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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. is it just killing healthy dog pests that is frowned upon or can we not kill healthy rodent pests?

    Pest are pests in my book. Healthy rats or healthy dogs, healthy ants, I don't care, they are pests to me.

    Out of all the pests, the healthy dogs are the most dangerous. They should be the first to go.

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  2. probably just a matter of having more whistles being blown and more arms being waved.

    I wonder if the problem with traffic congestion has to do with how or how not the city has been laid out.

    How about more expressways without a toll. How about today's very fast motorcycles being treated just like any other vehicle and be allowed to use any and/or all roads?

    I ride a big bike, quicker and faster than most cars. 

    Why is it again I'm not allowed to use certain roads? Is it because no one wants to update traffic laws that were written 40 years ago?

    Why not tackle the obvious first?


  3. What begs the question is crossing solid white lines the cause for so many deaths on Thai roads? Thailand has the most dangerous roads in the world, the most deaths, and crossing the white lines the reason. If so, how did they come to this conclusion?

    Is this going to prevent more deaths? Is the car in the picture doing something that may be fatal? Considering the police make commissions every time they write a ticket, safety is not nor ever will be an issue. Nothing will change, the easiest vehicle to pull over is a motorcycle. The corruption continues as does the pre-election campaigning.

  4. 7 hours ago, CamilaRuiz said:

    I’m Manuela’s sister and I saw the accident’s video, she wasn’t “unaware” the driver was driving very very fast. So please don’t be so disrespectful if you don’t know anything about the situation.

    we made it very clear that we didn’t want to press any charges against the driver, we don’t want to destroy her life, we have talked to her several times and she knows we want the best for her, because there’s anything we can do to bring my sister back. 

    I'll take it English is not your first language. No one said she was unaware the driver was speeding. My point was many people come to Thailand and look the wrong way when crossing a street, being that where they live the cars drive on the other side. Purely an accident for sure, but I don't think the driver needs to go to prison because someone was killed. It was an accident. You obviously don't know Thai law.

    Your post means nothing at all, it's not even on topic. But thanks for the attitude.

  5. 14 hours ago, cyborgx said:

    Yes, works sometimes, but even when it works, often you have to watch a shaking head and listen to a load of mumbled curses. Yes you can start an argument, or try to educate him on his bad manners, as the driver "bon"s his heart out, but that has it's headaches and downsides.....

    I don't pay any attention to mumbling complaining nor do I try to educate the drivers. 

    I ride in the taxi, pay the driver, leave a tip and say have a great day.

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