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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. My theory is this;

    Prayut doesn't want Yingluck back, Prawit is the one that has to do the legwork getting the UK to extradite Yingluck back to Thailand to face prison time.

    We can see Prayut praising Prawit for a job well done as well as saying don't talk about his watches, it's a "personal" matter.

    We see Prawit praising Prayut for a job well done, they seem to be protecting each other .

    If I had to send someone say a million dollars or two for keeping me out of jail, I wouldn't consider sending it through the banks, that would be too easy to detect. Therefore, send very expensive watches instead.

    I firmly believe these watches are coming from Yingluck, paying off her bribes. But that's just me.  :wai:

  2. from my experience most motorcyclist and cars for that matter never look to the right when entering a road heading towards the left. It makes sense to me that on these long straight aways cars passing other cars or motorcycles for that matter get creamed.

    For whatever reason, why people don't look to see if there is any oncoming traffic, but only seem to check if there anything in front or in their way is just plain stupid. I think somehow the concept of actually looking over ones shoulder rather than relying on mirrors only should be aggressively introduced, but good luck with that.

  3. 8 hours ago, kingkenny said:

    Who did he try to murder?


    Whilst the guy is a prat I didn't see any attempt to kill anyone, or even strike or stab anyone.


    Why do posters on here constantly cry 'murder?

    because when an older Caucasian gentleman from Australia got out of his car with a long knife the government wanted to charge him with attempted murder, that's why! The next statement from the government was that no foreigners should be allowed to own guns. That is why we keep repeating this nonsense just to make a point. If a Caucasian, aka "farang" does it, it's attempted murder, if an Oriental, specifically a Thai one does the same thing, it's about 100 baht fine for having a knife, a long knife.

  4. Xenophobic at best, is there a fear of trash cans?

    "No one mentioned that there appeared to be no trash cans in the area"

    Why is it so difficult for the Thai to provide trash cans in abundance?

    Doesn't having trash cans creates jobs, not only making them but to have them emptied on a regular basis?

    Where I live, there are no foreigners, and the trash that is everywhere comes from the lazy disrespectful Thai people.

    I took video of a bunch of men unloading trash onto the side of the street, asked a friend of mine whose father was a police officer how to report this. The answer was "I don't know, I'll ask". Still no answer, nor do I expect one.

  5. I would like too see some statistics as to percentages of deaths per vehicle class, who was wrong and if motorcycles were involved, how many were not wearing helmets and that being the cause of death. Helmet or not, if a truck pulling a tandem trailer hauling gravel runs over a motorcyclist on the left side of the road, the motorcyclist is dead meat. I'm not convinced that Thailand's roads are the most dangerous in the world because of motorcyclists not wearing helmets.

    It must have something to do with the way people drive, all vehicles. Where can I get some definitive stats?

  6. But but but what about slower speed limits for bikes? Age restrictions for big bikes? All motorcycles should have anti lock brakes??? 

    No mention of van drivers falling asleep, reckless driving, brake failure on all commercial vehicles, wheels falling off, but they think motorcycles are the problem.

    At this rate unless we get some new leadership, fresh thinkers, lose the grandparents raising the children mentality, nothing is going to change.

    You can't have a developed country unless you have developed minds to develope it. £@#&!!!

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