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Posts posted by Grey11

  1. Budweiser (Anheuser-Busch) coming to Thailand.... India or Malaysia brews it locally ... cant remember which...

    Thank god.. American beer is almost here..

    This Buds for you!!

    Yes, there are downsides to everything!

    Looking forward to having more variety anyway, though I definitely won't be drinking that American pish...

    Well they can always send the stuff from Europe here as that was the original Budweiser and it tastes GOOD. To my taste in America there isn't any good beer...

    What is Budwieser if it's American then it can't be good. Keep it out of asia and specifically thailand because Americans have stuffed tis country enough already

    Can't you just picture it.......

    2 American tourists roaming the streets of Thailand with thier cameras dropped on thier necks wearing those silly hats.

    The husband say's to the wife OMG HONEY would you look at that a KFC, you have to take my pic outside of that and look a McDonalds and Burger king keep the camera rolling what a great country so much tradition why didn't we come here sooner.

    Hey Honey pop in there and grab me a budwieser will ya. What? They dont have Budwierser? What a filthy hillbilly place this thailand is nothing like home. I Think Obama should bomb the shit out of it and rebuild just like home so we can come back and enjoy the culture.

    Man, that's a lot of hate.

  2. Nothing like a new influx of beer to bring out all the intellectuals. No matter what you like, others will think its awful...no matter what they drink, you will think it's awful.

    Never saw a discussion about beer that did not have the same format.... :D Question,....who really gives a shit....it's just beer....you know... water with a bit of malt and hops...and your own particular sense of taste...or lack of......... :)

    Spoken like a true wine drinker. :D


    Beer drinkers are not all uneducated idiots.

  3. Too bad Corona isn't made in ASEAN. Be nice to see cheaper San Miguel and Beer Lao around though...

    Corona, Coors, Budweiser & Miller have cornered the market on advertising in the U.S.. so their brands are stocked at all Supermarkets. Corona, like Coors tastes like water. But they are drinkable. I have drunk plenty when someone gave me one - I just wouldn't spend my money buying it myself. But, Beer Lao, Tiger & Kirin are the only decent Asian beers I have ever drunk. Singha, Leo & Chang taste like crap - very bitter. I hope the price of Heineken will go down a little. Until then I can afford to drink Tiger, which I can only find in the big Supermarkets - Big C & Tesco - where I hate to shop sending my money back to Europe.

  4. Why don't they just put a bounty on his head? .. 50,000,000 Baht?

    .. surely some Arnold, Sean, Sylvester, Jean Claude type out there could drag him in squealing. He's in a great spot (Cambo) ... could smuggle him in overland .. or maybe if they managed to man handle him all the way to the Thai border .... would the Border officials co-operate and let them bring him in?

    Typical cowboy mindset! Hey, grow up! This is the 21st century!You have been on a diet of too many Westerns!

    Israel continues to assassinate its enemies all over the world. Calling an Israeli a "cowboy?!" what a laugh. No horses on Wall St., the rest of NYC or Washington,

    D.C. Certainly no Israeli is a "cowboy" are ever been close to the Wild West except producing the films in Hollywood. I go with Israel on this one - hire a sniper to go into Cambodia and take care of this egotistical maniac once and for all. And, 21st centrury or not there are assassinations all around the world!

  5. The only mistake the present government is making is not throwing a few more crumbs - wouldn't take much to outdo Thaksin - to the farmers in Isaan. It doesn't take much to get their votes. Pay the leaders of each village, pass out a few baht to each person in line to vote,, and the legend of "helping the poor" that Thaksin has created would disappear.

    Isn't this what they accused Thaksin and Thai Rak Thai, Puea Thai and Thaksin's other parties of? Vote buying?

    Oh, right. If Thaksin does it, it's bad. If Abhisit does it, it's democracy. My bad!

    That's just the way it is done. It is more subtle in Western countries. I think Thaksin, being a billionaire, had more money to pass out in all of northern Thailand. Like Obama, thaksin talked a good game and made big promises. Thaksin delivered on some of his - throw a few crumbs toward the rural poor and you've got their votes. So Thaksin and Obama are a lot alike. Only Thaksin didn't get a Pulitizer Prize after being in office 7 months. People need hope and a good talker gives them that. Name me a country where you do not think there is vote buying. Nixon lost Chicago and the 1960 presidential election by the Kennedy campaign giving big money to the city of Chicago and Mayor Dailey. The many "dead" voters who voted for Kennedy pushed Illinois into the Kennedy camp and therefore the election - electoral votes. Nixon, rather than challenge the voter fraud in court was promised that his time would come after 8 years of Democrat Presidents. In 1968 when LBJ decided not to run for re-election, Nixon won the presidency. In 1948 Lyndon Johnson, successor to Kennedy, was elected U.S. Senator from Texas over Governor Coke Stevenson when 187 votes came in a few days after the election ended from a county on the Texas-Mexico border. Strange thing was all 187 were discovered to be deceased. Stevenson stepped aside and "Landslide Lyndon" Baines Johnson became President after Kennedy was assassianted and was re-elected in 1964. Judge Parr totally controlled - I think it was Starr County - the vote in the county and was a personal friend of LBJ. There are many ways that votes are bought.

  6. With most countries considering the FM a terrorist for his involvement in the airport takeover and their lack of respect for the coup, I doubt any will be willing to assist the present Thai government in its witchhunts.

    "Witchhunt?!" Thaksin is an international criminal. He was never even charged for failing to pay his taxes when he sold Shin Corp. to the current dictator of Singapore, a fellow Chinese. As long as Thaksin is alive or brought to Thailand to spend time in prison for his crimes, he will continue to try all in his power - and the guy is a billionaire - to ruin Thailand for foreign business. He doesn't give a dam_n about the people of Thailand - only himself. Outlaw Governments ruled by Khmer Rouge murderers like those in Cambodia will never extradite him. How much money did he escape Thailand with and is now jet setting around the world putting down Thailand. Any person who takes the side of Thaksin is a person who supports graft and theft. So he through a few crumbs to the uneducated peasants in Isaan. Thaksin is cunning. The only mistake the present government is making is not throwing a few more crumbs - wouldn't take much to outdo Thaksin - to the farmers in Isaan. It doesn't take much to get their votes. Pay the leaders of each village, pass out a few baht to each person in line to vote,, and the legend of "helping the poor" that Thaksin has created would disappear.

    "threw" should have read my reply before sending it.

  7. With most countries considering the FM a terrorist for his involvement in the airport takeover and their lack of respect for the coup, I doubt any will be willing to assist the present Thai government in its witchhunts.

    "Witchhunt?!" Thaksin is an international criminal. He was never even charged for failing to pay his taxes when he sold Shin Corp. to the current dictator of Singapore, a fellow Chinese. As long as Thaksin is alive or brought to Thailand to spend time in prison for his crimes, he will continue to try all in his power - and the guy is a billionaire - to ruin Thailand for foreign business. He doesn't give a dam_n about the people of Thailand - only himself. Outlaw Governments ruled by Khmer Rouge murderers like those in Cambodia will never extradite him. How much money did he escape Thailand with and is now jet setting around the world putting down Thailand. Any person who takes the side of Thaksin is a person who supports graft and theft. So he through a few crumbs to the uneducated peasants in Isaan. Thaksin is cunning. The only mistake the present government is making is not throwing a few more crumbs - wouldn't take much to outdo Thaksin - to the farmers in Isaan. It doesn't take much to get their votes. Pay the leaders of each village, pass out a few baht to each person in line to vote,, and the legend of "helping the poor" that Thaksin has created would disappear.

  8. the government would take care of those affected and would assign a team of senior officials to travel to the region next week.

    All the folks sitting on their roof will be thrilled to head that the officials will be coming "next week" to help them.......

    Good comment vicco.

    My thoughts to all the people in stress. Good stuff from the King and Queen, the government maybe can learn from this but I doubt it. :)

    Where does the money come from that the Royal family has distributed in the South?

  9. Does anyone know if the laws of Thailand, the constitution, would allow or permit having a bounty put on the head of a convicted felon and bail jumper?

    If allowed, it may be time to put forth such a bounty. Take the money from Tacky's 2 billion on hold.

    Maybe something like 5 Million US....

    You wouldn't have to bring him all back,,,,,, as the bounty would be on the head.

    Sure would make for an interesting life for Mr. Thaksin.....

    Probably could make a good case for inciting riots, and/or insurection too.

    Excellent idea! The old Khmer Rouge humanitarian Hun Sen might actually capture Thaksin or do to him what he and his comrades did to nearly 3 million Cambodians.

  10. Well if you can't buy booze at a supermarket between 2:00pm and 5:00pm (for whatever reason) then tack that on the 2:00am and problem solved. If people wish to spend money drinking themselves into oblivion from 2:00am on so be it. Straight economics - supply and demand. If they don't drink the bars will close anyway.

    As already said - people come here for holidays and if that reflects being outrageous or simply going somewhere to pass time with a few drinks - let the demand dictate it. If the country is blind to demand and tourism, then som num na. :)

    For grownups - those over 18 or 21 - to not be allowed to buy beer (or any product containing alcohol) between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. has got to be the most stupid law in any country in the world. Is this also a remnant of the Thaksin regime? How about a giant blur over a person's face on TV when he/she lifts a lighted cigarette or cigar to their face? With all of the corruption around us, closing bars and the two aforementioned crimes have got to take the cake.

  11. So, when will Thaksin be promoted to "Doctor Honoris Causa in Economics at an University?

    At least, Thaiksin didn't need the help of a few anarchists like Sondhi to hold into ransom a Government House and 2 National Airports to become Prime Minister like Absint.

    Thaksin, the people of Issan loves you.

    The present government is missing the boat by not throwing the peasants of Isaan a few crumbs like Thaksin did. They think he was a savior. For some reason as poor as the vast majority of the people in Isaan are, it didn't concern them that the billionaire Thaksin refused to pay taxes when he sold Shin Corp to the dictator Lee of Singapore - a fellow Chinese. Thaksin hobnobbed with the Communist Chinese officials in China and now is big buddies with a Khmer Rouge butcher. Still, the people of Isaan love the man who sides with Cambodia. The closer Thaksin gets to Thailand the more trouble his Red Shirts will cause. Thaksin is willing to make certain that the world think that Thailand is unstable, thus losing Thailand and its people many corporations and businesses. He cares about himself, no one else. As a Westerner living in Thailand, I remember the hatred Thaksin had for us Western farangs. Did not His Majesty the King have a meeting with Thaksin because of Thaksin's inflammatory anti-Western statements? How soon farangs living in Thailand forget that if Thaksin had had his way, every one of us would have been kicked out of Thailand?

  12. Cambodian political forces have played off Thai forces and Vietnamese forces against internal forces for centuries. They are masters of intrigue and betrayal. Pol Pot purged the majority of his closest aides over the years without blinking an eye. Hun Sen would also have no scruples about purging Thaksin once he was no longer needed or perceived as a nuisance or threat. At the same time, I hate to think about what kind of economic advise Thaksin is likely to hand out. To expats living in Thailand he is best remembered for closing down the foreigners' favourite entertainment venues and hours of operation and making it increasingly difficult to live in the Kingdom unless you could afford to buy a condo and spend your days golfing at the various private clubs that popped up around that time.

    I was wondering when someone would bring up Thaksin's efforts to purge Thailand of farangs from Australia, NZ, SA, Canada, the U.S. & Europe. Thaksin hate anyone who was White. If he were still in power it would be very difficult for any of us to live in Thailand. I'm sure he would invite all the Chinese that had any money to settle here. Was it Thaksin that put in this stupid law - surely the most stupid law in place of any country in the world - that alcohol cannot be purchased between the evening hours of 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.? That and censoring on TV a person putting a cigarette to their mouthes. I was in Pattaya when he was overthrown in 2006. That was one of the happiest days of my life. A man that hates me simply because of my skin color, I have no use for. To those farangs who praise that crook, look back and remember just how much he hated you and wanted you out of Thailand.

  13. How much does a good rank cost?

    I was wondering the same thing. I was in Las Vegas a month ago. A value lunch or breakfast $25.00, dinner $35.00. Go a little upscale and dinner will cost $60.00-$75.00.

    Plan ahead, and LV can be very cheap. During the week, you can get rooms at a major strip hotel for $40-60/night. Stay some place like Circus Circus, and they'll have rooms in the $30 range.

    There's good buffets for $10-15 for dinner. And if you go off strip you can find some for even less than that, not to mention steak and eggs for $6. Drinks are free as long as you're playing (And penny slots can make $10 last a long time).

    If you like to gamble you'll be comped rooms/food pretty easily, and discounts can be found for the big shows.

    Airfare to LV tends to be dirt cheap, with lots of flights to/from.

    Don't take the Taxi to your hotel, use a shuttle bus ($7).

    Las Vegas is a lot like Bangkok, if you want to pay a lot and live like a big roller you can, but there's plenty of bargains for those who don't need the best.

    Sounds like the life of a backpacker. I have been to Las Vegas twice and felt like a damned fool both times giving all my money to the Mafia. Americans are familiar with Hot Cakes & Sausages from McDonald's. In LV if you want more than one syrup it will cost you an extra 10 cents! I have stayed at the Mirage & the MGM and for days played and walked through the casinos. I saw ONE Person Win! One person! In the Mirage there were 5 restaurants. The menus are on the wall outside the restaurants. Not one meal cheaper than $30! Sure you can get a taxi and go to the so-called "cheap" old town and get a buffet for $20. But the food is terrible. It has no taste. The spices used are salt & pepper. The noise is unbelievable. The sidewalks are jammed with hundreds if not thousands of people shoulder to shoulder. If you want to get nothing and give your money to the gangsters that run the place, go ahead be a fool! I still feel like a fool for taking my wife there for our 25th wedding anniversary. After we got home she said she would rather go anywhere other than Mexico. We could have gone to beautiful places like Charleston, S.C., Savannah, Ga., etc. But, no we went to that rip off of rip offs Las Vegas!

    If you are fool enough, give it a try and see if you agree with the above poster. Hang on to your wallet! Oh, yeah, if you want to go to one of the "shows" get ready to shell out close to $100 each for a ticket. If you want to get in the hotels pools, you can't even turn around. I wonder how filthy that water is. My wife wouldn't even get in it.

  14. The Lonely Planet also stated : "The top 10 countries overall for travellers were El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Portugal, Suriname and the United States. " and "South Africa, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Kenya and Las Vegas in Nevada rounded out the top 10, said the British-based company in its "Best In Travel 2010" guide."

    How they could claim that El Salvador, South Africa and Thailand are good tourist destinations? They must be basing their opinion on cost only, with little or no priority given to the safety of the tourist. All three countries posed serious threats to toursists.

    What about India? Name me a dirtier country in the world. Kenya, Mexico & South Africa have huge crime rates. I think South Africa leads the world percentage wise in murders, rapes & HIV. I've known businessmen from the U.S. who were forced to go to India as the U.S. ships most of its jobs overseas and many to India thinking they can speak English and who have lost quite a bit of weight because they would not - under any circumstances - eat the food. Kenya, the birthplace of Barack Obama, is not so safe. Thailand is, for the most part clean, the food is clean and good and decent hotels are affordable. If they were not cheap skapes like the Koreans, Japanese, & Koreans wouldn't be flocking here. I have never heard a non-Indian in the U.S. say, "we are saving for a vacation in India." Mexico, man, you want to talk about murder!

    Meant to say "Chinese" instead of Koreans twice. These countries know a good deal when they see one. And, many people in the world like warm weather. They can swim in the ocean instead of just looking at the beautiful water. Many people from freezing and cold countries flock to Thailand for the weather and certainly the Thai people are much friendlier than are Europeans.

  15. The Lonely Planet also stated : "The top 10 countries overall for travellers were El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Malaysia, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Portugal, Suriname and the United States. " and "South Africa, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Kenya and Las Vegas in Nevada rounded out the top 10, said the British-based company in its "Best In Travel 2010" guide."

    How they could claim that El Salvador, South Africa and Thailand are good tourist destinations? They must be basing their opinion on cost only, with little or no priority given to the safety of the tourist. All three countries posed serious threats to toursists.

    What about India? Name me a dirtier country in the world. Kenya, Mexico & South Africa have huge crime rates. I think South Africa leads the world percentage wise in murders, rapes & HIV. I've known businessmen from the U.S. who were forced to go to India as the U.S. ships most of its jobs overseas and many to India thinking they can speak English and who have lost quite a bit of weight because they would not - under any circumstances - eat the food. Kenya, the birthplace of Barack Obama, is not so safe. Thailand is, for the most part clean, the food is clean and good and decent hotels are affordable. If they were not cheap skapes like the Koreans, Japanese, & Koreans wouldn't be flocking here. I have never heard a non-Indian in the U.S. say, "we are saving for a vacation in India." Mexico, man, you want to talk about murder!

  16. How did Vegas rate? Easier to get mugged? Easier to be ripped off and taxis that you hand your wallet to and say keep the change! Hotels that are way way over priced if you are not a gambler and police and ambulance sirens and guns shots 24/7. Value for money? Try buying any suit at your local tailor there for under 1,000? :) Yep - LP were doing these reports off internet blogs! :D

    Certainly Las Vegas ranks right there with NYC as the two most expensive ripoffs in the U.S.

  17. Watch this space for the flood of anti-pharmaceutical ranting and claims of "It's all hype;" swine flu is not dangerous etc. etc.

    Just another way for pharmaceutical companies, medical doctors & hospitals to make millions of dollars. If you are younger than 8 or below 65, you don't need these flu shots.

    I am sure it's a typo, but wouldn't someone younger than 8 be below 65? Perhaps its just my eyes, please carry on.

    Perhaps old chap I meant to give a range of between the ages of 8 and 65 very few people have had the flu nor died. It wasn't a typo. It was a screw up. :) And, by the way, I am no expert on the subject but have read many articles pro and con and have come to a conclusion of my own. If I were an MD, a stockholder or an employee of one of the pharmaceutical companies you can bet I would be pushing for everyone on the face of the earth to get a shot immediately.

  18. Watch this space for the flood of anti-pharmaceutical ranting and claims of "It's all hype;" swine flu is not dangerous etc. etc.

    No ranting but maybe you could post some examples where it is proven that it is more serious then the common flu.

    I'll let you do your own homework. 1) The common flu is serious. and 2) When it first started in Mexico and the US swine flu was killing healthy people in their prime, unusual for an influenza. Everything we see here (all the press releases from various government and the WHO) are just cautionary and preventative. As every flu does, it will continue to mutate, combine with other flues. There is a very good possibility it could become more dangerous again.

    that bad is it. then we should all have shots :)

    This thread isn't about shots or vaccine. It's about flu treatment. Same as Tamiflu. See where is says "capsules"?

    The flu had its origins in Mexico. It has been traced to the exact town and the first child to become infected. It was spread to the U.S. by some of the millions of Mexican peasants that cross the border into Texas, Arizona, N.M. & Calif. and then spread throughout the U.S.

  19. "fighted" extradition?! Well, I read in the Bangkok Post that he "fought" extradition for 13 years!!! 13 years!!! What is wrong with the court system in Canada?! This guy must have run to Canada with millions of dollars. Must have been able to pay some good attorneys and maybe some judges. Maybe convicted criminals are those charged should quit fleeing to England with all their money and go to Canada instead.

    you should care about whats wrong with YOUR system that allow childrens to be execute\d in your barbaric state !!!

    but what toe xpect from someone from the land of them Bush!! :)

    I live in Thailand, not the U.S. I guarantee you if Thailand wanted to extradite a person accused of a crime, it would not take 13 years to reply to the request. As far as FORMER Pres. George. W. Bush, he had nothing to do with this. No child has been executed in the U.S. in 50 years. Hate the U.S. if you like (and I know it is a hobby with Europeans) but the 1/1000 of 1% of those executed were executed for grissley murders that included rape, torture, cutting up the body, setting fire to a body, and mass murder. You give these barbarians life and they will rape, assault and kill other inmates that may be in prison - as most are - for non-violent crimes. If one is given the death penalty they are segregated from other convicted criminals into a single cell. They will not be able to kill anyone in prison and when executed it is guaranteed that they will never kill again. It is the ultimate deterrent. Give a murderer life in prison without the possibility of parole and he has no reason to go by rules, he will rape, assault and kill other inmates. Death penalty? hel_l, we have had in Texas before and after Bush. And, the people of Texas (without the exception of criminals & bleeding heart liberals who have yet to have a member of their family attacked or themselves) support it. That is no business of any European country. You have your own problems with millions of former colonists from African & Muslim countries settling in your country. Even the liberal-leftist Socialist Pres. of the U.S. O'bama, with all his talk, cannot and will not abolish the death penalty regardless of what other nations think. I as an American, but a permanet resident of Phuket DO NOT GIVE A dam_n WHAT ANY EUROPEAN THINGS OF ME OR THE U.S. My life is fine by never having to know one to argue with. Argument is a waste of everybody's time. Look how much time I wasted right here!

  20. "fighted" extradition?! Well, I read in the Bangkok Post that he "fought" extradition for 13 years!!! 13 years!!! What is wrong with the court system in Canada?! This guy must have run to Canada with millions of dollars. Must have been able to pay some good attorneys and maybe some judges. Maybe convicted criminals are those charged should quit fleeing to England with all their money and go to Canada instead.

  21. Speaking of somenone's IQ could be racist [/b]and is not allowed.

    Thank you for proving my point in such an eloquent manner :)

    So you have decided that I have a low IQ? How do you know? Would you like to compare college degrees? Why is your opinion - and that is all it is - so much better than mine or that of anyone else who makes comments on ThaiVisa? IQ tests are banned in the U.S. because they are considered racist and written by White men. Did you call me a racist or just ignorant? I'm touched by your attention. :D


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