? It is a pretty big country with 50 states and there is often a big difference in people in different regions of the U.S.

    Most rudeness comes from Americans on the West Coast - Oregon, Washington, Calif - and the East Coast - NY, Mass., N.J., etc. Not saying the guy was rude - no way of knowing - just mentioning it because so many posters in Thai Visa talk about loud, rude, Americans but usually never met an American that was not from the West or East coasts of the country. People in the South are generally kind, considerate and not rude. Quite different from Northeasterners who more often visit Thailand and spread bad will for all Americans around the world.

    Talk about generalizing! This is like domestic geographic discrimination...shall we call it place-ism instead of racism!


    Call it what you like. I gave my opinion, you gave yours. However, I should have said that the majority of the people I have met from the northeastern U.S. andthe west coast of the U.S were rude and arrogant. And, that is also the opinion of the vast majority of people that I know. Not ALL people or this or that, I certainly should have said "the majority" or the "vast majority." A couple of my best friends that I played golf with for years in Texas (before I moved to Phuket) were Yankees from NY and Mass. Strangely both had lived away from those states for so many years that they came to believe as I do. Again, an opinion.

  12. where did he think he was america, not too hard to notice a farang running away in rangsit.

    but what do expect from an american, there brought up to just take things that are not theres.

    Tell us about any politician, in any country in the world that does not "take things that are not theres"? So the guy was an American? With more than 300 million people living in the U.S., if all of them were thieves like Europeans seem to think, could there really be a country left? Do all African Americans steal? Do all Mexicans steal? Do all Chinese steal? Do all Europeans living in the U.S. steal? Or are you referring that White Americans steal - thing they have a right to take things that are not theirs? This guy looked White/Caucasian to me in the photo. Perhaps that is what you meant because it would be quite racist to say that African Americans or Latinos "were brought up to just take things that are not theres." Talk about painting an entire nation with the same wide brush! Don't confuse ALL Americans with their Government? Really, no really, how much control do you have over the politics, the way things are done, in the country of your birth, much less Thailand? Last week it was "hate the British" week, but this week is a 6 year continuous "hate Americans week" which has been going on ever since I joined Thai Visa. And how many Americans do the American haters in Thai Visa REALLY know? Met a few rude, loud Americans from New York, N.J., Michigan, Massachusetts or Calif.? Not much of a true representation of what Americans really are.

  13. Another lowlife to give us all a good name...

    Where in the United States was this guy from? It is a pretty big country with 50 states and there is often a big difference in people in different regions of the U.S.

    Most rudeness comes from Americans on the West Coast - Oregon, Washington, Calif - and the East Coast - NY, Mass., N.J., etc. Not saying the guy was rude - no way of knowing - just mentioning it because so many posters in Thai Visa talk about loud, rude, Americans but usually never met an American that was not from the West or East coasts of the country. People in the South are generally kind, considerate and not rude. Quite different from Northeasterners who more often visit Thailand and spread bad will for all Americans around the world.

  14. I have been in Phuket for three weeks and have already taken a one hour driving course. However, I do not think I can pass the parallel parking aspect of the driving test. I am willing to pay somebody to get a driver's license. Is there a specific person within the traffic department I need to see? Please advise.

    Mexico has an excellent system.

    In Mexico I have been pulled over numerous times while drivingand running red lights. I would have been classified as "legally" drunk in the U.S. drunk in the U.S. and subjected to thousands of dollars in fines, a night in jail and possibly losing my driver's license for 6 months. There is always one cop that can speak English. They simply tell you what you did wrong and say: "That will be $10 or $20 at times, U.S. And, that's it. You are once again on your way. If that is corruption then it is beneficial.

    yeah, please don't be driving anywhere near me or my kids....

    Indeed...I have been in minor and larger accidents [always as passanger] with the vehicle I am in was hit by drunk drivers, often young, driving too fast and without keeping distance or attention on the road. People like Grey11 are exactly the kind that confuses Liberty with 'Recklessness against others' that is infringing on MY rights to not be injured by morons.

    You and samran need to loosen up. We are discussing corruption. Some on here like to mention Mexico. Just comapring how corrupt Mexico is with what you people say about Thailand. I intend to pass my driving test. It is just a little tougher on peolple who have been driving for 30, 40 years with the steering wheel on the left and all of a sudden the steering wheel is on the right. I have never gotten a DWI, DUI (that means driving drunk) in my life. You guys are just wound too tight. We just paid a little over $100 for all of our things that are at the port in Bangkok - shipped for the port of L.A. (U.S.A.) - to Phuket. There is much difference in what a Thai pays for customs than what a farang would pay. My wife is Thai and knows how to bargain. Also, in Thailand what you get and how much you pay depends on WHO YOU KNOW. No different than any other country in the world. And, don't worry I will not be driving around drunk and run over you or your children. Geezzz - give me a break!!!!!!

  15. No mention regarding the eradication of "tea money" :)

    I am a loss to what constitutes "Tea Money"?

    Does an upfront payment of 350.000 Baht for a guaranteed job in the current Police Recrutiment Campaign fall into this category or is this Corruption?

    Is 2000 Baht for a Driver's Licence (license to kill!) to a person who has never even sat behind a steering wheel Corruption or Tea Money?

    Any enlightment as to where the line would be interesting.

    I was wondering what the going rate for a driver's license was. I asked my wife - who is Thai - and she said to ask ------ I told her that on Thai Visa a guy said the price for a Driver's License was 2000 Baht. She said: "That's a pretty good price." I agree. Who do I contact?

  16. Has there been any recent incidents involving travellers carrying laptops etc for their own personal use being hassled by customs staff on arrival? I would not react well to this kind of shakedown.

    I carry my laptop in & our of Thailand every other month - have done for years & never had even the slightest hitch or problem with Thai Customs - or any other customs for that matter.

    On the subject of the article, well, it sounds like another 'crackdown' to me! This time a 'Customs Crackdown'! It seems like the Govt has a mission to issue a daily 'crackdown' on something or other :) Yesterday it was tight fitting university uniforms & short skirts & today it's customs - what can we expect tomorrow?

    A good start would be a crackdown on the traffic Department who for the right money will issue a drivers licence without even a test . This would ensure that at least potential drivers would have to prove they understand road rules and can actually drive. This may reduce the number of road deaths in Thailand and also reduce the road rage of foreigners who observe the abuse of traffic laws.

    I have been in Phuket for three weeks and have already taken a one hour driving course. However, I do not think I can pass the parallel parking aspect of the driving test. I am willing to pay somebody to get a driver's license. Is there a specific person within the traffic department I need to see? Please advise.

    Mexico has an excellent system.

    In Mexico I have been pulled over numerous times while drivingand running red lights. I would have been classified as "legally" drunk in the U.S. drunk in the U.S. and subjected to thousands of dollars in fines, a night in jail and possibly losing my driver's license for 6 months. There is always one cop that can speak English. They simply tell you what you did wrong and say: "That will be $10 or $20 at times, U.S. And, that's it. You are once again on your way. If that is corruption then it is beneficial.

  17. How about applying the same standard to the rest of the government and country???

    Stop the scams...ripoffs.... payoffs... etc.... Or at least, give foreigners living or visiting in the country an official place to turn (English speaking) to help mediate such problems when they arise... The Tourist Police clearly don't function in that role...even though they should....

    PS - It's easy to issue directives and regulations in Thailand... It's far less easy to see that the rules are actually enforced so that things really change... like mandatory motorcycle helmets.... no smoking in indoor aircon bars... etc etc...

    Are the issues of smoking and not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcyle really such serious issues?! Unbelievable.

  18. I joined Thai Visa appx. three years ago. One of the major reasons was to use it as yet another avenue to keep abreast of the news in Thailand, a country my wife was born in 55 years ago. Until then I had no idea of the strong hatred that (it seems) the vast majority of Europeans have for Americans. A few people I know have learned a little of that dislike on visits to England & France. As I learned the extent of that hatred reading the Thai Visa posts each day I have since tried to relay that to anybody I ran into in the U.S. (a huge country with many differences in different states and regions). Seldom in my life have I heard Americans criticise Europeans. So they have no idea the hatred Europeans have for them - even though most Europeans know no Americans nor have they visited the U.S. except in such places as New York or Calif. where most Americans would say do not represent the vast majority of Americans politically or morally. I have invited every American I know to join Thai Visa to see what Europeans think of them and then decide if they want to spend their money in Europe. Sure, Europe can do without American tourists just as the U.S. can do without European tourists. I now live permanently in Phuket but, through the internet, continue to try to inform Americans what they are thought of by Europeans. My father was wounded and almost killed fighting in Europe and tens of thousands of American soldiers were killed and wounded badly and suffered the rest of their lives fighting in that war in which they thought they were helping their allies. Many Americans were isolationists (and I wish the country was isolationist today) and tried to stay out of the war but FDR was ready when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. He had been arming the British for more than a year. Had I been Pres. and had my way, I would have stayed out of the war and quickly established trade relations with Germany as soon as it was over.

    May I remind you that Churchill had to beg on his knees before the US SOLD him the weapons. The US SOLD the weapons NOT GIVE.

    The aiplanes for instance where dismantled and secretly smugled into Canada, because FDR did not want to upset the Germans. I don't know your age, but the older Europeans welcomed the GI's and adored them, but this did not last long. But that's another story, I don't like to shatter your dreams too much.

    And I guess you have no idea of the arrogance of your fellow countrymen when they are abroad. They think that the Yanks are god's gift to earth and act accordingly.

    PS did you ever ask what your Canadian neighbours think of the US? :)


    I lived thousands of miles south of Canada. The U.S. is a rather large country. Never saw are met a Canadian. Too hot for them down in Texas. Canada is pretty much a British colony anyway. And, you don't shatter any of my dream, I could give a S..t what any European thinks of me. Europeans have met many of the arrogant Americans from the Northeastern U.S. - quite different people from Texans and other Southerners. We fought a war against them and lost - most of them are of British extraction and are still haughty and arrogant just like their British cousins. I never visited Europe and never intend to visit. When people hate me, why spend my money in their country. I have been voting since 1968 and not one that I voted for President won. So what the U.S. Government does has nothing to do with me. We've got another great talker in there now who is controlled by the same elites that were around during WWII. FDR, like Eisenhower & Churchill hated the Germans and would do anything in their power to defeat and humiliate them & starved to death many in their camps and allowed the Communist Russians - FDR loved Stalin - to kill a few million Germans civilians.

    I am 62. My dad almost died helping nations where the people hate Americans. He was disabled for life but was one of the lucky ones that came back after giving their lives for France & England. A worthless cause I see looking backward. Canada? Give me a break! What is it famous for? Hockey?

    I have read many of your posts. And, someway you manage to get in a shot at the U.S. Just how powerful is your country? And can anybody actually find it on the map? I just hope I never run into you in Thailand. I don't normally argue politics b/c it only ends in name calling. And I try to judge people individually but have learned by reading Thai Visa that it is best to stay away from Europeans. And, I hope you choose to stay away from Americans. We will all be happier that way. Too much hate is good for no one.

  19. I joined Thai Visa appx. three years ago. One of the major reasons was to use it as yet another avenue to keep abreast of the news in Thailand, a country my wife was born in 55 years ago. Until then I had no idea of the strong hatred that (it seems) the vast majority of Europeans have for Americans. A few people I know have learned a little of that dislike on visits to England & France. As I learned the extent of that hatred reading the Thai Visa posts each day I have since tried to relay that to anybody I ran into in the U.S. (a huge country with many differences in different states and regions). Seldom in my life have I heard Americans criticise Europeans. So they have no idea the hatred Europeans have for them - even though most Europeans know no Americans nor have they visited the U.S. except in such places as New York or Calif. where most Americans would say do not represent the vast majority of Americans politically or morally. I have invited every American I know to join Thai Visa to see what Europeans think of them and then decide if they want to spend their money in Europe. Sure, Europe can do without American tourists just as the U.S. can do without European tourists. I now live permanently in Phuket but, through the internet, continue to try to inform Americans what they are thought of by Europeans. My father was wounded and almost killed fighting in Europe and tens of thousands of American soldiers were killed and wounded badly and suffered the rest of their lives fighting in that war in which they thought they were helping their allies. Many Americans were isolationists (and I wish the country was isolationist today) and tried to stay out of the war but FDR was ready when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. He had been arming the British for more than a year. Had I been Pres. and had my way, I would have stayed out of the war and quickly established trade relations with Germany as soon as it was over.

  20. For all you people who hate the U.S. so much. you probably aren't old enough to remember, but if the U.S. hadn't entered World War 2 when they did, you'd all be speaking German. I'm old enough to remember, I was there.

    Is all this anti-American bullshit you're spreading in any way related to the original post.....I don't think so,

    Without French involvement in the American independence war, you would be still be under British Crown. Well, that probably would have been an improvement for you anyway :). Most Americans cannot even pinpoint London on a map nowadays.

    Most Americans could pinpoint London on a map. But I doubt the 40% of Americans that are illegally in the country. They know little, nor care to know anything about the Western world. And, as for the others who "cannot even pinpoint London on a map nowadays" I think it shows just how for down the city and the nation has fallen rather than the ignorance of Americans. With all its colonies gone, England, has become a third rate power and an economic disaster because of its millions of non-English immigrants. The same has contributed greatly to bringing the U.S. down to its knees economically.

    If London ever was the center of the world, it certainly is not now.

  21. Who is guilty? Simply it is the USA and there agents who create such a mess by asking for weapons and Drugs and build up that way criminal organisations who then again have to be get rid of, so more Law Enforcement and more unjust laws are again created. What he is guilty of needs to be presented first. Funny by the way are the fact, that the biggest Arms dealer the USA is asking for his extradiction. Of course it was the government under the former Bush regime who was asking for it, while even fabricate it, like they did it all over the 8 years when Bush where in power. Hijacking people, tortur them in secret prisons all over the world, deny them any rights either guilty or not guilty. We should come to terms with reality that this US government was the most faschist one in Western History since WW2.

    And that one has created all the trouble and wars we are facing on a global scale.

    If he has dealed in Weapons has to be evidenced on the first hand, till now all of that is missing! So Thai Justice has made a decision which may be of importance in the future, to show there is justice available in Thailand! Maybe there is hope!

    Have the policies changed under Obama? The guy is a great talker. But what is he saying? If he were not beholden to the elites that, through their money (influence) he would not have been elected in the first place. He does as he is told just as Bush did.

  22. Congratulations to all the "anti-American" posters on this board. You should all be diplomats from your respective home countries.

    Do you REALLY think all the facts have been disclosed in this case ? Since you don't know what the hel_l you're talking about why don't you keep your phuckin mouth shut till you DO know the facts, and can make a fair judgement. They ought to call you "robin", you're all mouth and ass.

    For all you people who hate the U.S. so much. you probably aren't old enough to remember, but if the U.S. hadn't entered World War 2 when they did, you'd all be speaking German. I'm old enough to remember, I was there.

    Is all this anti-American bullshit you're spreading in any way related to the original post.....I don't think so,

    You don't even know our history and then trying to educate us what would have happened (...we would perhaps be speaking Russian, since they turned the eastern front).

    WW2 would have been won without the US, it only would have taken much longer time.

    Yes. World War II would have been won without the Americans. Germany would have won the war. Germany could have walked across both England & France in one week had not the Americans intervened from the west & got their allies the Russian Communists to squeeze Germany from the East. History shows that England & France begged the U.S. to intevene to save them from the Germans. Pres. Roosevelt, himself coming from English stock, was itching to join his allies the English at a time when many Americans were against intervening in wars in Europe. Until FDR, what is called "isolationism" was the rule in the U.S. passed down from the wise policies of Presidents Washington & Jefferson. Interventionism & policing the world have been U.S. policy ever since WWII. Personally I am against fighting wars and millions of American dying and wounded fighting for other countries (Israel) and in other foreign countries. Seems that the many Anti-Americans on Thai Visa paint all Americans as demons when Americans just like other countries do not necessarily support their government. The U.S. only has two political parties that are capable of ruling and there is not a dime's worth of difference. The military industrial complex is the strongest lobby group (paying off politicians and buying the office of the President of the U.S. The vast majority of Americans have no voice in the affairs of the Government. It is a rigged system.

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