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Posts posted by anon467367354

  1. 2 hours ago, robblok said:

    Its section 35 that is the problem.. that overrules section 33 (that is how laws work first you get general  laws then it gets more specific). Section 35 states you always have to stay on the left side.. 


    Yes I drive a motorcycle to big one and a small one I just accept the fines as I am not going to drive to the most left lane. Its a dangerous lane, buses and trucks cut you off.

    how many 2 way roads do we actually drive on? 2 lane, 3 lane, 4 lane, they are all one way roads. I got stopped for being a about 2 inches over the center of just two lanes, and the right lane was for making a U-turn. It was also less than 6 meters wide. It's extortion plain and simple. If they officers lose their ability to make commissions by writing tickets, maybe they would actually enforce a real law. As of now, just keep targeting motorcycles, the poor people for the easy money. Not very royal of the Thai police if you ask me. As of yet, I have never paid a cop on the side of the road nor paid a full ticket price nor intend to unless I actually do something illegal and dangerous.

  2. as a motorcyclist, here is my question regarding "Not keeping to the outermost left hand side lane" because they never state any statute which should make it easy to dispute.


    Section 33 (500B)
    [When driving, the driver shall keep to the left of the road and must not drive beyond the
    middle of the roadway, except following situations:
    a. there is obstruction on the road
    b. the road is prescribed as one-way
    c. the road width is less than 6m.

    Section 34 (500B)
    [If the road is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction, the driver shall
    keep to the outermost left-hand side lane. If the outermost left-hand side lane is a bus
    lane, the driver shall keep close to the bus lane. Except following situations:
    a. there is obstruction on the road
    b. the road is prescribed as one-way
    c. it is necessary to enter the correct lane upon approaching a junction
    d. when overtaking another vehicle
    e. when driving faster than vehicles in the left-hand side lane.

    Section 35 (400-1000B)
    The driver of a truck, passenger vehicle, motorcycle, vehicle of low speed or traveling at
    lower speed than those of other vehicles moving in the same direction,
    shall keep to the
    curbside of the roadway as close as possible.
    If such a roadway is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction or has a
    bus lane specifically arranged on the left-hand side, the driver shall drive the vehicle in the
    outermost left-hand side lane or close to the bus lane, as the case may be.

  3. Just for some clarity here, is this just for:

    • motorcyclists that happen to be walking, I am a motorcyclist but sometimes I walk.
    • motorcyclists that are driving motorcycles on the sidewalk,
    • motorcyclists that have parked a motorcycle on a sidewalk.
    • There is no mention about parking a motorcycle illegally on the side of the road, if so, does that also include motor vehicles such as cars, trucks, forklifts, cars parked illegally in front of businesses that do not provide parking.
    • Businesses repairing cars in no parking zones hindering traffic or not.


    Why are they always targeting motorcyclists?

    There is nothing more dangerous and causes more accidents than cars parked illegally in no parking zones and an outdated law that seemingly but not really states that motorcyclists need to compete for the same lane. Nothing safe about sharing a lane with parked vehicles.

    We update everything these days to keep up with technology. Anti lock brakes, airbags, GPS, phones, computers, cameras etc. and the list goes on. Motorcycles  are just as fast as any car on the road today, actually faster, but are still treated like bicycles.

    If we update everything else to keep up with technology, why have the driving laws not been updated in 38 years?

    The reason Thai roads are the most dangerous in the world is not because of motorcyclists using sidewalks or footpaths.

    Commonsense doesn't need to be updated, that's just commonsense!


  4. what are these new licenses supposed to do? The driving laws haven't changed in 38 years, motorcycles are still considered bicycles, and

    as long as the police don't enforce anything that promotes safety, what's the point?

    When is the Thai government going to wake up and make some kind of change?

    Maybe it's time for motorcyclists to start suing the Thai government for making driving safely illegal.

    Is it anything less than obvious why there are so many deaths each day, and most of them motorcyclists?

    Yes motorcycles are dangerous, but those of us that come from developed countries, developed because of developed minds,

    learn right from the beginning, thru traffic keep to the right, stay out of the blind spots and don't pass on the left.

    The opposite of what they do here. Is it any wonder?


  5. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    Nobody's posting facts.  The closest we have here to facts is Grouse's post above this one.


    Some are regurgitating marketing hype and some anecdotes.  But that's not the same as posting facts.  For all the reasons posted by Grouse, and a few dozen more he didn't get into because they would take pages to explain.


    how did you determine the difference between marketing hype and some anecdotes vs facts? What is it about the post by Grouse that rings so true for you and what other few dozen, just name 1 or 2 reasons rather than take pages to explain? How did you determine which is the truth? I think this would be good for everyone to know.

  6. 20 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Before comparing the numbers, you'd have to know the methodology, and the odds that the countries' agencies in charge are in a position to call anyone out for telling whoppers...  In the USA, anyone calling out the mfg for fibbing is a watchdog.  In Thailand, they're a defendant in a defamation trial.


    I totally agree, km/l in your country is probably different than km/l in Thailand. :shock1:

    how could it possibly be the same right? I see a lot of talk and attacks and accusations, but only one person here is posting facts.

    Let's see if we can twist to fit our ridiculous rebuttals shall we?

  7. 19 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Since the poster cited Thailand, I went to the ford thailand website. No mileage or kilometrage figures listed.


    try more than one link. Isn't 26.3 km/l about 62 mpg???? Am I missing something here without stooping to calling names?

    http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/bymodel/2017_Ford_Fiesta.shtml USA

    http://thailand.carbay.com/en/new-cars/ford/fiesta Thailand




  8. The cars in America are different than the cars outside America. A Ford Fiesta for example in Thailand or Europe gets twice the gas mileage than those sold in the USA.

    When is the US inc going to be charged with tampering with carburetors and fuel injection. If you do anything to enhance mileage in the US, like change the carburetor with one from say Thailand, it's considered illegal. I have heard many times that when importing a car from another country, the carburetor has to be changed, and the mileage drops by about half. When are those criminals going to be brought to justice?

  9. 4 hours ago, z42 said:

    So a drunk idiot waves a loaded gun around because his ego was battered so easily.

    This is the calibre of people in the armed forces. It obviously looks bad enough on first glance, but this is just pathetic. 

    Wonder if the gunman will get any more punishment. If i was a betting man, my money would be on the uploader of the video to lose a ton of cash fighting spurious defamation suits.

    I would say we'll see about that, but dreadful follow up reporting means we very likely won't

    "book 'em"

  10. "encourage others to consume booze had been investigated."

    "the growing use of online media as an advertising channel inviting people to drink."


    As an attorney I would have to have the court prove that they were encouraging others to consume booze, and prove they were inviting people to drink. What would be the benefit of these people encouraging others to drink?

    Is having a toast encouraging others to drink? This is nothing short of ludicrous!

    Here is a post from last weekend, is there an implied "come join us"? LOL! (aka inviting others to drink) None of this makes any sense.

    Must be a language gap it's so insane. What would happen if I happened to see someone famous having a drink and I posted it on social media, would I be encouraging others to drink or would it be a "look who I saw today" kind of thing.

    This is asking for trouble and defamation law suits.

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