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Posts posted by maeab101

  1. 30 minutes ago, Ricardo said:


    Perhaps because he is unavailable to appear in person in court, to hear any charges read, also the reason for the lack-of-progress in a number of other cases against him ? 


    Such a pity they didn't get round to doing it, when he was in the country, back when his PPP were running things in 2008, I guess they were too busy with other things. :whistling:

    He and his daughter will be back after october.

  2. 3 hours ago, JAG said:

    Two weeks.

    Not a whisper.

    Not a sighting.

    Just a lot of bluster.


    Does anyone really believe that, given the fact that the trial was about to reach its climax, and the fact that she was the focus of opposition to the regime, and looking at the efforts they made to stop her supporters traveling to Bangkok; that they really don't know what happened to her?



    I tend to think she is swimming with the fishes.

  3. 7 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Weird though, at first it was suicide and suddenly it was murder ?!! Autopsy? DNA results?

    Cover up and then blown? 

    The pic with sunshades on and buletproof vests?!

    Ofcourse they will bailed out and then run to Yinluck or redbull heir, all friends i guess.

     I would put them in jail with some rough guys, who didnt have sex for a year


    They should run like lingluck did. Problem solved.

  4. 9 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    A FACT??????................. MOST WOMEN IN THAILAND??????............... Wake up man, you're dreaming.........

    Facts have a source and documentation or other proof...........(Though you may believe it don't make it a fact)

    This thread is about rapes in Thailand (although there are some other countries that compete with Thailand)...... Rape is a term generally referring to sex with only one partner 'freely' consenting, The other not desiring it...... therefore when women are coerced into sex, or are forced. or are 'drugged' they are not 'freely consenting'....... 

    Do you 'actually believe' that 13%  of the women claiming rape were the only ones who were 'not consenting'??????   What about the other 87%????? They were all liars according to you???? Is that correct?????

    You say --- Its a common fantasy........... That kinda implies that more are for it than against it, Or at least it is 'common place'......... Have you surveyed enough women to find this is so, or just your girl (Or are you still dreaming???)...........

     I have 30 plus years experience in Thailand as a 'butterfly' (a Thai wife (in the US) and Mia-noi--- both for the past 21years plus 100's of kiks thru the years and presently) and you think I am going to believe what you tell me about Thai women having fantasy about being raped??????? On that topic, I have had Thai women 'JOKINGLY'  talk about "they would like to be raped" by 'handsome guy or movie-star........ BUT even in those cases 'THEY' would have been 'consenting'...........

    So....... Wake-up and smell the coffee............. LOL............

    Its a very common fantasy with women. As you well know.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Siripon said:

    There is nothing clever about winning elections by landslides and then having to flee the law and country, quite possibly for the rest of your life because of your greed and hubris. Thaksin threw it all away by arrogance and avarice.

    I am not sure what will happen in the election next year. Let us wait and see, it is far too early to be confident of anything.

    Samak did indeed ride the coat tails of Thaksin but remember Samak was very well known to a considerable number of the electorate- a hard line right winger actually- what friends Thaksin chooses! But let us remember  Thaksin promptly disposed of him and chose his colourless brother-in-law Somchai when it was rime to select a new PM.



    Poor old Samak, he even went to Parliament expecting to be reelected as PM!

    Now that they have his grandson. Maybe he will keep quiet. LOL

  6. 21 minutes ago, onthesoi said:


    How does your theory account for Thailand having twice the conviction rate of the UK?


    You might also want to read up here, before using words like "evidence":




    Unsubstantiated opinion articles are not evidence, unless you can provide proof of direct correlation?.... I wont hold my breath on that one ;)


    some thai women are world class liars and cheaters. numer 2 outside of africa for cheating. And when they get caught cheating. they cry rape.

  7. 15 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    2 factors at play here. First; the Thai police often can`t be bothered to investigate claims of rape unless the victims are prominent members of Thai society and the cases become well publicised in the media.


    Second; in actuality rape is very difficult to ascertain. There has been many false claims of rape by women just to try and protect their reputations. Unless a woman is kidnapped by strangers, held against her will and raped, then how is it possible to substantiate a rape took place?  Just because there is evidence sex took place, either with one or several men does not mean it was rape.


    I think it depends on the circumstances. If a woman gets drunk and ends up having sex with several men at a party or a club, even if she was not in control of her senses at the time, she maybe reluctant to report it in order to not gain a bad reputation and be placed in an awkward situation of having all the sordid details made public and having to prove her case. So I can understand why many rapes go unreported.

    post of the day.

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