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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. On 1/31/2019 at 9:36 AM, Khaeng Mak said:

    Can I get arrested for overstay at the airport and put in the IDC because my extension is no longer valid (Because I don't have 800K or even 400K in a Thai bank).

    This is a valid question. I guess nobody has answer to this. According to half-baked crazy idea, one could certainly. Unless another police order specifically spells out the punishment for emptying the bank after "permitted to stay" is granted. 

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  2. On 2/1/2019 at 9:11 AM, alexlm said:

    How to prove I got 40k transferred monthly into a Thai bank account while my Thai Wife and I were living abroad for more than a year?

    I don't have 400k and I will arrive in Pattaya with a non-mmigrant visa based on marriage.

    I didn't send 40k every month for the last year obviously.

    Why that is a problem? You can always get a Non-O from any place on earth and come to Thailand for at least three months, and then extended to another two months. So, you're good for five months. Can't you show five months of transfer. Assuming you're returning in 2020 when the immigration does not allow leniency. You can still get a ME visa good for one year to establish your one year worth of transfers. The new rule is a bonanza for married people. But people on retirement visa has hurdles to cross. For them, may an O-A visa is better option. Two years of hassle free stay in Thailand, requires only one out/in and no visit to immigration, your choice of bringing as little or as much as you want into Thailand. 

  3. On 2/1/2019 at 3:43 AM, seajae said:

    rules changes that stop IO"S from getting extra payments so IO's had to come up with a new way to be able to make it difficult for those applying, what else can we expect from these people, what will the big boy do now

    Corruption will continue in Thailand. There is no end to corruption unless it starts a grass root level. Immigration is not the grass root level. Agent systems provided a valuable service for retirees who could not make it in their country with a retirement income of 40-50 baht. I strongly believe agents will find a work loop hole to exploit because it is an income source for them and the IOs. It is yet to be spelled out how they are going to verify money in the bank? What is the punishment? Unless it's arrest, spending a few days in IDC, and then permanent ban, nothing will change. And I wonder how the World will react if you arrest old people and force them into IDC for using agents. The old people are still bringing money to Thailand and spending their own money. True, they don't meet the requirements. 

  4. 14 minutes ago, notamember said:

    how does:''The new changes eliminate the agent as operated before.?''

    agents deposit 800K pre extension and will deposit 800k again post extension

    deposit twice, get paid twice, pay immigration twice

    agents stock just doubled


    How about maintaining 400K throughout the year? People who use agents do bring money to the country. They just don't qualify for the requirements. Considering they bring the average SS payment, that is almost equal to 40K, comfortable income in Thailand.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    It would be pretty pointless stating from March 1st, the 800,000 has to be maintain for 3 months, if BJ hasn't considered a method for checking ………… then again TIT.

    It just reduced to reduced two months. If somebody is due for extension in March, he is already seasoning his money for three month since Jan, 2019

  6. 55 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

    What is yet to be clarified, is exactly how they will check your account has maintained a balance of 800,000 for 3 months after your submitted application date, but I'd go along with the already suggested theory that you'll be given a 3 month under consideration stamp and the extension will only be issued after returning in 3 months with proof that the level of 800,000 has been maintained in your account for that 3 month period.

    It will just doubles the work of IOs if they have to check after three months. Do you think the IOs will accept it unless they hire more IOs. And how are they going to verify the remaining 400K for the year round? What is the punishment for withdrawing the money after extension is granted. Nothing is spelled out. It is doomed in my book, Business as usual. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, tlandtday said:

    You seem to make blanket statements based on personal bias with little or no data to back it up lol.  These rules affect anyone who is tired of being run through the hoops and ever changing poorly thought out rules.

    I find everybody posting here with their personal bias and some people are even openly exposing their sense of privilege to stay here in their own terms. 

    • Like 2
  8. 35 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    Those who dismiss retirees as small contributors to the economy, could also dismiss small farmers, shopkeepers, street vendors, artisans and craftmen, and let the whole economy in the hands of big corporations and their oligarchs... that would certainly be very pleasant... 

    But small spenders are reserved for locals. Why do they allow foreign small spenders in their country living like locals? Everybody wins a genetic lottery when they are born. If you're born in a high wage country and want to live in a low wage country, you must come in between and spend like a middle wage earner. Otherwise, you're truly not rewarding the people who unfortunately born in a low wage country.

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  9. 15 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    (X)  800 800 800 / 400 400 400 / 400 400 400 / 400 800 800  (X+1) ....

    I think it is 

    (X: bootstrap retirement system) 800 800 (get retirement extension) / 800 800 800 / 400 400 400 / 400 400 400 / 400 800 800 (X+1: depends on bank balance requirement for X)

    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, madmen said:

    How would the agent method work now?

    It depends on how the verification works. If it's at the time for renewal and the punishment of not adhering to the rule is a denial of renewals only, agents have to treat every application as new application. That means one must leave the country, come back on a tourist or Non-O visa, and start the process. More money for agents may be. 

    Rules are spelled out but punishments are not. So, I would guess the punishment is a denial of following year's extension. If it is arrest, IDC, and ban, it will be chaotic.

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  11. 32 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    How much Thai baht appreciation? If the dollar has gone down a percent that would be an actual interest rate of 1.25%?  For the pound what would you need to break even in baht?

    As I transfer 500 USD every week, I see the amount in Thai baht I get every week goes down 100 baht. Let's hope it does not slide to below 30 baht/dollar. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, zydeco said:

    Then why are they now tying up 400K that could be spent into a locked bank account?

    Banks can give loans to Thais with jobs to spend in buying houses, cars. Another way to use foreign money to lift up native middle class. Tourist will be enough to life up the other sector of economy like by buying in malls, restaurants, tour tickets, etc.

    • Like 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    The procedure should be easy.  Go to immigration for your first 90 day report and show them your bank book and/or a bank statement from the account dated that same day.

    90-day can be done online or by mail. Now all 800K guys will be forced to go to immigration, increasing IOs work load to check bank books. I don't think so. 

    • Confused 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, zydeco said:

    Could easily be the numbers will be larger as Westerners are replaced by Chinese and Indians. 

    I don't see that happening. while the number of high net worth Chinese and Indians are large, why they would come to Thailand to retire? India is already cheap and upper middle class are buying European and USA investment visas and spend their time between Europe/USA/India. The rest are happy to be tourists in Thailand. And some desperate poor resort to illegal means to work and live in Thailand. 


  15. 10 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    So is 800K. My bank in Australia is paying 2.7%, don't think US or UK banks pay any more.

    In most countries's interest rate is related to US Federal Reserve rate. The rule of the thumb is as Fed rate goes up, dollar becomes stronger and interest rate goes up. In the US, you can get 2.25% as of now. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    No. The 90 day reports are a separate entity. The bank statements at your next extension application MAY have to show 800K after the last extension for 3 months, and 400K thereafter. It depends on when you got your last extension.

    This makes more sense to me. You boot strap the system by depositing 800K in the bank for two months (same as now or O-A visa). In your next renewal, you must show that you have left original 800K for three months after your first approval and 400K for the remaining months. If not there will be chaos. People's extension will be voided, they will be arrested, banned and what not. Also more work for IOs if they have to check bank balance every so often. 

    However, it is not clear from the police order.

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