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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. Insurance premiums are not much higher, I just renewed the insurance on my daughter’s 1 year old MG EP+ for 8,800 baht. Try carrying the fuel source for a petrol car on an airplane or posting it. I haven’t seen any car parks preventing EV’s any links? https://electrek.co/2022/01/12/government-data-shows-gasoline-vehicles-are-significantly-more-prone-to-fires-than-evs/ On the EV threads here on AN this is covered in great detail. It’s an indisputable fact, EV’s catch fire between 10 and 130 times less often than ICE vehicles.
  2. You can buy a 32 amp charger (7.2Kw) on Lazada for 4-5,000 baht, it comes with a blue industrial 32 amp plug. you just need to ask a local electrician to fit you a blue 32 amp socket where you want the charger. You don’t even need to tell him what it’s for (if you do, he would probably say he doesn’t know how to install an EV wall box). He will wire your socket back to a 40 amp breaker in your consumer unit, if you don’t have an ELCB on the main breaker then he should install one next to the blue 32 amp socket. I always put 32amp plugs and sockets between the supply and the charger, because it then makes the charger portable. Should we ever sell the house, the photo attached is what I’ve done in our ChiangMai house, which is where I’m spending the weekend.
  3. I run Ubiquity networks across multiple locations in a private WAN. First thing you need to do is ditch 3BB. Let me explain why. 3BB buy from NT who own the international pipes. NT buy width from overseas (speed Tb/sec), 3BB buy volume from NT (Tb, not Tb/sec). You probably want speed and volume, you immediately have a mismatch in what you are buying and 3BB are selling. So if you buy from NT then they don’t care about your volume, if you buy from 3BB and you transfer a lot of data internationally, they lose money and they will throttle you and lower your service level. NT business contract will never throttle international traffic, 3BB will.
  4. According to the US Government (2 different departments) and Insurance companies, EV fires are about 10 times less likely than internal combustion engine cars.
  5. Does your licence specify THC percentage? According to the law you can grow and sell flower with less than 0.2% THC. Equally, if Srettha says the licences are being interpreted incorrectly, they don’t need to change the law, only change how you interpret it.
  6. My last EV had NMC batteries, if possible I would try and avoid them, but if I had my heart set on a particular car and it had them, I would probably accept it. In Thailand, it’s definitely something you want to consider. I would definitely sleep better with LFP batteries.
  7. I have. My friend has a huge cannabis farm in Chiang Rai, the infographic released by THE THAI GOVERNMENT is correct, but it’s being overlooked, currently.
  8. This is where the ambiguity comes in. The infographic and US Government define the law, how it is being interpreted is different. This can be a bad thing for stoners, because the government can argue that THC greater than 0.2% in flower is already banned and then it’s game over.
  9. LFP last twice as many charge/discharge cycles compared to NMC. NMC is more likely to catch fire but performs better in cold temperature climates. NMC doesn’t like being fully charged, the battery degrades, so shouldn’t be left at 100%. LFP is safer in hot climates and can be charged to 100% NMC has a higher energy density so can pack more power in the same size. NMC uses nickel, manganese and cobalt. Cobalt is controversial because children mine it in Africa. There are probably other reasons, but these are the ones that come off the top of my head.
  10. The infographic IS correct. It’s also the same advice given by US Government to it’s citizens visiting Thailand.
  11. Deflection. Alcohol is worse, let’s solve that first. Tobacco is worse, let’s solve that first. Washing Machines break, let’s solve that first.
  12. C40 is not cheap. EX30 is reasonable. Made in China is a big plus. NMC batteries, not ideal but I suspect is par for the course with most “Performance” variants. It needs considering carefully.
  13. There have been cases of peoples sinks leaking over many months and causing damage to the condo below. They have been found responsible for the damage below. I think you own insurance normally covers this.
  14. Source: US CDC Addiction Some people who use marijuana will develop marijuana use disorder, meaning that they are unable to stop using marijuana even though it’s causing health and social problems in their lives. One study estimated that approximately 3 in 10 people who use marijuana have marijuana use disorder.1 Another study estimated that people who use cannabis have about a 10% likelihood of becoming addicted.2 The risk of developing marijuana use disorder is greater in people who start using marijuana during youth or adolescence and who use marijuana more frequently.3
  15. It is only legal if THC content is below 0.2% I don’t think anyone can use that recreationally. This graphic from the Thai Government PR Dept.
  16. Having something that can never change or be modified can be dangerous, i.e. Islam. What if the last charter change was that, unelected senators would be here forever.
  17. It all depends whether your balcony is yours or common area. If it’s yours then you are responsible for anything that goes down it and causes a blockage. Whether through action, or inaction (ie not removing leaves). Think about it this way, let’s assume the balcony is yours and it’s blocked with cigarette butts, of course you’re responsible, now what’s the difference if it’s blocked with leaves because you never cleared them out every time they got there, it’s still your responsibility.
  18. I have never mentioned Srettha Thavisin, the post said “sovereign government” which I amended to “sovereign but unelected”.
  19. This exact thing happened 15 years ago at my condo building in Pattaya. It was found that leaves had blocked the drain when it was cleared. The condo owner was found responsible for the costs because he could be reasonably expected to keep the drains on his balcony clear.
  20. Amazing Thailand, where the populous overwhelmingly vote to get rid of the old guard like Anutin & Thammanat, only to have them reappear as Deputy PM and as minister.
  21. What you say is true in what the law says can be sold and those clauses are silent on flower, however, the law also says it is a narcotic, and if it’s a narcotic, then it is illegal to take for recreational purposes, that is the law.
  22. I was married once in the UK, didn’t end well. I am reminded of the definition of stupidity “Doing the same thing over & expecting a different result”. I have been single ever since, so I won’t ever be marrying again and paying sinsod.
  23. I can see the government getting right on with that. They wouldn’t be in power if it wasn’t for the current charter, and unelected senators that it brought.
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