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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 8 hours ago, jim320 said:

    I managed to change from a tourist stamp to a non O retirement stamp.

    So, you came on a Tourist visa? Is it correct? Where did you get the Tourist visa? 


    8 hours ago, jim320 said:

    What do I need in order to get a bank account? I do not have one  ( If this confuses you then please DO NOT REPLY )

    Did you show income letter from your embassy to get the extension? If so, which embassy?

    For opening a bank account, @elviajero has already posted documents needed for Bangkok bank.


    7 hours ago, elviajero said:

    It's 90 days from the date you applied for the extension. The extension application counted as your first address report (90 day report).

    Is it 90-day from the date when applied for the extension or 90-day from your last entry into Thailand?


    8 hours ago, jim320 said:

    I have read on the forums here that I can get more than a years worth of use out of this stamp. How do I do this please?

    What stamp? Do you have a sticker (a visa sticker)? It is not a stamp. It is a visa sticker that says O-A? If so, yes you can use ti for two years. You cannot use any kind of stamps for two years. Stamps are valid for your stay inside Thailand and they will tell you exactly how long you can stay inside Thailand and if you cross that date, you're overstayer with grave consequences.

  2. 14 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    My favorite one recently was the crybaby who said he owned 3 houses, a farm and 2 newer cars. Then he complains how it is all unfair and he may have to leave the country???

    Hmm, buy three houses without keeping at least 800K in the bank so that he can stay here legally. Why his family cannot raise 800K for him as loans with three houses and a farm. OK, one has to be pay 20% interest may be. That is same as US credit cards. 

  3. 10 hours ago, KhunFred said:

    Elite Thais will fight these kinds of ideas to the bitter end, because they threaten the social order that places them at the top and forces others to the bottom.

    Oligarchs are still fighting in the USA for the same. Why blame Thailand only? Thousands of people are on the streets of LA, does the US government, the richest country in the World by GDP,  cares?

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Stuart said:

    For those of us who have a Thai wife and children the new Visa Extension rules are unfair. We have invested in our families and our children's education. There should be a 'grandfathering' option so as to ensure families are not forced to live on the streets because there husband is forced to leave the country and is no longer able to support them. To arbitrarily make up rules without thinking them through is against the laws of humanity and human rights.

    Thailand needs some structural changes in its immigration policies. The first thing should be to provide path for PR to people who are married to Thai citizens, instead of grandfathering anything. Grandfathering provides a short-cut to the problems and does not require any personal achievement for the privilege.  

  5. Very confusing. I could not understand what the OP intended to say. You declare your monthly income in dollar in affidavit. On the date of your extension, the IO applies the conversion rate and determine if you qualify for extension or not. All mute now as no affidavit is issued any more.

    I'm getting ready for 800K in the bank method. After months of arguing about why I would never keep 800K in a Thai bank, I have switched my position. I think this is the best way and in the long run you will be a winner. 


    Baht will never depreciate to much in a foreseeable future unless China goes into a prolonged recession (very unlikely). The flood gate of Tourists from China and India will keep on increasing, keeping Baht strong. There is no sign of India's economy slowing down in the next decade and no sign of Indian Tourists bringing in foreign currency to Thailand. I don't see any reason for Baht to depreciate unless somebody can give me a good reason that I overlooked. 

    By the way, I wonder why one wants to inhale smog filled air with 90,000/month USD income. Heck, I could live any where in the World with a mere 60K/year USD, including French Riviera

  6. I think Schengen visa exempt entry depends on the Passport. If she is using a passport that does not allow visa exempt entry into Schengen, she has to get a visa. Currently, Malaysian citizens (among neighboring countries) don't need Schengen visa. If Thailand wants to achieve the level of Malaysia, it has to do more. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, CaptainJack said:

    I'd be working with him to identify,  arrest and deport any and all criminal organizations and elements in Thailand. 

    Why didn't you come to Thailand on an O-A visa? Are you working now with Big Jokes? Is he only interested in agent scams that help desperate foreigners who could not meet financial requirements to legally get retirement extension? 


    What about corruption in high levels or corruption that affects ordinary poor Thais? What about corruption in Government contact awards? I think it could better to address those corruption first rather than agent corruption.


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  8. Ok, if I have a tourist visa then is it ok if I go to Laos before it expires, get it done, go back to Thailand and repeat again and again for a long time?? (I mean, 3 years ish) 
    Will I be denied?? 
    I won’t do illegal things! 
    Very hard to say. Avoid airports. Use land borders (except Poipet). Are you digital nomad want to live here cheaply? If you have plenty of money, you can visit some wealthy countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea. Maldives, India There are lots of places in Asia besides Thailand. If you're addicted to a Thai GF, take your chance through the land birders.

    Sent from my JKM-LX2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. 15 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    As to unions and such, only useful if they are able to push a policy of shrinking the labor-pool, by removing foreign workers willing to work cheaply - undercutting Thai workers, in this case.

    As soon exports slows down due to straightening of currency, every economy finds ways to improve it by increasing labor productivity and automation. (no currency manipulation). If the labor force is not unionized, most productivity gains will be gobbled up by professional classes  as happened in the US slowly after 1977 when labor productivity and labor wage started diverging whereas in Japan it did not happen.



  10. 24 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    How does a stronger baht make Thailand's products cheaper to sell into the USA market?

    A stronger baht does not. US does not want Thai product to sell in US markets. They want US products export to Thai markets (theoretically). A strong baht helps in that. That's why export from Thailand (to US for example) goes down with a strong baht. When export goes down, export based economy (like Thailand as Japan did after WW II) have to come up with increasing productivity by labor training, automation etc. That creates new jobs and if workers are unionized it benefits the masses. Manipulating currency (by keeping it weak) only benefits to people who have access to foreign currency and it is not an economic model for a country's growth. If central bank intervenes every time export goes down, there is no incentive for higher productivity or automation. Central banks are allowed to intervene but only in a limited way. They cannot continue to accumulate foreign currency and when export declines, intervene in the currency market. That is not a fully floating currency. 

  11. 48 minutes ago, blazes said:

    It's worth observing that the hi-so class in Thailand will certainly benefit from a strong baht, making it very cheap for them (the lucky few) to visit Europe and other destinations of delight.

    A weak baht benefits people who have access to foreign currency like retirees or tourists. It does not create a growth economy. It affects the export of the country and export falls. But a country cannot simply manipulate currency (keeping it weak) to bolster its export. It can be declared a currency manipulator triggering Tariff, further decline of exports resulting in massive loss of jobs in organized sectors.

    To compensate for loss in export due to currency appreciation, a country must increase labor productivity by increasing training, education, and capital investment, automation. All these activities create good paying jobs with benefits. It enriches the masses. Manipulating currency (keeping it weak than the free market demands) only benefits a few who have access to foreign currency. 


  12. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    If Thailand tries to stop the Baht from getting stronger against the dollar the US will have no concerns about it.

    No you're mistaken. If Thai central bank wants to intervene and stops Baht appreciation, it will be currency manipulation after certain limit. Central banks are allowed to buy dollars up to 2% of their GDP over 12 month period. Central banks can always intervene to stop sliding of a currency with respect to dollar if the country is in dire economic states.

    In layman's term, a currency manipulator is a country which adjusts its currency to gain trade advantage with US. So, if Thailand wants to make baht weaker for Americans to think it is cheaper to use Thai products (more exports for Thailand and more imports for US from Thailand) and Thais to think it is expensive to use US products (less import of US products into Thailand and less export from US), it is currency manipulations. 



  13. 24 minutes ago, watcharacters said:

    ell, sorry but it rings of a flippant remark to me.    I simply don't believe it.  But carry on nevertheless.

    Sorry, I cannot do search for you and educate you on economic reality. Here is a starting link. You can do your search and collect more articles and read those, I don't form my opinion based in one article only. That will be regurgitating.

    I am not saying this will happen (declaring Thailand as a currency manipulator)  but I am almost sure that Thai central bank will not intervene in weakening Baht and there is no economic reason for baht to weaken when massive amount Chinese and Indian tourists are pouring into Thailand and Thai bond and stock markets are flooded with foreign currency.


    You can also search for economic council's report that export is down 5% in last few months and they are blaming strong Thai baht wants central bank to intervene. When export is down, the country has to improve its productivity, invest in capitals, etc. to make it up. You cannot do it by weakening currency. Weakening currency gives advantage to only a fraction of people who have access to foreign currency. Improving productivity improves the masses and with a strong union, they can distribute the gains proportionately to the masses.


    Enough of economic lessons.



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  14. 12 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Well, you've brought up this old-thread to repeat what you put in the newer one, so a source would be nice.

    I am warning people to get ready for Baht appreciation (2022/2023). Import as much baht into Thailand as one could afford. I changed my views in the last few months only. If you don't know Thailand is in the watch list of Trump administration for currency manipulation, you can google it. Just one thing is holding Thailand back. If it continues to accumulate more foreign currency, and their reserve crosses a certain percentage of GDP limit, Trump admin can declare it a currency manipulator. I'm not saying it will happen but it prevents central bank from intervening. Once declared a currency manipulator, tariff kicks in and slows down export. 

  15. On 2/8/2019 at 10:52 PM, Hugh Geen said:

    If sterling drops below 30baht I may have a problem.

    Not sure about Sterling but the Trump Administration wants Baht to become even more stronger. They think it is still weak. They want it to reach 25BHT/USD. Currency market predicts it will  be in that range around 2022/2023 (when I start getting my SS). Thailand is already in the watch list. If central bank intervenes to make it weaker, Trump administration will declare Thailand a currency manipulator. It will result in dramatic decrease in Export (Traffic kicks in), and massive layoffs of people in organized sector where they're entitled to pension and SS benefits. 

    Most people will ride it out but it will be difficult for new retirees to come to a cheap place like Thailand as it used to be a decade ago. Thailand is reorganizing its economic structure as massive inflow of foreign currency is pouring into Thai stock and bond market and millions of tourists are coming from China and India. 


    In the 19th century, the world was Europeanized. In the 20th century, it was Americanized. Now, in the 21st century, the world is being irreversibly Asianized. Each country  will reshape their business and culture according to their need. They day when Thailand needed dollar desperately (@ at 40BHT/USD) is gone. They currency will drive most Westerners out of Thailand (at least the new retirees)

    • Like 1
  16. 31 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Heck long time ago I lived here on visa exempt even though I was over 50. Those days are gone.

    I did the same when Thailand needed dollar and I was getting 40BHT/USD. Now every week BHT is getting stronger due to massive inflow of foreign currency into Thai stock and bond markets and of course Tourists from China and India. Due to stronger currency, Thai export is down 5% last few months. Export council blames stronger Thai baht and is factory shut down and lay off if central bank does not intervene. Trump administration has already put Thailand on a watch and if central bank intervenes to make currency weaker, it can declare Thailand as a currency manipulator. That will trigger massive reduction of Thailand's export economy (65%) and huge increase in unemployment of people in organized sectors where they're entitled to pension and social security. US administration thinks Thai baht is still weak and it should go down further to the pre Asian crisis level (25BHT/USD) without intervention. 

  17. If you're continuously staying in Thailand, why not get an METV from how country. Leave every 30-days and you can stretch it to 9-month. After that it become dicey. If you're taking extended vacation in neighboring countries (like few weeks in each neighboring country), SETVs will be OK. Start with Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau for airport arrivals and then go to poor neighboring countries (Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam) for land-border crossing. 

  18. 17 minutes ago, seajae said:

    Get a price for the labour and get the builder to tell you what you will need, bricks, cement, tiles, gyprock, bath, pipes & taps, roofing etc and then you can price them as well as getting him to price them,

    Can you recommend a builder in Pattaya are?


    17 minutes ago, seajae said:

    use good quality fittings etc.

    what do you mean by fittings? Bath room fittings?


    17 minutes ago, seajae said:

    Just make sure they tie the walls in with the existing building, same with the roof & slab

    What does it mean tying the walls with existing building? 

    Ok, I am completely novice in building construction in Thailand and also in the USA. I have a house in Las Vegas but I bought it during the housing market crash around 2008 from a bank foreclosure and never made any repair to that except a paint jobs and door changes

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