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Everything posted by JBChiangRai

  1. He has just gone up in my estimation. I still think he’s an idiot
  2. Money does not negate customs. You can’t have a typical Thai wedding and pick and choose which customs you will observe. The bride’s parents lose face if no sinsod. They would probably rather borrow the money to show the guests (telling them you paid) rather than suffer the ignominy of admitting you paid no sinsod. A lot of parents will give it to the bride after the wedding. Another cultural point to bear in mind “YOU” pay for the wedding.
  3. True legally, but in reality almost all Thais will abide by their parents. If they don’t it would ring alarm bells with me. Legally & culturally, parents can do no wrong. Parents can sue children but not vice-versa.
  4. Sumatriptan works for me, it takes an hour to kick in. Available here, but expensive.
  5. My father always said that it is as easy to marry a rich girl as a poor girl, so marry a rich girl. But like all young people, I thought I knew better, but I was wrong.
  6. If I was in historic Rome, I would abide by their customs, they were less forgiving than Thai’s. I don’t think gargling with urine was mandatory, or bisexuality, but hey, When in Rome…
  7. The bait is always taken… My view is “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” Thailand has different cultures and customs, accept and abide by them or don’t stay here. It really is that simple.
  8. I silenced her on the MG4, I can’t remember how, but I think it was something to do with the weather forecast
  9. The other thing that worries me about high performance EV’s is Thai drivers. Is it safe to let an 18 year old Thai kid or Somchai the farmer loose on a 500 hp car?
  10. You need to change your username to non-VocalNeal
  11. With high performance versions of EV’s hitting the market (BYD Seal, MG4 X-Power, Volvo EX30, ORA Grand/Lightning Cat), I hope they have got the handling and braking right. A superfast car that doesn’t handle safely could get you into trouble. Volvo will have gained their experience through Polestar, MG don’t really have any experience though the standard MG4 is a good starting point, I don’t know about BYD with the Seal or GWM with the Grand/Lightning Cat. The MG Cyberster had it’s handling tuned by a F1 racing driver as did the original Honda NSX by the late Ayrton Senna, I had one for 5 years, I’ve only ever kept 3 cars that long which tells you how much I liked it. I think a spirited test drive for anyone wanting a performance EV who intends to drive spiritedly might be wise. I did read the Seal 3.8s handles well but the Chinese Grand Cat is very softly sprung.
  12. That would be 10 times more likely, if we were driving an ICE vehicle
  13. One pedal driving on the MG4 is in the next OTA s/w update (the UK just got it). The car defaults to highest Regen (Level 3), I decided to try it rather than change it every time I start the car. It’s very close to one pedal driving, you only need the brake at the last 5 kmhr or so. It’s more efficient than braking and I love it now. I don't turn the Lane Keeping Assist off every time, it only activates at higher speeds than in town and is just 2 presses to turn off and one of those is a steering wheel button. I do it when it first kicks in, you can do it fairly easily when driving. The radio issue doesn’t exist on the MG4. I would recommend driving Dolphin and MG4 and seeing which you prefer, they are both fine cars. I just insured my daughter’s MG EP+ for 2nd year at 8,800 baht with Roojai.
  14. My system has 3 of 6Kw grid-tied inverters on singe phase that I have adjusted the shutdown if grid-over-voltage, inverter 2 set 1 volt higher than inverter 1, inverter 3 set 1 volt higher than inverter 2. On a sunny day, inverter 1 shuts down if we’re not using enough power followed by inverter 2. Running a couple of air cons is enough to keep 2 inverters running (multi-purpose room, wine cellar/electric & battery room/computer server room has an air con running 24/7). Charging an EV keeps all 3 running.
  15. Not really a workable solution, it won’t account for atmospheric pollution.
  16. There is no way to tell what the maximum output could be if you’re not using all the potential power. The most effective way to use all the potential power is the export to the grid surplus power. I did assemble a contactor with an adjustable over/under voltage protection device so when the grid voltage hit 245v the contactor tripped allowing power to charge my EV but the car errors after a short while when it trips too often, I could use it for corridor air cons etc but rewiring the breakers sounds too much like work. I do export but turn it off on meter reading day.
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