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Posts posted by maeab101

  1. 5 hours ago, choff56 said:

    Better known as Thai Military Junta National Propaganda Day. I'm looking forward to it, does anybody know where I can buy a pair of Thai flag shorts. The markets always have USA and British flag shorts for sale but when I inquire about Thai flag shorts, the shop employees always look at me like I have two heads.

    I bought some Thai flag boxers. But I got skid marks all over them. Had to throw them away.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    In most countries they even have dedicated teams of people to do the snitching and spying, and these people are called "police officers".

    As Thailand lacks those people, or better said they refuse to do their job, it is a nice way to still enforce those crazy things called "laws", " rules", and " regulations".

    In thailand they are all volunteers. or should i say cowards.

  3. 12 hours ago, Elkski said:

    I guess this made the news because they were Thai men she ripped off?  Plus the number 13.     She must be charming.  Just think how many didn't quite fall for her end game.   This about 250,000 baht each guy.   She did well.   I worry about many gals thinking hmm.   And copy cats.  

    Oh this is normal?   

    They just caught her in Bangkok in one of her husband's car's.

  4. 17 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    Hear a lot of the "same old same old" on hear with stories like this. Another opp. to slag the people involved ( that is not making excuses for this driving practice in Thailand, outrageous behaviour and I have many times said so on here)

     At what age I would like to know do these posters actually "grow up" and desist with the stupid practice of "name calling".

       If you really cared about the deceased and family at least post something constructive that might help to find a solution to these problems. 

       And for shit sake....lose the idea that a farang never does anything stupid in a fit of temper.

       Believe it ir not only within the last two days I have come accross 2 court cases ongoing (in two different countries) where fathers are up for killing their children after fighting with their wives. 

       By the way....this is nothing new.

       Except to these posters of course who appear to have been living under a rock all their lives

    Your post is a extreme waste of time.

  5. On 8/31/2017 at 4:11 PM, JAG said:


    I really don't think that Thaksin, ruthless and ambitious for power as he undoubtedly is, would be complicit in the demise of his own sister.

    What I do think is possible is that the junta, or elements from it, may be holding her. Thaksin having been warned not to go public or else...
    I see it (only) as a possibility because it answers three questions. Why is Yingluck, such a skilled and prolific user of social media silent? Why has she apparently " abandoned" her son, and why is Thaksin so quiet?
    As I said it is just conjecture. She may surface - but it has been a week now.


    She would have been on social media by now. Something has happened to this woman, and it is not good.

  6. On 8/31/2017 at 4:11 PM, JAG said:


    I really don't think that Thaksin, ruthless and ambitious for power as he undoubtedly is, would be complicit in the demise of his own sister.

    What I do think is possible is that the junta, or elements from it, may be holding her. Thaksin having been warned not to go public or else...
    I see it (only) as a possibility because it answers three questions. Why is Yingluck, such a skilled and prolific user of social media silent? Why has she apparently " abandoned" her son, and why is Thaksin so quiet?
    As I said it is just conjecture. She may surface - but it has been a week now.


    I agree 100 percent its either the government or her brother. But something very strange has happened to her.

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