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Posts posted by twix38

  1. Back to an earlier point.

    The family friendly Koh Chang and dream beaches, Kayaking and snorkelling etc.

    I prefer Pattaya and not because of sex tourism etc.

    Koh Chang. After about 3 days I am bored with kayaking and snorkelling and the small option of other amenities. I am also completely fed up with the Mosquitoes and it is potentially Malarial there.

    I will never go back as I could not wait to leave. After a short time on a reasonably nice beach and then an evening/night covered in Mosquitoe repelant and looking for something to do other than eat/drink or watch a video night after night.

    Boring, biten to death and my idea of hel_l, not paradise. Maximum stay should be 1 week for the beach/relaxing type and that is 1 week too much for me.

    Never again!!!

  2. Not a single descenting voice on the coup then.

    I really hope it turns out bloodless and good for all. So far so good, but I don't see that the change will benefit foreigners. Many Thai's dislike too many foreigners in their country intensely and although they need the currency, it comes at a price.

    I think the rules will be tightened in due time and recieve popular support, from many that just want to see less foreigners living and misbehaving in LOS. Not great changes as they need tourists and currency, but I really do not see any cause for celebration on this question. as the facts of control, income generation, illegal working and wanting a better class of foreigner to visit will not change.

    There is even a remote possibility that the new administration will pander to a pouluar vote and make things harder for foreigners. After all this is just what many of us in Britain want our government to do and complaints about immigration are a hot topic.

    I think the jury is out and it could go either way, but it is possible that we foreigners may even live to regret the removal of TAXIN. Now that would be bizzare!!!

  3. I think if you read my post I agree with you as I am clear to stress the majority are perfectly fine and it is just the few hate filled scum. However, I think the risk is too great to allow such freedom and tolerance as has been granted to date. The world has changed and the threat of dirty bombs etc and the fanatics wish to do the worst imaginable, means we now have to wake up and fight fire with fire just to stay alive and safe. We know that another attack will come and it will get worse, so we have to take previously unthought of measures and we have to target the sector of the population mainly (if not completely) responsible.

    This is dreadfully sad - real, moderate Muslims the world over are horrified by the way the fanatics have twisted the interpretations of the Holy Koran to "support" their greed and hate of anyone who does not think and act like them.

    No right thinking person could consider them to be real Muslims, they are criminals - pure and simple - filled with hate and loathing of everything.

    I lived and worked in the Middle East for a number of years, many of my friends are Muslims, I currently live in a predominantly Muslim area now with a mosque just down the road.

    These are normal, happy people, living their lives and following their religion - as is their right.

  4. I see the whole world is starting to split along Muslim and non-Muslim lines. I think any faith that breeds such fanatics, as other faiths do not treat women poorly or require conversion to a Muslim world that excludes all others, deserves the bad press and condemnation most people apply to it. Muslim extremists cannot co-exist and we should wake up to the fact that we should not be so liberal and tolerant in the West.

    We allow freedom of expression and hospitality and this is all abused by some hard line fanatics to take our generosity and then blow us up! We need to have harder laws to close down bad mosques, to deport and/or refuse entry to preachers etc. We are a Christian and multi cultural country and too much freedom is given to minority groups who don't give a ###### about our culture, way of life or respecting the values of the country who provides them with freedom, safety and social provision.

    If terrorists are caught and found guilty we should strap a bomb belt to them and let them have their wish in a big deserted field. (of course I don't really think so, but it is just as ridiculous allowing them to preach hate, enter and leave at will etc. The risk is defined as Muslims and not Christians, Mormons, Buddhists etc etc, so we should target the risk. The risk of a dirty bomb in the future or worse is just too great and unimaginable to allow Muslims total freedom any more, so I advocate much harder laws to be applied generally, but targetted in truth as Muslims. If they want to leave then good - Pi55 off )

    Many of us in our hearts know that we are wary and avoid Muslim looking people unless we know them well. I would be happy if we took the cautious approach and banned any more from entering. Simply we do not need them and they are too great a risk to security as even a law abiding family man can be hiding the truth of his terror thoughts and surprisingly planning to throw his life away with as many others as he can find. God is great and what man does in the name of Muslims is slowly alienate the whole world to the vast majority of good and peace loving Muslims along with the hate filled scum.

  5. Indeed what a way to carry on. Planning permission given and building ongoing and then government reverses and says STOP! We will tell you when and if you can continue as Sirporn wantyourdosh up the road has complained that you are legally going to operate a storte here!!!

    All I really think is wrong is that geovernment can't wing it and change the law retrospectivly at whim. It is what is really wrong in 3rd world countries. Corruption and law changes to suit the whim of the day AFTER all has legally been agreed and signed.

    Another shame to Thailand

  6. Baboon (old man, but not yet an old git),

    Positively a young man!

    depends on the level of the cheat.

    If she robs you of your assets and you find she was living a lie and planning to do it. That's terrible

    If you also loose your love, your dreams and your future. That's crushing

    Loose it all and the age and gap matters not. You may have a rush of blood or boil up and over your tolerance levels and snap in any subsequent confrontation.

  7. Thanks Pattaya Fox,

    Let's not forget the main story.

    What is a fitting outcome to the circumstances as reported, if we presume the 64 yo guy was foolishly in love and had just found out he had lost everything including his dreams and love.

    I conject that relationships and business in Thailand is fraught with pitfalls and disaster, as an additional inbuilt hurdle for foreigners who start with an uphill struggle that looks like a downhill pleasure cruise.

    If she was sincere and just fell out of love then we can probably assume it is the way of the world and bad luck to the foolish man for buying her all that stuff in a country that demands it be held in her name legally and easily, rather than illegally or expensively etc.

    If she was a scheming, lying whore then I have 2 thoughts. 1) she is in the right place for humanity and it stops other lives being wasted or suicides after the sting. 2) Nobody deserves to die and she should have got what's coming to her in a different and less final manner.

  8. Dave Thailand,

    Yes, I agree


    The old git term was a figure of speach guys, to identify the age of the man and the age gap problem. I may be included in this, but after 3 happy years I feel fine about that if you want to apply the term.

    I am not yet in my Sixty's though and as I say this sorry example does have extremes of age with a larger gap and a less satisfactory basis (bar girl business) on which to start a solid and trusting relationship.

  9. Pattaya Fox,

    Well everything is subjective and I do not yet consider myself as an old git, although I do frequently call myself an old git and maybe I am.

    I look a young 45, but in any event I was talking about the actual age and the age gap in this sorry tale. 64 versus whatever it was. I think it is another level on from my own example, although some may disagree.

    However, the main point is still the individuals involved and if bar girls then somewhat less likley to have a good chance than a professional lady with a good background etc.

  10. Pattay Fox,

    Funnily enough the answer is NO.

    I am 45 and have been happy with my 29 yo Thai girl for over 3 years. We met when she was working at the Business centre for a Hotel in Bangkok and I feel rather lucky.

    I have heard and seen many examples of the attitude to which I refer and been well educated on the ways of the Thai bar girl world, so I have some understanding and empathy for victims and some disgust for those bad apples that ply this nasty type of trade in human misery of their victims. Most of which just suffer in silence and live a life less happy or secure for their remaining time.

    I once witnessed the type in a Starbucks. She was with her Thai girl friend and got a phone call from her English boyfriend who was complaining that he had been trying to phone her for days. She repied that she had trouble with the phone and couldn't wait to see him because she loved him so very much. They arranged to meet and the call ended. A little later an American man came in and they hugged and she was all over him and giggling and telling him she loved him etc etc.

    I just wanted to tell him I had heard an identical conversation minutes earlier. So there were at least 2 current boyfriends and she was another lying, cheating bitch whose acting and beleivability marks would see her a leading actress in Hollywood.

    I really don't like to see this all too common behaviour and if this girl was one of them then she misjudged the victim's passion

  11. Doesn't justify the lies, cheating, cold faced uncaring attitude and worse that some of these girls employ. They would not feel the same if they were robbed.

    No, there are too many (not all) bitches and lying is not seen as a bad thing in Thailand

    Dave Thailand,

    Fair points and we are reacting to what was reported only and from our experience, knowledge or understanding of the situation, which may all be flawed.

    Never the less, I can't stand some of the antics I have witnessed from some bargirls and on the face of it this just MAY have been one in the mold. That's all

  12. CaptainM0ney Sh0t,

    Well, seeing your whole life disappear with your money and joint business when you have just arrived to meet you girlfriend, may cause you to loose control. Repeated stabbings in the heat of the moment are understandable. It does not have to be just one.

    Frankly, whilst I can never condown or justify murder, I can see the reason that his life fell apart and he reacted wildly, emotionally and also unforgivably.

    What do you think was a fitting reaction? Oh well never mind. I was in love with you, I trusted you and although I can see I was a complete fool, I also spent most of my life savings on you whilst you told bare faced lies to me and never even blinked. Never mind.

    I am even wondering that if she was a steriotypical lying, cheating whore then maybe for the greater good she just might be in the right place. Of course she could have been a nice sweet girl!

  13. She did not deserve to die and old gits who believe young Thai girls are really in love with them are generally loosing all sense of reality.

    However, I would also say that this sting operation happens a lot in general and the girl was a thief and a con artist and very possibly worse and no doubt has been enjoying his generosity and cheating on him repeatedly. She DID deserve something bad to happen to her, but not as bad as death. I say this because I am sick and tired of seeing these cheating two-timing bitches play at simple robbery or worse, without any feeling for the poor old dupes, who has his heart broken and his money stolen with cunning, deceipt and heartless disregard for any generosity and kindness he has shown (however foolish and generous he may have been).

  14. Let's hope they catch the Thai man and lock him up for the rest of his life. It sounds the NZ guy was simply trying to protect his GF from unwanted attentions or even rape.

    It seems to be getting very dangerous in this country. Particularly for foreigners.

    Frankly Cities/Towns here now seem about as dangerous as any European city/Town, whereas once upon a time it was viewed as much safer here. Just look at the news and places like Pattaya etc etc. I think the only surprising truth now, is that Europeans generally do not realise the state of play here in the Land of Smiles, knives, fists, bottles and guns.

    It should be up to all Embassys to educate and inform the travelling public visiting Thailand.

    A smile can hide a thousand thoughts.

    Perhaps TAT should adopt it as their new more honest slogan.

  15. Thanks Scouse,

    Very helpfull as always.

    We will give it a try in April on my visit there.

    Do you know if visa granted, will the period be for 6 months or less? (we only require 1 or 2 months).

    We would like visa to permit travel approx 1 month after the day from which we apply. With a 6 month visa this will be no problem as our length of stay still comes within the dates. Otherwise, can we ask to have a visa start date 1 month forward?

    Any other info or assistance in preparing our application would be very welcome. If there is further information nheeded, feel free to ask.

    Many thanks

  16. We plan to apply for a tourist visa on my visit in April 2006

    I have a couple of questions, please

    Will the request be granted or declined on the same day we go to hand in our paperwork?

    My Fiancee has stayed in the UK once before on a Settlement visa, arriving 6th March 2005 and returned to Thailand in late August 2005, all within the visa dates. We did not get married. Will this be a problem in applying for a tourist visa?

    What do we need to provide and what rules governing the likelyhood of success are different to our Settlement visa above?

    When is the best time to apply? We are interested in a 1 to 2 months stay maximum (a 6 month visa is fine, if that is what is generally issued) with my Fiancee arriving around end of May 2006.

    What are our chances of success realistically? I am in employment, financially secure and assume it should be possible to have a month or 2 holiday together in the UK?

    Any other advice in preparing our application?

    Many thanks

  17. Just wanted to bring up this thread again.  I think the tekkies call this

    "BUMP" (Bring Up My Post).

    Hope that's OK, thanks.

    That's great and thanks for doing the BUMP on my post.

    I am off to Thailand in October and am going to look into surgical and non-surgical options with info from here to help guide me.

    Is there a difference in booking Apex at Bangkok or Pattaya or is it the same Doctor who moves between the 2? Anyone had good/bad or different/better experiences at either place?

  18. Think for a 41 sq m the range of 1.4 to 1.7 is tops.

    I would have thought a realistic range to actually achieve is 1.2 to 1.5m??

    I have lovely View Talay building B 41 sq m selling for 1.35m tax 50/50, fully furnished and in my name. Jomtien beach side. This is a sale price and not market price.

    Any interest email me at [email protected]

  19. I have an account with Thai Military bank and was surprised to learn on my last visit that they have stopped paying interest to non-working foreigners. I used to get interest, but not any more.

    I will have a look at BBL and SCB on my next visit. I plan to keep my Thai Military bank for daily living and use one of the above as a savings account which does get interest (I trust???). I have heard that a few scams go on and have decided not to have an ATM card, as I will use my ATM with Thai Military where I don't keep much money on a daily basis.

    Anyone have any other good advice or views on my thoughts above?

  20. Hello,

    My Thai girlfriend has come to England on a 6 month Fiancee visa. We did not marry in England and she will return to Thailand next month, within the visa dates.

    We are still happy and together, but decided after living together that we were not yet ready to commit to marriage for life. (we both think this). However, we have got on very well and expect to marry in a year or 2.

    My question is. Can she get any type of visa (tourist, Student etc) to return to England before we get married, having already had a Fiancee visa granted? For example, she would like to study English here and I can supply the necessary paperwork and funds. Maybe there is a better suggestion. We would again keep to the visa rules and dates, as we are just looking for more time together in England as I have a job.

    What would be the best way to seek a return visa?

  21. Hello,

    My Thai girlfriend has come to England on a 6 month Fiancee visa. We did not marry in England and she will return to Thailand next month, within the visa dates.

    We are still happy and together, but decided after living together that we were not yet ready to commit to marriage for life. (we both think this). However, we have got on very well and expect to marry in a year or 2.

    My question is. Can she get any type of visa (tourist, Student etc) to return to England before we get married, having already had a Fiancee visa granted? For example, she would like to study English here and I can supply the necessary paperwork and funds. Maybe there is a better suggestion. We would again keep to the visa rules and dates, as we are just looking for more time together in England as I have a job.

    What would be the best way to seek a return visa?

  22. Spacebass,

    Just to check, that is 31,000 Baht, already halved to be the 50% (i.e. the full Tax would have been 62,000)?

    If you find the formula, please advise and thanks very much for this info.

    How long had you owned, as I have for 3 years and this factor may have a small or large bearing on the final tax figure?

    As a guess I will assume at 3 years and 1,325,000 that my tax would also be in the 30,000 to 35,000 range at 50%.

    Thanks a lot

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