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Posts posted by Grey11

  1. When I watched the attack on the opposition demonstrators by the soldiers, I recalled when the US National Guard General arrived in New Orleans with the National Guard soldiers after the hurricane disaster. The National Guard is usually is commanded in each of the states by the Govenors. By this time the Govenor had authorized the activation of the National Guard into the US Army.

    The soldiers came riding in on trucks with their weapons pointed outward.

    General Honore saw that immediately stopped the trucks and ordered the soldiers to point their guns at the ground and never again point them at an American. If they did they were told that they could face a courts martial (a military tiral). That was the sign of a General who knows that a national Army is to protect the country and its people, not to fight its people.

    Unfortunately what we saw yesterday was politicians who chose to order Thai soldiers to fire their guns at other Thai citizens.

    We also saw Thai military leaders who, unlike General Honore in New Orleans, ordered their subordinates to fire their weapons at other Thais. It was a disgraceful day for country of Thailand.

    Like comparing apples to oranges. The Army & National Guard were in New Orleans because of a natural disaster - hurricane - to help rescue & transport people & to stop the looting & crime. The people of New Orleans were not thousands strong pushing the soldiers back while throwing bottles, rocks, plastic bottles filled with water, long spear like sticks, etc. In fact the Reds were intimidating the soldiers trying to start a fight. They were damaging private & government property. In N.O. the looters ran as the military moved in. The people in N.O. were not looking for a fight trying to overthrow a government. The Red Shirts have threatened the PM - no person in N.O. threatened to kill the President of the U.S. - with bodily harm and even death. People in N.O. did not gather their own blood & slaughter a pig to mix its blood and throw it on public buildings and even at the feet of the soldiers. Had any person in N.O. tried to attack a member of the police or military they would have been shot dead. For one month the Reds have blocked roads, malls, restaurants, denying those who would use the facilities & the poor who work in those places of businesses. Do you think they are being paid while not being able to work? The international reputation of Thailand is forever soiled by the antics of Thaksin's personal army. Where is Thaksin? Flying around the world in his private jet & even visiting resorts in the Carribbean. Where are the leaders of the Red Shirts - the ones Thaksin pays the most - staying? Not on the streets with their troops but in nice air conditioned hotels. No country in the world would have allowed the taking over of government property and inciting violence by a mob? Certainly the police & Thai military who ran - often leaving their weapons for the Red Shirts to use against them - should be court martialed and fired from their jobs. What a bunch of cowards. I have never seen Police or the Military run. There is no comparison between N.O. & Bangkok

  2. Maybe he is keen to see Karadic in the Hague!

    I think seriously the reds will negotiate with him, just to rub salt into the wounds of whats left of the government. Army conspicuaously absent this morning.

    Why then wasn't Thaksin tried for genocide before the World Court when he had 2,500 "drug dealers" killed? The U.N investigation found that less than 200 were drug dealers. That is how Thaksin punished his business & political enemies in the north & northeast of Thailand which he controls - as we can still see by these paid protestors. Our maid across the street told my wife that "all of Nothern Thailand belongs to Kuhn Thaksin." How many people in the three southern most provinces did Thaksin have the army kill? 300? 500? I have heard higher numbers. PM Abhisit has taken an oath as PM to uphold law & order for the protection of ALL Thais. That includes those who are successful business people in Bangkok whom you seem to want eliminated permanently just as you want the overthrow & the death of PM Abhisit. When a group of people whose only purpose is to overthrow the government, by force if necessary (they have plenty of guns), and commit one of the most filthy, nasty, disgusting acts the world has ever seen - throwing blood - no country but Thailand would allow these terrorists to continue. These thugs need to be stopped by whatever means necessary. They want war, they want blood, they want the PM hanged, then let them fight & let the military take them down. BTW I have never seen such a weakness in a police force or military in my life. They would be brought up on charges and dismissed from any other military or police for in the world. Notice how the Red Shirt leaders stay in hotels while their minions sleep on the streets. Notice how thaksin flies around the world in his private jet enjoying himself. These Red Shirts are so ignorant they can't even see how they are being used. Oh, I forgot, they are being paid. The Reds came through Phuket here - & three store owners in our neighborhood told us about it - and offered them 500 baht per day plus free food & transportation to Bangkok. Well, they have ruined the economy and made Thailand look like a Banana Republic in the world's eyes. That's what Thaksin wanted. And now he is laughing about the weakness of the government to stop these neanderthal mob.

  3. Cretins.

    The Government has managed to find a few top cops that will obey its rules.

    The rank and file however are having second thoughts.

    Like the Italians in the last war, they are capable of more fight than this. Trouble is, the rank and file are mostly red, their families are mostly red.

    So much for the offer of talks. No more talks I say, starve the business community out now. All the yellow supporters backers are now loosing big money.

    Obama was so concerned yesterday with the Thais running round screaming "Terrorist" that he held a press conference.... and announce a mission to Mars!

    "yellow supporters backers are now loosing (losing) big money." Do you think the wealthy work in the hotels & restaurants doing the cooking, cleaning, etc.? It is the poor - that Red Shirt apologists claim are "fighting for Democracy - who are losing money. They don't work (can't b/c of the terrorist animalistic protestors), the don't get paid. These Reds working for the crooked fugitive Thaksin, are causing Thailand to lose face (look bad) all over the world & killing tourism. ALL Thais are hurt by these neanderthals trying to overthrow the government in order to bring the scumbag Thaksin back to power. I can't even call a person a human being who would throw human & pig's blood on government property, on the soldiers/police & on the PM's home. These Reds are terrorists and no other country in the world would allow protestors to commit the crimes they have committed. The Thai police & military couldn't whip a sack of cats. They are cowards & should be court martialed for not carrying out orders to disperse this mob of terrorists. Animals.

  4. Jesus man if you think Obama is a marxist you dont know nothing about politics beyond what facist fox news and the tea bags feed you. Obama in world terms is a complete moderate. There is nbothing socialist or marxist in US politcs. It is all well right to center

    Yep, there is a lot of political ignorance from right wing Americans. Probably explains why most of them in Thailand support the red shirt insurgents.

    The vast majority of uneducated Americans vote for all Democrat Party candidates. Certainly as a percentage fewer loyal voters for Democrat Party candidates have college/university degrees. Hate Republicans if you like - and I didn't vote for the Presidential candidates of either party for 42 years - but they are much more educated, better mannered & dress much better. And, the trash in the Hollywood movie industry vote 90% Democrat, just as the Blacks do. Jews & Mexicans only vote 78% to 84% respectively. There is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of Red Shirts would be voting for the Democrat candidates for all offices - local, state, & federal - if they were in the U.S.

  5. Now it is done. Time to arrest all of their leadership as soon as possible. They have declared war. Enough of the sham that they were EVER a non-violent movement.

    The Red Shirt leaders should be arresting for inciting to riot, terrorism, damaging government & private propery & many other reasons to arrest them for lawlessness. They are attempting to overthrow the government. Abhisit tried diplomacy. It doesn't work with these neanderthal Reds. All of Thailand is looking like a fool to the entire world. These mobs must be controlled. It is time for the military & police to do their jobs and quit letting these Red Shirt thugs push them around. The Reds tried to terrorize Parliament making them all look like cowardly fools climbing the fence in the back of the Parliament. At least one MP should have been brave enough to walk out the front door where the Reds had blockaded it and walked right into them. When one of the Red Shirt thugs attaked him the police would be forced to act. That scenario would have the Reds starting the fight - assaulting an MP. If Abhisit has no control over the military & the police it appears he will have to resign. Too bad because I don't think Thailand has ever had a PM that is so well educated, a man who has given peace a chance (for too long now) by attempting to talk to the Reds who do not want peace but war. Not acting against these lawbreakers is making Thailand look weak in the eyes of the world, not to mention the billions of dollars that will be - if not already - lost on tourism alone. The Reds are hurting the poor who work in the hotels, restaurants, as street vendors and keeping Thais from going to school and keeping the government & corporate offices closed. Even the girl that did gave my wife a pedicure said that the Reds had hit every shop along Chao Fah Rd. offering 500 baht per day to protest in Bkk. The buses are still leaving from Phuket. These Reds are keeping foreigners from buying homes are renting and keeping foreigners from retiring all over Thailand. We can't rent our house next door because foreigners see Thailand as unstable & dangerous. So, the Red Shirts are hurting the economy of Thailand in every area. It is time to use military force against these neanderthals. Thaksin has almost an unlimited supply of money to pay these protestors. Thaksin has been successful - through his Red Brigades - to destroy the economy & the reputation of Thailand. I am retired here so it affects me. So, even as a foreigner (though my wife is Thai & really upset about the Reds) I have a right to voice my opinion because this lawlessness affects the both of us.

  6. I just saw a report that there are not many people in Ratchaprasong this morning. It sort of makes sense, as there is another aspect here of the reds shooting themselves in the foot.

    Many of the reds on the street are paid to be there. I know they came through my soi asking for people to sign up for 500 baht/day last weekend, although nobody here admits to signing up. Once things reach a certain point, such as being arrested and facing a year in prison, the recruits that are paid by the reds will begin to wonder whether all this is really worth 500-1000 baht/day. Suddenly, it all becomes much less of a party and some easy money.

    Just curious, bubba, since you have been here a long time, what is this issue about the demonstrators being paid? A lot of others in these forums have ranted about them being paid. Wouldn't you think that if money is their motivation, the PM would be smart enough to just pay them to go home and expose their lack of allegiance?

    It's a good thing that most of the Red Shirts are being paid because as they have managed to kill some 50% of tourism to Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, & Phuket, there daughters working in the hotels, restaurants, & bars will less money to send home to their families in Isaan. So, yes, these ignorant people have shot themselves in the both feet so many times one cannot even count it. The PM and the government have to spend the money on cleaning up the filth these neanderthals have littered all of Bangkok with - I doubt there is anything left to pay them. And, yes, most of these people will take money from anybody. But, their blind love for the fugitive convict Thaksin drives them blindly on.

  7. First April or not, propaganda or not. Still there should be a law about spreading infectiousness diseases like those, as many said before in this thread there are high probability of blood borne diseases and in many westerner countries laws, it is illegal to intentionally throw blood at someone or something. So not defending any color, this act and the act of attacking a military facility should have made a clear point to the government to take some serious measure. Back at home I would have had a warning shot first if I entered a military facility without any authorization and the second shot I wouldn't be able to run from.

    Perhaps some of you Red Shirt (Thaksin lovers) apologists on TV can tell all of us what country in the world would have allowed attacks on a military facility without taking action at least against the leaders? The Red Shirts will continue to push - lawless acts and lawless tactics - until they are finally stopped by the Government whether it be police or the military. Something has to be done. They are killing the economy of Thailand & don't give a dam-n. They don't want peace, they want war. Give it to them!

    Strangely the thai SET (stockmarket ) has soared during the protetsts. This suggests the oposite to destroying the economy

    Thousands of tourists have canceled their hotel rooms in Bangkok. You can choose to believe it or not but it was published in both the Bangkok Post & the Phuket Gazette. That is hurting everybody including the poor who work in the kitchens & other parts of hotels. Every shop close to the hotels where guests spend their money are losing money. The airport fiasco by the Yellow Shirts hurt the economy also. Hundreds if not thousands of tourist packages from China & South Korea have been canceled. Many were coming for Songkran. Around 40 nations have issued warnings to their citizens about visiting Thailand. The most severe warnings are 4s & 5s. Those what China & S.Korea have issued. And,

    certainly many who were thinking of visiting Thailand - at least the tourist companies - remember the tens of thousands stranded at the Phuket & Bangkok airports and think that the Red Shirts might do the same thing as the Yellow Shirts did. Both the Yellow Shirts & Red Shirts are responsible for killing tourism in Thailand. Right now it is the Red Shirts. I have no love for either. I am retired in Thailand and know from friends in the U.S. how these Red Shirts marches have severly hurt the reputation of Thailand all around the world. One prominent builder in Phuket said that even if the demonstrations can be stopped in the very near future, it will take at least two years for Thailand to recover.

    I think any business person - especially of large corporations - will tell you that the continued unstableness of the Thai government is doing harm to the overall economy. The Central Bank in all countries set the monetary policy and the baht is strong because the CB wants it high in order to take advantage of exports. The Thai Baht is highly overvalued.

  8. When and where were these samples collected? As we've all seen on TV, the blood was quickly cleaned up in front of the government house and in front of Abhisit's house by cleaning crews. I didn't see any of them taking samples. Not saying there weren't any diseases in the blood, because obviously when you take samples from nearly 100,000 people, you'll find some diseases. I doubt anyone expected the opposite.

    Blood was taken from not more than 20,000 people the rest was taken from pigs & cattle. Some of the animal blood was most likely mixed with cheap Thai whisky to drink. Many in rural areas of Southeast Asia drink this concoction.

  9. First April or not, propaganda or not. Still there should be a law about spreading infectiousness diseases like those, as many said before in this thread there are high probability of blood borne diseases and in many westerner countries laws, it is illegal to intentionally throw blood at someone or something. So not defending any color, this act and the act of attacking a military facility should have made a clear point to the government to take some serious measure. Back at home I would have had a warning shot first if I entered a military facility without any authorization and the second shot I wouldn't be able to run from.

    Perhaps some of you Red Shirt (Thaksin lovers) apologists on TV can tell all of us what country in the world would have allowed attacks on a military facility without taking action at least against the leaders? The Red Shirts will continue to push - lawless acts and lawless tactics - until they are finally stopped by the Government whether it be police or the military. Something has to be done. They are killing the economy of Thailand & don't give a dam-n. They don't want peace, they want war. Give it to them!

  10. Hardly news - if you take blood from a large random number of people then this result is inevitable. Good scaremongering tactics from the government but that is about it - any intelligent person knows that blood carries risk

    Those Red Shirts acted like animals. Throwing the blood on government property and even on the feet of the soldiers was the most sickening thing I have ever seen in my life. With that many people coming to Bangkok from where they are from you know they knew there was a lot of tainted blood - HIV/AIDS & Hepatitus. Would have been good to charge the leaders with attempted murder as trying to contaminate people with the AIDS virus fits such a crime in many countries even putting aside the Red Shirts trying to overthrow the government - leaders should have been arrested for terrorism - on Thaksin's orders. Plus Thaksin & these Red Shirt leaders are definitely out to have the PM assassinated. There are so many charges these Red Shirt leaders should and could be arrested on. Inciting a riot is another. God those people are so sickening - human, cattle & pig's blood. Wonder how horrible a death the pigs died at the hands of those brutal and ignorant people?! They are ruining Thailand. Thaksin loves it and they love him!

    The Government has a right to and should publish the results of the blood thrown all over the gates and sidewalks of government and goverment official's residences. That is part of their job.

  11. Don't drink.

    Don't care!

    The world needs more priests, preachers & monks. You seem to be qualified. Then you can drink and nobody will know it AND you won't have to post your self-righteousness on TV. As for me, I drink AND smoke cigars. I guess you would love to tax me also. Seems those who don't drink or smoke can't let it go at that, they want everybody that does not do as they do to be taxed. Their is enough corruption in this country without lining the pockets of the politicians, police, etc. even more.

  12. Hooray for the reds! At last some hope for the poor people in Thailand.


    Yeah, right. bring back the fugitive Thaksin to govern. If their hope is to bring down the government by whatever means necessary - and I believe that to be their objective - it will not work with a savvy PM like Abhisit sitting at the head of the government. Abhisit is western educated and any farang that was here when Thaksin was in power should know that Abhisit doesn't hate farangs & the west like Thaksin did/does. Thailand is very lucky to have such an educated, cool headed PM as Abhisit. The poor is Thailand will always be the majority just as they are in just about every non-Western country in the world. My wife's Bangkok educated brother lives in Maha Sarrakham and has lived there so long that he has lost his ability to think and reason and is backing the Reds. So even families are split over this. The Thaksin Reds are dividing the country and turning Thai against Thai and you can bet that the majority of Reds - just as their leader Thaksin - that we farangs get out of Thailand. We may never visit her brother again or travel to Isaan for that matter. They are stirred up and are willing to argue and fight with anyone. So she chooses for us not to visit him this year.

  13. I reckon that if I was a Muslim Extremist in southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula and my goal was secession from Thailand and the Islamification if SE Asia I would have been stashing explosives around Bangkok for the last 6 months just waiting for a moment like this. To incite civil war amongst the Buddhist ruling elite and country folk would be an ideal way to push their agenda for separation and to bring the southern population over to their way of thinking. I'm not saying this is the case but it seems that a lot of munitions and arms have gone "missing" from southern barracks over the last few years and not a lot of people are really talking about the possibility of a "third force"....

    IMO most “country folk” are better Buddhists and better people than most “Buddhist ruling elite”.

    It is good that the country folk are "better people"- as you say - as the vast majority of them seem to be lacking intelligence. My sympathies also that your wife wants to waste her time rallying for Thaksin in Bangkok. I hope it is very hot.

  14. Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

    Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

    So are you saying that the Thai Government is bombing government buildings? The government is not trying to overthrow itself. It is Thaksin and his Red Shirts that are trying to overthrow the goverment. Prime Minister Abhisit was very calm, cool and collected against the Reds. No other country in the world would have allowed protestors to throw blood on government property and at the feet of soldiers without reacting violently against an act that was clearly done to provoke violence. There needs to be security measures taken to protect the government's property and the people from Thaksin's Red Shirts that will not give up as long as Thaksin calls for the violent overthrown of the present government. The Reds lost. They made themselves and Thailand look like a Third World country throughout the world. Tourism was further harmed and many poor earn their wages working for hotels - thousands of rooms cancelled just in Bkk. Yeah, the Reds really helped Thailand's economy and standing in the world didn't they?!

  15. isn't there a any consideration being taken here that this kind of behavior is, or should be, somewhat embarrassing to the country? Throwing feces, bags of urine, spilling blood, "priests" kneeling in the blood and sticking his hands in it, the single symbolic stick of incense, enough is enough! Sanctions to whatever country houses this terrorist coward that has never lived the life of luxury and only wears one 1 million baht watch at a time. Why is this still going on? Let's get it over with, all it takes is one person, no taking on mobs. Hand him over. :) simplicity has it's place, but does it here?

    Well said.

  16. Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

    Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.



    How dare the RED shirts make a FAHRANG lose more than 100,000 baht?????????


    I will tell the nearest redshirt encounter that you want your go-go dancers from Issaan back immediatly and they should visit your go-go bar to cover the losses.

    you are one He-l of a sympathetic nice guy coalminer. These stupid Reds are killing Thailand. It affects everybody, not just farangs. Many of the Issan girls are sent to work in the bars by their families. Maybe they can see where their daughters work while they are here roaming the streets like a pack of mangy soi dogs.

  17. Great the Thai economy hasn't lost enough money in this latest round of the "hilbillies visiting town". Next time the relatives ask for money I tell them to call on Thaksin as mybusiness has lost over a 100.000 baht already and I cannot afford to sponsor supporters of the person whom is negatively affecting my income.

    Maybe time to vent my anger on the nearest redshirt I encounter.


    Is it really necessary to insult people. Surely you must be capable to express you unhappiness in a civil tongue.

    Please try it. People will respond in a like manner.

    I didn't find the original poster's tone insulting at all but your condescending one certainly is, Miss Manners. :) How about some sympathy for someone whose business has been hurt by this fiasco?

    I agree. These people (Reds) are not on hurting businesses with employees but also helping to kill the tourism in Bangkok causing hardships on many honest, hardworking people. The are selfish & shameless. Like Thaksin, they are killing Thailand.

  18. to win a class war first requires a working class hero.

    John Lennon - Working Class Hero

    As soon as your born they make you feel small,

    By giving you no time instead of it all,

    Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,

    They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,

    Till you're so fuc_king crazy you can't follow their rules,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,

    Then they expect you to pick a career,

    When you can't really function you're so full of fear,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,

    And you think you're so clever and classless and free,

    But you're still fuc_king peasents as far as I can see,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    There's room at the top they are telling you still,

    But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,

    If you want to be like the folks on the hill,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    A working class hero is something to be.

    If you want to be a hero well just follow me,

    If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

    I'm a little slow. Can someone tell me the point of this post? I'm not getting it.

    I don't get it either. Sounds like Yoko helped him write it. Lennon did believe in class warfare however, though a very wealthy man.

  19. to win a class war first requires a working class hero.

    John Lennon - Working Class Hero

    As soon as your born they make you feel small,

    By giving you no time instead of it all,

    Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,

    They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,

    Till you're so fuc_king crazy you can't follow their rules,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,

    Then they expect you to pick a career,

    When you can't really function you're so full of fear,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,

    And you think you're so clever and classless and free,

    But you're still fuc_king peasents as far as I can see,

    A working class hero is something to be,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    There's room at the top they are telling you still,

    But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,

    If you want to be like the folks on the hill,

    A working class hero is something to be.

    A working class hero is something to be.

    If you want to be a hero well just follow me,

    If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

    I'm a little slow. Can someone tell me the point of this post? I'm not getting it.

  20. On an earlier thread when mentioning PM Abhisit Vejjajiva's degrees earned in England, I mentioned that he received a doctorate law degree or maybe I just said a law degree from Eton College, UK. I don't know who posted the following reply as I was unable to reply to it. I quote:

    "He received his law degree from Eton!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a boys school they finish when they are 18, they don't do degrees because they are not a University. Christ on a bike! You must be an American.

    Yes, I am an American living in Thailand. The poster's words seem to be telling me that I am ignorant because I am an American. This seems to be a majority belief among the vast majority of TV posters from the UK. It may surprise the poster that only a handful of people in the world - outside of the so-called "UK" - cannot name more than one university in England much less a prep school.

    But, I am smart enough to type in Abhisit Vejjajiva in google or yahoo and read his biography. All that I have read mention that he received a law degree or an honorary law degree from Ramkhamhaeng Univ. schools, Eton College, UK. So I assumed that Eton was a college or university. It seemed to read that way to me. I often wonder why so many people on TV engage in personal attacks on others who are simply voicing their opinions. Calling other posters ignorant & worse for posting their comments is rude to say the least. And, I guess attacking the U.S.A. (or what many call America) and all of its citizens really gets old. It is a country of more than 300 million people and certainly they do not ALL think alike. I left because of several political reasons but I still think that the average American is and always will be first in line to help the people of any country in the world if it and its people experience a castastrophe. Always the U.S. will be the country that gives the most money. So hating all the people b/c of the sorry lot that are elected Pres. is just plain wrong.

  21. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

    The first real deal for Thaksin was the Israeli brand of radios for the military and police. So is he not connected to each of them? :)

    Thaksin had a criminal justice degree from Sam Houston State Univ. in Huntsville, Texas. He was in the Bangkok Police Dept. as a pretty high up. My point was that Abhisit came into office with no ties to the police or military and that is very unusual for a Thai PM. Thaksin was friends with and made money from the Burmese Generals, Cambodians, Chinese, Singaporians, etc.

  22. As a mere Farang worker in this country I am told to shut my mouth and if I don't like it - leave.

    I am harassed by all levels of Govt employees at Immigration regarding continuing renewal of my Visa.

    I go to my bank and they do not have sufficient cash to meet a withdrawal slip and now I make phone calls in advance so they can meet it.

    I cannot own a house but can own a condo provided the majority in the building is owned by Thais but where to put two kids and a wife in a Condo?

    I cannot send money to my offshore requirements to meet credit card payments without providing a statement and proof of who I am even when I have a local bank account.

    Banks won't lend me money as a medium income earner so I cannot expand my business - I simply have to pay cash

    I employ 4 permanents and look after my staff. I employ 100 at a time on contract - yet I am looked upon as elite or with ATM stamped on my forehead

    I have a Thai family and le-kreung kids but cannot get PR without paying for the privilege yet all are dependents on my ability to support them

    And now I have to put up with rabble who are being manipulated by a convicted criminal who 'was' part of the elite they so badly oppose, who are all but stopping my possible income to my business as I only deal with international clients bringing money into Thailand, who are being warned by Embassies and bloated media reports that Thailand is not safe...

    From me, my family and kids, wake up Thailand. Look at what you have and work to improve it. Complaints and protests manipulated by power brokers who care nothing about you, democracy and have greed as their motivational factor, are destroying Thailand in the eyes of the world and if you don't care, try being a foreigner living in another country and see how this rubbish affects you as right now I have to play by your rules and whilst I can't change them - I sure as hel_l can have my say!

    Excellent. My wife is also Thai and we have been going through similar hel_l for the last 7 months. I also believe since we spend our money here - provides jobs - we also have a say. There are very few places other than Thai Visa where we can voice our opinions. The Red Shirts have been making everything harder on most all Thais including farangs. Certainly many farangs on TV will say: "Get the hel_l out of Thailand and go home if you don't like it!" Well, I'm not leaving. So have your say. I just had mine.

  23. they must be taking a leaf out gordon brown/labours book in the uk,who have declared a class more against the conservation public school boys party who are out for the upper classes first and foremost..

    pretty similar to here

    and the conservative and dem leaders both went to eton

    I hope David Cameron wins the next UK election. It will mean good ties between the UK and Thailand. Eton has produced some really great leaders and I think Khun Abhisit, given the chance will do a lot for this country.

    Abhisit went to Oxford.... he went to school in Thailand...

    The PM, Abhisit earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford Univ. He received his master's degree in Economics from Oxford Univ., He received his Law degree from Eton, all in England. Both his father & mother are M.D.'s PM Abhisit was born in Newcastle, England, in 1964. He graduated with honors while receiving all of his degrees. Thailand is lucky to have such a well-educated man as its PM. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

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