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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. I had a friend of mine ask her father who is a police officer if we can ask for ID, the answer is yes. 

    Do they have to show their ID? NO!

    I asked a policeman for ID, he wouldn't give it to me. Wanted to give me a ticket for using the right lane which was a right turn lane. 

    Ask them what law you broke and you won't get an answer unless you really did do something wrong. 

    Good luck with traffic stops, just watch your stuff, watch your vehicle like a hawk. Don't let them near it unattended. 

    Sad but true, but always keep a camera running. 

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  2. what's so hard to understand, the law is the law and this one happens to be commonsense as well?

    Correct answer is "A".   The motorcyclist did not stop, didn't even look to the right which I have complained about numerous times on this forum.  The most dangerous to motorcyclists, are other motorcyclists. Most of them are complete idiots as demonstrated by this stupid stupid act!

    Reckless driving, failure to stop, manslaughter, throw the book at him! He has just destroyed many lives. 


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  3. I think what  it means is when talking to someone you've stopped, remove the sunglasses, it's only polite. 

    Would going to someone's house for dinner and not removing your sunglasses be appropriate? I don't think so. 

    As one that has been stopped numerous times having their faces completely covered is very intimidating if not cowardly 

    which does help for purposes of extortion if that be the case. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, Ulic said:

    Considering Trump appointed her I am not sure what point you are making.:coffee1:

    it's OK not to be sure. Ever wonder why Trump brought in a whole team that was out to get him to investigate the fake Russian collusion?

    Keep your enemies close, very close. He selected Meuller didn't he? You make it sound like just because someone selects somebody they know if they have skeletons in their closet or not. People have been fired by the person that hired them. It happens. 

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