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Posts posted by maeab101

  1. On 9/12/2017 at 2:38 PM, observer90210 said:

    Sanofi Pasteur©  Labs have developped a vaccine under the name Dengvaxia ©, that that been approved and highly recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).


    The vaccine has been distributed in dengue risk areas like the Philippines, Mexico. You would need to check out at a reliable hospital locally to get more information and if the vaccine won't cause any other issues due to health conditions or age.


    Stay safe and healthy.


    Ref.: http://www.sanofipasteur.com/en/articles/dengvaxia-world-s-first-dengue-vaccine-approved-in-mexico.aspx




    There is no cure though for dengue.

  2. 32 minutes ago, jayboy said:

    Actually I don't believe his foreign lawyers could play that card because there is no question of the case being political in nature.The three possible defenses would be if the death penalty was possible (it isn't), if the offense was minor in nature (it isn't) and if the offense was not an offense in the country - let's say the UK - from which Thailand sought extradition (it is).


    Perhaps some general thoughts on extradition are relevant.


    Lese majeste would be an example of a charge which was a serious offense in Thailand but no offense at all elsewhere.There's an element of theatre here.The Thai authorities know the charge is regarded as trivial overseas but go through the motions for internal consumption - killing the chicken to frighten the monkey etc.


    On extradition generally Yingluck is clearly the subject of a witch hunt so any demand for extradition would be chucked into the wastepaper basket.Only rabid fanatics would deny this.


    Thaksin is a more complex case since there are genuine charges against him.But these are relatively trivial in nature and would not normally be extraditable offenses.In any event there is are element of a witch hunt hunt here as well.The one charge that could be dangerous for him would be the drugs war one.But there has never been even the tiniest suggestion that this might be deployed against him.The more sophisticated members of this forum will understand the reason why.


    I see one chance for the Red Bull guy.We know he has unlimited funds and can hire the best lawyers.I'm pretty sure that a laser sharp witted British QC would home in on the media coverage in Thailand and argue that a fair hearing was now impossible.



    Because this country is run by the military. They canot ectradite him for fear of the death penalty. So he is basicly a free man.

  3. 14 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    To me, the fact that they have listed three charges that have passed their statutes of limitation, say the whole exercise is a total waste of time. They either know where he is and that it is outside Interpol's jurisdiction, or they want other countries to disregard it based on 75% of the charges are out of time. I cant wait to see the total F*** up by the legal team here if by some miracle of God he ever gets actually arrested somewhere. This Mofo aint coming home and going to jail and we all know it.

    He already paid the police officers family its over.

  4. 15 hours ago, Jim walker said:

    The police and junta could have had him behind bars years ago, but obviously they are too happy to accept the ‘dare I use the word bribes to keep him out of prison, and let him enjoy his life to the full playboy life style, and I would bet my shirt on it he will never spend a full day in prison in Thailand any time soon or ever in the future.  So why the sudden interest in him now possibly a distraction for other news to be hidden by the junta.  

    If Yingluck does not have to go why should he?

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