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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. it might work for your next extension application and they will take your money to facilitate - but come the next renewal the following year when they check your bank to see if you complied with the rules the previous 12 months  (and you obviously didn't) - what then ?, if your agent cannot bribe your next extension then you are shafted. 
    What if every extension is treated as a new extension? Go out come back with a TV and apply fresh. Not breaking any laws. Perfectly legal.

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  2. Please stop referring to 800 k in the bank. I use the monthly income method.
    Agents only do 800k bank method. You can bring million dollars a month or 30k/ month, agents dont care. They put 800k and buy the previlege for waiving of seasoning from IOs. At least that's s how it used to work. Don't know how it would work now

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. Same as usual, the money will never stay longer than ten minutes on your bank account.
    Agents fees are not made to borrow money but to ease process at immigration offices.
    And that is the reason why they are taking care, as well, of your 90 days report; because nobody wants to see your face over there.
    Understood. But my question was specifically about the existence of a clause to waive seasoning (as exited before) and keeping at least 400k throughout the year for pevileged people otherwise it becomes illegal.

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  4. Only for a substantial cost for a agent to put the money in the bank for you to meet the 800k baht in the bank option or enough to combine with the income you can bring into the country to reach a total of 800k baht.
    Do you think agents will put 800k to remain throughout the year? Does the clause to waive seasoning and keeping at least 400000 baht through out the year exists for who could buy the privelege?

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  5. They do work. The only (but quite relevant, to those affected) question is if immigration will accept inbound transfers using such services as "coming from overseas".
    Knowing how Thai officials tick, I'd say: Don't bank on it! The obvious - albeit potentially expensive - alternative are regular SWIFT transfers.
    They will work for all agent submitted application. Did you talk to any agent?

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  6. On 2/19/2019 at 4:21 AM, Thailand Outcast said:

    You say the 800k guys are the winner.  Yes, this is true, until they make it 1.5 million. 

    MY reasoning is that if they make it 1.5 million and grandfather 800K people (based on the past actions), nothing changes for 800K people. But for other groups like O-A, which are not grandfathered, they have to show 1.5 million. For monthly income people bringing 65K/month, even if grandfathered, have to convert more dollar for the same baht. One thing is sure baht will appreciate in coming years due to massive foreign direct investment and a flood gate of tourists from China and India. 

  7. 1 hour ago, BertM said:

    Chase Bank doesn't charge me anything for my international xfers due to my Private Client status.

    What's private client status. How can I have one? Is this privilege earned by money, by becoming famous, or by connection with bank management? I am a chase bank account holder for more than a decade and circulated more than a million dollar through their banking system in all those years. Can I get one?

    • Haha 1
  8. 9 hours ago, missoura said:

    I have been using Bangkok Bank for my SS checks for the last couple of years. As of today, SS has not emailed me any information regarding a change. So do I need to contact the bank first to determine if the deposits are of the correct format?

    Yes, you have to contact the bank. Bangkok bank announced it a while back that all ACH transfer are going to stop unless it is in IACH format. Social security won't inform you anything. They send money to thousands of banks and they don't keep track of each bank's policy changes. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, KhunFred said:

    Thank you for your insult. It must be great to know everything. You are incredibly rude.  I am seeking information, that is the purpose of a forum. Admins should be busy deleting your kind of posts. I can't read everything on this board because of handicaps. Think about what you would do in such a situation and try to be a bit more tolerant and understanding, instead of spewing acid all over the forum.

    You can use SWIFT transfer to transfer money from US to Thailand. You can also use Transferwise. If using Transferwise, it is better to use Bangkok bank because people have reported coding issues with other bank. So Bangkok bank is coding transfer from US to Thailand using Transferwise as FTT. Occasionally they also miss. SWIFT is the the only guaranteed way to get the right coding into banks of Thailand. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 2/1/2019 at 5:26 AM, myshem said:

    When did I talk about a marriage visa ? Not anybody wish to waste a life with a marriage..

    Non-O is given to person who has a Thai family. In some rare occasions, you can get Non-O for retirement on state pension for UK citizens only but none them exists in neighboring countries. You clearly asked for Non-O, so people assumed you know what you're talking about. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Thailand Outcast said:

    I refuse to pay it on principle.  I decide what I do with my personal finances.  Not Thailand Immigration. 

    Instead of an METV, you can get an O-A visa. Two years of hassle free stay without visiting immigration, keep your money where you want and bring as little or as much as you want in to Thailand for general expenses.

    • Like 2
  12. On 2/16/2019 at 6:54 AM, Thailand Outcast said:

    They will not miss me or my money.  I know that and it's fine.  I must now look at living somewhere other than Thailand.  I did not think to ask about the rules for coming back sometimes, so now I ask.  Ubonjoe says not many will leave and come back using tourist visas.  The time will tell for this.   I think if many leave and come back on tourist visas that will be the next visa rule change. 

    People who are married, can always go back to Savvanakhet for 90-day ME visa. That will take care of them and they have to just do a border bounce every 90-day. Some will go back to their home country every two years to get O-A, instead of putting money in a Thai bank. Lots of people are also keeping 800K in Thai bank throughout the year. No issue with them. People who are already bringing in 65K every month, no changes for them. Some will recirculate the income. A few single  recent retirees will move to neighboring countries (not Malaysia which is far more stringent and expensive requirements).  Everybody will find their ways. 

    Out of all these groups, I think the 800K guys are the winner because there is no change for them. And baht is becoming stronger and by 2022, it may reach 22 baht/USD. This 800K group (along with 65K/month income) may be grandfathered when the immigration raises its requirements close to Malaysia's requirements (my guess before 2032).  But for 65K/month will require more dollars as baht becomes stronger. O-A visas may require health insurance and Savvanakhet may be a tale of the past. Just think about people who brought 800K when the baht was 40THB/USD. So, I say 800K guys are the winners in this game.




  13. 9 minutes ago, rumbo1 said:

    Ok what happens if annually you open a new bank ac with 800 k 2 months before new renewal and close and destroy existing bank ac ?

    This can only happen if every application is treated as a new application. You may have to move out of Thailand at least for more than 6-months when your extension ends. If you turn around and come back with a tourist visa to start the process, immigration may still deny you. Of ocurse, if you keep 400K in the bank, you may have to show an income of approx. $35K/month. So basically a person needs around $12K USD in savings and a pension payment of $1200/month to live in Thailand. I think this is the cheapest one can use to legally retire in Thailand unless currency drops to 20 baht/USD, then most people have to say good bye to Thailand. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 2/16/2019 at 1:03 AM, cnx355 said:

    Hopefully Local Immigration may use it for expats to apply for extension filling the form and scanning the documents so we can have queue number  when  the officer have already checked the application.

    Long overdue in this digital age. Like Malaysia My Home. May be by 2030, when baht will be 20/USD and retirement requirement will rival Malaysia My Home. 

  15. 11 minutes ago, Ravi98008 said:

    came to CM on November 28 got a 30 day stamp, extension for another 30 days good thru Jan 28. But on Jan 17th got a Non O stamp good thru April 17. My question is do I have to do a 90 day report for being in the kingdom between Nov 28 to February 28. I plan on getting an extension for one year by applying for it on

    It is simple. Are you continuously staying in Thailand for 90-day? Does not matter your visa, extension, etc. If you're staying continuously for 90-day, you must do I 90-day report except if you're on a smart visa or a spouse of a smart visa holder. 

  16. On 2/15/2019 at 4:14 AM, Jlop said:

    I've gone to two branches of Bangkok bank, one if the several times, trying to open an account in part so I could meet the immigration financial requirements. At various points they requested a work permit (don't have or want), or an embassy letter (I  assuming they mean the old income affidavit). I showed them their own online rules allowing an account if you have a letter from your pension source, and showed them a signed letter from my former employer (US government) listing my pension 

    Not sure if you're discussing about opening a bank account or changing your visa to Non-O. You should have gotten an O-A visa from the US before coming here. With an O-A visa, it is comparatively easy to open an account but still not a piece of cake in today's environment. To open a Bangkok bank account, you need a lease and an embassy letter (not income letter) or a Thai who could vouch for you. Talk to the manager directly not the staff. There are agents who can also help you open a bank account. 

  17. On 2/15/2019 at 8:11 PM, rumbo1 said:

    Hi does anyone know if proof of 400,000 will still be required for my 90 day report for my extension which was obtained August 2018 ? .

    Also if i was to obtain an OA in the UK based on funds in a UK bank later this year what proof would be needed on 90 day reports ?

    People posting here have severe comprehension problems. Did any of the order says anything about 90-day report and proving your fund during 90-day report? If it was that simple, people will do a border run and avoid 90-day report altogether.

    Big jokes' minions are patrolling the streets. They will check you at random check points and demand to see your passport and bank book. you must carry your bank book all the time. If you don't, they will arrest you and send you to Thai gulag. 

    • Haha 1
  18. On 2/12/2019 at 11:44 PM, somchai jones said:

    I use the 65,000 baht per month income method to extend my 50+ (retirement) visa annually. I have always used company dividends as income which I know is acceptable to immigration. I also have a rental income from a property in the UK that I rent out. Is my rental income also an acceptable form of income to use for the 65,000 baht per month income method?

    If you know dividends as income is acceptable to immigration, why did you conclude rental won't be the same? TI does not care how you have earned your income. They want to see money from oversees deposited into a Thai account. You could have obtained that money by holding up a bank in your home country but TI does not care as long as it reaches a Thai bank as international transfer

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