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About theshu25

  • Birthday 03/08/1974

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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 10/100 My Time 67 seconds  
  2. Going by the idiots posts,he would not have 50 baht to spare.
  3. Totally agree, This idiot thinks he works for the scamming orange grifter.
  4. He is the biggest troll on the internet today.
  5. As usual,no facts,just guesses.
  6. The ginger fool is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
  7. You be better off to stop beleiving all the lies Comrade musk And Comrade trump have to say. They are the best at the con game .
  8. Maybe this is why Musk is a ketomine junkie.
  9. You have an alcoholic in charge of defense, an ex junkie in charge of health, a ketomine junkie in charge of the USA and Trump the egomaniac 2nd in charge, Not a good look at all and they have only been in charge 3 months, wow .
  10. He said they were desparate,not stupid
  11. Hopefully about number 8 soon. The the idiot will just restart all over agaib.
  12. Very well said. The guy is a total waste of space and should be barred from any chat forum on th planet.
  13. How can you possibly run down Ali? You are not normal. RIP George, Champion.
  14. The orange grifter is about as funny as cancer.
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