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Posts posted by twix38

  1. Thank you all,

    My girlfriend thinks that she may now be able to stay with me for 2 or 3 months in England and then plans to return to start her own Grocery business in her home town some 5 hours from Bangkok instead of finding another employed job.

    Could you please advise if applying whilst still employed in her current job, what would be the best approach? I expect for her to apply whilst still employed is best, but apply for how long?

    To apply for 2 weeks still or for 2 or 3 months? She would actually want 2 or 3 months.

    If whilst employed she applies for 2 weeks and stays for 2 or 3 months I assume that our first problem would be the UK stamp on entering England and if that was for long enough. (i.e. applies for 2 weeks and get entrance stamp for 2 or 3 months or more or less?)

    Also it has been mentioned that to stay longer than requested would effect the next visa request. Can I assume this would ONLY effect another Tourist visa and NOT effect a subsequent Fiancee visa request at all?

    Thanks again.

  2. Hello,

    Could you please advise. My Thai girlfriend will have about 2 weeks holiday inbetween changing jobs and would like to visit me in England.

    She will apply for the visa whilst still working in the first job and request 2 weeks. She will not mention she will technically be unemployed whilst in England until she returns to start her new job.

    My question is in 2 parts.

    1) Is the above the best way to apply for the visa or any advice?

    2) On requesting a visa for 2 weeks, how long will the visa be for? (i.e. is there a 2 week visa or will they issue a 3 month visa)

    Many thanks


  3. Hello,

    Please could you advise me (having chosen to reside in Thailand to spend time with my girlfriend) what is the best medium/long term option to stay in Thailand with as little difficulty, and hence visa runs, as possible?

    I am aware that at age 50 this can be done with a retirement visa and sufficient pension or baht 800,000 in the Bank, but how much do I need or what rules apply to stay pre 50 years old, please?

    I am Englishman 40 years old

    Many thanks

  4. Thanks to both you guys for the advice.

    I will certainly look at the websites you mention later as I am in a rush to get to Bangkok now.

    I understand the Visitor visa to be the same as a tourist visa but is the settlement visa you refer to just another name for the Fiancee visa or is it a different visa altogether? Please excuse my ignorance.

    Mon, my Thai girlfriend and I are not yet engaged. To get the settlement/Fiancee visa am I right to assume that we must already be engaged and is proof obtainable and required by the British Embassy to issue a Fiancee visa?

    You say you "have not lived together long enough to be successful with the settlement visa". Is this meant in a personal sense, i.e. meaning it may not work out in the end or is this in a visa sense, meaning there are visa rule problems later if it does not all work out?

    You mention there is more that you can say. If you have the time I would welcome any information and advice.

    Are you in England now? I am on holiday in Thailand and will return to Essex in mid May.

    As I will be in BKK tomorrow, maybe a visit to the British Embassy would be a good idea, but I will look at your website addresses first.

    I am just starting to get my head around the complexities. Once I have ALL the options and understand the rules that apply I can then make an informed judgement for my circumstances. It is quiete a crucial decision for us both.


  5. Hello,

    I am English national 40yo, employed and have Thai girlfriend for last 18 months. We have emails dating back for this period. I see her for about 3 weeks each 4 or 5 months.

    We are planning to marry and we want to be able to spend more continuous time together before we marry, so either I quit my job (not a massive problem, but not ideal) and I stay in Thailand on a multiple entry tourist visa or my Thai girlfriend visits the UK on a tourist visa or visits UK on a Fiancee visa. Both would need to allow 2 months minimum or longer. She would have to quit her job.

    I do not know what is the best option or what rules would apply? How best to go about it? Any and all ideas on the various choices and best solution. We both work (She in Business centre of Hotel in Bangkok) and we are both prepared to quit to stay in each others Country and be together, but until we can spend some reasonable time together we are not willing to marry. The quitting of our jobs is not the issue as I have savings to see me through if I quit or/and to support her.

    Really, the question is, what do people do who feel they need to be together longer than work holidays allow, to get to know each other better before marriage. What are the options and best choices to make, and rules etc that apply?

    I have a slight preference to quit and come to Thailand, but my girlfriend is not keen on me quitting for our future together.

    Any tips/info would be appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance

  6. Thank you.

    This visa allows me to stay in Thailand but is not a work visa. Therefore, is it just allowing me some small advantage over a multiple tourist visa and as soon as it expires I will be back to square one, or can I do anything better somehow?

    What is advantage over tourist multiple visa and will it be easy to obtain from Hull in this planned example.

    Please excuse my ignorance in this matter


  7. Hello,

    I am considering financially assisting my girlfriend to build and open a grocery store up country on her family owned land.

    As a buisiness proposition, can I use this in any way to facilitate a visa or any additional benefit, allowing me to stay in Thailand, whilst I finance this buisiness? Is there a minimum sum or conditions I must meet?

    I am unaware of rules and what is possible, but suspect that the usual "Foreigner supports Thai" should allow me to stay or at least open up more options than would otherwise be possible?

    I would appreciate any comments and the legal options and pitfalls.

    Thank you

  8. Hello all,

    My simple question is...........

    What happened to all those scare stories put about on this site and elsewhere a month or 3 ago relating to Mr Thaksin's proposed changes (Now Thailand has paid off its IMF loan and is free to operate as it sees fit) to certain rules/laws, which it was deemed would have a negative impact on Foreigner's buisness and property ownership and rights?

    From memory it was expected to have occured by now and NOTHING AT ALL HAS OCCURED to my knowledge, neither is there any talk or expectation of it now.

    Can I assume that this much discussed and worrying topic was just a scare story, even though it was apparently reported in the Bangkock Post etc as not if but when these changes take place?????

    Many thanks

  9. After a quick look at the replies and links, am I right in feeling I am still unable to order any of these HIV tests for private use/testing (private purchase over the Internet, delivered to home address)??

    If I can, please tell me the site address?


  10. Other options like both of us living in the UK are possible, but would I need to marry her first?  That feels a step too far right now. It seems that the geographical situation either requires me with no job and little funding living in Thailand, or marriage and we can all live in the UK together. We have only discussed my visiting her frequently and supporting my family in Thailand so far, as the best initial situation and then everything is possible once we see how things go and have time to evaluate our lives.  I intend to be present for the birth and as much time as I can get.
  11. Thank you all for such good and interesting advice.

    If the decision was straight forward I would quit my job and go to live with my girlfriend and work in Thailand instead.  However, unless I am mistaken the reality would mean that I could not work in Thailand and thus support my family. What would we live on? Should I ask her to support us both after giving birth? I know love conquers all, but I am 42 yo and right now I cannot imagine how we could survive, be happy and make it work, as I do not have a pot of money. Since returning from my travels I just have a job in the UK and very little savings now.  Maybe I have got the financial situation I would find myself in, in Thailand wrong?? Love, if it truly is love on both sides, would be hard pressed on its own to see us struggle from day one with a baby on the way and financial worries.

    To some this may sound too pragmatic and sensible on an emotional issue. I have been here before and ask if it can work in Thailand when a girl supports a Falang with no money or job and what chance is there that she would accept this situation long term or even short term herself.

    Any and all other advice greatly appreciated.

  12. Thanks to all for advice.

    She plans to stay in BKK and continue work after baby is born.

    I take it from average of replies that something around 7k a month in BKK (anyone disagree?) for child up to school age would be reasonable and whatever extra for girlfried on top of that?

    Any other tips/advice/suggestions are all very helpful.

    I cannot say for sure what will happen in fact or where she will live. There is much still to sort out and that may change. Hence the request for advice/ideas to have a good understanding of the options available and things I should do/check.

    How may D.N.A. and the new visa rules effect this situation?

    If we both decided to go to England with baby, then I assume the only way is to get married? What other issues does that senario present?

    Plachon. Sound advice and sure, with my handle, I hope it's not a family pack of 4!!

    Nam, thanks for all you kind advice. Appreciate it.

  13. Thanks Nam,

    I know this old senario too.

    However, this time it's different (How many times have you heard that!)  Actually it is different. She works for the Hotel and I did not meet her in the bars etc. I am certain enough about her being genuine. Back to my original questions. I have no idea how best to proceed and how much baht is realistic to support baby? Or what is best advice in the situation?  Thanks for advice in advance

  14. I am a Condo owner at Jomtien, View Talay.

    I have owned for 1 year and have visited regularly. I am looking to sell now as it is a bit impractical for me because I will visit less regularly in the future than I expected when I purchased, due to work commitments in UK.

    The staff, security and maintainance is good and I have had no problems at all.

    If you have any specific questions that I can assist with or interest in my Condo you can email me at [email protected]


  15. Hello,

    Some advice please.

    My Thai girlfriend is pregnant. We plan to go ahead with birth, even though I expect to remain in England to live and work, visiting when I can (this may change in time). I would like to receive any advice at all on my situation and what options I have or what is generally felt to be the best course of action? An idea of how much (baht) is a reasonable monthy amount to send to support our baby would also be helpful. The whole situtation is a bit unclear as to the best options, but I am not ready to throw in a good job in UK or to marry my girlfriend right now, as this would not seem to improve the resulting situation of being without income etc. Just what do people do??   Thanks so much for your advice.

  16. HELLO,

    Can you tell me the best way to receive a favourable exchange rate to transfer Thai baht from Thailand back to England and convert to £'s.

    Should I convert to £'s in Thailand and send £'s home, or send Baht to England and convert to £'s in England. Where would I get the best rate and charges? Does anyone know?


  17. Hello,

    I am a 42 year old man from England.

    I would like to know what happens if I were to marry my Thai girlfriend and try to live and work in Thailand.  

    Can I get a work visa easily if I am married and how long can I stay without needing to leave the Country? Basically, what would you recommend, as I know I can retire there when I am 50, but I want to make a go of it with my Thai girlfriend and presently I work in England and see her less than 2 months each year, so what choices do I have for the best chance of success?

    Any other thoughts on the sublect, please?

    Many thanks

  18. Hello,

    I purchased a condo in Jomtien Beach about 1 year ago.

    I had to send funds from overseas (England) and had to ensure it was stated that it was to buy a condo.

    My question is that if I wish to sell and then buy another condo elsewhere, how do I ensure I can use the proceeds of the sale (which are now not directly from overseas as previously they had to be) to buy the next condo. Especially if there is a gap before buying of months or even years, so my Condo sale proceeds could be in a bank account for months before I buy again? I don't want to have to send more monies from abroad again to buy whilst having my sale proceeds sitting in a Thai bank earning 0.5% interest.

    Please also advise me on your judgement about selling now/later/market conditions etc. I own a 1 bed studio in ViewTalay.



  19. Hello,

    I phoned the Hull Consul to enquire the terms of a Non Immigrant B visa. I was told that I need a letter from a company confirming my placement for work and undertaking to cover any costs of repataration back to the U.K.

    As I will be seeking work after I arrive in Thailand, this now appears an impossible visa route, unless I am prepared to go into deception and hope it does not backfire anywhere along the line, or you can assist with more details of what to do? A proven method/example around this problem?  

    I am confused, as many other members appear to obtain this B visa, presumably without already having a job in Thailand?

    Thank you.

  20. Hello,

    Please can you tell me how I can apply for a non-immigrant B visa and work permit without a job offer as yet?

    Must I just get the visa in the U.K. and then look for work on my arrival in Thailand? If so what do I tell the Embassy here in England to ensure they give me the B visa and is this the best way of going about the whole issue?  I just want to be in Thailand for as long as possible to find work, with the best possible chance that an employer would take me on.

    Many thanks


  21. Thanks.

    How do I apply for a non-immigrant B visa and work permit without a job offer? I plan to return to Thailand and find a job, but it'a a bit Chicken and Egg, as I assume they will not offer a job unless I have the above already. What must I do to get this visa and work permit?

    Can you recommend a good local Thai Embassy?  I live near London (Essex) so would the Royal Thai Embassy in Queen's Street, London be as good as any?

    How do I go about applying for a double or triple Entry visa? Just contact the above Thai Embassy in London and it's a formality from there? No need to give reasons etc?



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  22. I am a 41 year old English national, keen on living for a period in Thailand. I have two options, my prefered is option 2, if possible. I own a Condo near Pattaya and have savings. I have no job or offer of a job in Thailand yet.

    I would like to know the different possibilities to enable me to stay as follows...

    1) to stay for up to 1 year on some sort of visitors visa. Ideally for the longest period possible, before having to leave and re-enter Thailand.

    2) to live and find work in Thailand, eventually emigrating.

    Many thanks


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