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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. 1 hour ago, farang62 said:


    interesting theory, over Thailand?? Would like to know more about this unproven technology.


    you could actually look up and see the planes doing the spraying, you could search the Internet for what's going on over Thailand, and there are many pages on Facebook dedicated to Chemtrails over Thailand. You could research the patents for this technology or you can do nothing and call it "unproven technology".

  2. I wouldn't bank too seriously on solar especially when there is a program called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) aka part of the chemtrail geoengineering program which Thailand has no control over. I don't even know if Thailand knows who's operating those tankers day and night spraying aerosols over the Kingdom. The amount of sunlight has already been greatly reduced, probably 20-25% if not more at times, so how is solar a good idea when you can't control those controlling your weather?

  3. 1 hour ago, Techno Viking said:

    The keep left law is not specific to motorcycles but all traffic.

    you're missing the point I think. I was told a motorcycle can ride in the 1st and 2nd lanes from the left but not the 3rd. That's not true at all. Slower traffic to the left, you should not pass another vehicle on the left, in fact there are circumstances where that is against the law. On a motorcycle you can pass any vehicle from any lane on the right side of said vehicle. There is no law that motorcycles cannot ever use the far right lane as the police seem to think they can ticket for. That is my point. I've had the police tell me, "neung, song, ga dai. Neung, song, sam mai dai" as they point out the lanes. That is a lie!

  4. 2 hours ago, David Walden said:

    Not carrying my licence on me ..."you have only only photo copy, no good",  you have to carry real licence on you  "you have to pay Bt500".  I have just obtained a new International licence in Australia for my soon arrival in Thailand.  Now that I have a real "Thai Retirement Visa" and not just a tourist visa. I will get a Thai Motorbike Licence soon after arriving as I can...that should fix everything...OK.

    not having a valid license is against the law. What I was talking about the fake law that all motorcycles are to stay on the left side of the left lane which is not true. There are no special laws only for motorcycles. That's a scam by the police and because of it, the people are scared of having to pay a day's wage for driving safely but rather put themselves and others in danger. I think this is one of the key reasons Thai roads are the most dangerous in the world. It's because of police corruption and the blatant extortion that takes place. There are no special laws for motorcycles unless posted such as you can't use the much safer overpasses rather than navigating dangerous intersections. Get a ticket for a law that doesn't exist, as long as the police get commissions from such tickets, extortion should be easy to prove.

  5. They can change the ticket format all the want. But, as long as they write tickets for fake violations particularly to motorcyclists for purposes of extorting money, nothing will change. Maybe time to fight back with law suits, charges of extortion and defamation of character. I'm not a criminal, what do my friends think when I get these tickets? 

  6. 15 hours ago, ozmeldo said:

    You make it out to be some libertarian issue but the fact is every school in Thailand would like to have competent, DEGREED foreigners on staff. The trouble is salary, location, workload and conditions and administrators. So they are confronted with the real world. The few directors that are ok with flunky teachers and redirecting proper salaries I think are few.


    I worked at a school that kept non degreed teachers on out of laziness. One did ok job, three not so much. They are long gone now.


    No idea except spite, bitterness and petty greed that non degreed keep habitually bringing up their stupid opinion that they think they should be allowed in a classroom as a ft teacher without a degree. Meanwhile, many are scrambling for graduate paper to stay in the system.


    The pathetic thing is that they really have nothing better to offer over a degreed person. They are just hoping to fill some hole in a system for a visa and pocket money.


    If you are of such value, go work at a language center. I constantly see jobs 4-600b per hour. I routinely turn down privates at 700 and even 800 an hour.


    It's all about a visa and steady income and nothing to do with teaching, passion, kids, English.


    These are the same people that call diplomas bits of paper, meaningless. They've done absolutely nothing with their lives and just looking to continue the party.

    Interesting, "every" school wants DEGREED foreigners on staff? This is a fact because you've personally contacted every school or can show some proof of someone doing just that? I doubt it. I think schools want competent teachers and an exam should be given before being hired. Having a degree in chemistry does not mean you can teach English.

    If most that you know are only here for some pocket money and meet visa requirements, that speaks volumes about the kind of people you hang around.


    Schools hire people that don't hold degrees out of laziness? Do you think maybe there are not enough people with degrees that want to teach?


    This doesn't pertain to me at all, got it? "No idea except spite, bitterness and petty greed that non degreed keep habitually bringing up their stupid opinion that they think they should be allowed in a classroom as a ft teacher without a degree. Meanwhile, many are scrambling for graduate paper to stay in the system."


    Fact of the matter is Thailand is seriously lagging behind all the neighboring countries when it comes to proficiency in English, maybe something needs to change, like hiring qualified teachers, not those holding a piece of paper.


    I'm not looking for work, I'm retired. I used to teach years ago, mostly the government, a lot of corporate,  some in public schools and some private schools. Get your high horse. I am not trying to make it easier for myself to get a job, I don't need a job, but thanks for your insight. And next time you get your motorbike or phone repaired, make sure that person is "certified", because if a person does not have that piece of paper certifying their qualifications, they just couldn't possibly do a proper job not could they?



  7. 20 hours ago, 12DrinkMore said:


    I am not sure that you posted in the right thread.


    Although I agree that governments around the globe have become self-serving and increasingly see their role at micro-managing the populations, I also find it sensible that qualifications are required before allowing people to work at professional jobs. It is not just Thailand.



    And obviously employers can't make that decision, but an organization that has never stepped foot in one's business can, right? Experience trumps a piece of paper. College degrees are no longer special because everybody and their mother can now go to college. Not so for he Thai people, but in western countries, anybody can get a college degree making them far less "special" than they used to be.

    I'd take experience over some piece of paper any day, let's see what you can do.

  8. 11 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    It needs  to be   considered  that  although  there  may be genuine individuals  who  are  frustrated  by the  mandate of  regulation that those  same individuals  are  not  aware  of the  fraudulent pretenders  it is designed  to  limit.

    Thai people  are  no less  gullible  than  any  other  population in reality  but need  some  level of  defence   via  regulatory requirements such as  this as  any  other   nationality.  Two  party contracts   may well  be possible. But  pseudo two  party  (  third  party school employment)  is  what the   regulations  are  intended  for. Not  unreasonable   to  my  thinking.

    you actually would prefer having someone or something telling you who you can or cannot hire? Let the schools hire whoever they want, pay them whatever they want, fire them whenever they want.

    The real issue is taxes, no system for people to hire whoever they want. There has to be some kind of work permit rather than a "green card" system. Thailand hinders itself which pseudo superiority regulations.

  9. it's pretty much a shame where in this country two parties can't contract to do business together without the government interfering. Who really suffers from this micromanagement meddling? The Thai people of course. This government is so out to control the foreigners that they just can't see who it really hurts. Obviously the Thai people are just not smart enough to decide how to spend their hard earned money on what services on their own, they need to be controlled by an entity that is completely out of touch with the people.

    I wonder what would happen if this issue were put to vote, the democratic way.

  10. Yeah, where to start with this one?

    People, he said, should learn about the law and how it affects their lives. The law will ultimately help protect everyone and ensure equal access to resources, Prayut said. 

    Actually I've done just that. What I've found out is there are no special laws for motorcycle riders. The laws that have not changed since year 2522 or 1979 says nothing about motorcycles being required to stay on the left of the road at all times. There is no law that distinguishes or separates motorcycles from any other vehicles.

    This is a lie fabricated by the police for purposes of writing tickets because, and I've never heard of this in any country other than Thailand, they get a commission. Charging people or rather extorting money from motorcyclists for doing something that is considered safe driving in developed countries, or actually every other country in the world, except Thailand is nothing short of criminal, stupid and the death toll proves it.


    The fact of the matter is, the law allows motorcyclists to drive safely on Thai roads, it's the police that make it prohibitive to drive safely for fear of it costing money.


    “The law is not there to bully anyone. If one commits wrongdoings, he or she must go through it and fight for justice,” said Prayut.


    It's not the law that is there to bully anyone, it's the police. Why has Thailand never climbed above being the most dangerous roads in the world? Afghanistan is considered worse, but that doesn't count for obvious reasons. The police are more of a mafia organization which for some reason is accepted by the public that extortion is just a part of life here, especially at the end of a month. Police don't get paid much therefore they "have to" extort money from the poorest of the drivers , the motorcyclists, with a fake law that they are not allowed to drive safely.

    My advice to motorcyclists out there to memorize sections 33, 34 and 35 as well as 44 and 45. If stopped, asked for a witness policeman to verify the fake charges. I also want to know why police can refuse to show their ID.

    When the commissions for tickets ludicrousness stops, I'll bet anything the death toll on the Thailand's roads goes down.

  11. is anybody really surprised that she was able to escape, probably with the help of those that are supposed to be preventing her escape? As long as there are no consequences for illegal acts committed by the police, the 3rd world banana republic image will go on. Corruption is allowed here, plain and simple, and for some reason there are no apparent steps being taken to curb it. No surprises here, just living the Amazing Thailand dream.

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