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Posts posted by onera1961

  1. 39 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

    yes, i meant: with an embassy letter confirming my disability pension, do i still need to prove monthly transfer or not ?

    i still need to complement pension with a bank deposit to meet 800k , but i wont resort to montly transfers

    If your embassy still issues "embassy income letter" (e.g. Canada or New Zealand or Japan or Singapore, etc. ), then you don't need to bring any money.

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  2. 4 hours ago, skatewash said:

    The rules are stated for monthly income, not weekly income.  Assuming you get 4 weeks per month your monthly income will be 60k baht.  The least favorable way to calculate this is 12x60k=720, leaving you 80k baht short, which is not covered by your 60k baht in the bank that you maintain all year long.  I do understand that over the course of the year you will have been transferring an additional 4x15k baht, but the least favorable way to calculate the formula is to take the lowest amount transferred into the account in a particular month and then multiply that by 12 to get your annual income, and then subtract that amount from 800K and the result is the amount you must keep as a minimum balance in a savings account the year round to compensate for the shortfall in your annual income.


    In other words, because you are sending an extra 60k baht over the course of the year it does not contribute to the minimum monthly deposit (which is still only 60k).  Effectively, you would be short due to the way annual income is calculated.

    Ok so, instead of 60K in the second account, I can bump it to 80K. To be on safe side, I can make it 100K. Is that will be OK? I think so. I can keep 100K through out the year. If due to currency fluctuations, $500USD becomes 10,000 baht (many thousands have to leave due to insufficient income). I can bump my second account to 320K. To be on safe side, I can make it up to 350K. So I have to leave 350K in the second account throughout the year and I will be OK when most people we will be leaving Thailand. Just doing my plan what is the least amount of money I must have when I start receiving my SS. I can spend all my savings now and at least I have to keep 350K to survive in Thailand. 

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  3. On 2/11/2019 at 3:45 AM, Tanoshi said:

    There is no minimum balance of funds required.

    Is this a valid combo method


    1. One Bangkok bank Savings account where every week $500 USD (let's say $15K baht) transferred with FTT code. 

    2. Second Bangkok bank savings account where a minimum 60K baht is held throughout the year.


    Does  the above combo meet extension requirement? 



  4. 1 hour ago, MikeN said:

    I also wonder, if the bit about only one ATM card is correct, how do they keep tabs on foreigners opening accounts with more than one bank ?

    Did you try to open a Foregin deposit account? I already had one bangkok bank savings account in the same branch (opened early last year) and then I moved to Jomtien late last year. I opened another new savings account in Jomtien branch (near Rompho market) and they copied all the information from my old account to the new account and gave me a new ATM card (the master card one) based on my passport only.


    The banks are just like Thai immigration. No consistency 

  5. 11 minutes ago, madmen said:

    Never heard anyone say BKK is second expensive behind Singapore

    Yes, there was an article. Bangkok is expensive if your living standard is same as in the West. But many people live in remote god forsaken places and eat boiled rice and dried fish. Or food court foods. But it is still comparatively cheap. My one-bed room rents for 10K + 1K (utiltiy) + 1K (internet). If I put $500/day for eating, entertainment, etc. = 15K. So basically I can live for 30K and eating out, gas, etc. May be another 5K. Drinking in the bar is the most expensive, I think. So if one limits once or twice a month to bars, it's reasonable.

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  6. On 2/5/2019 at 7:52 PM, Pattaya46 said:

    Everyone on Retirement Extension today was supposed to already have 65k/monthly or 800k in bank,

    so why exactly can't he stay anymore after these rather small changes in rules ? 

    They want to assert their privilege of staying in Thailand with whatever income they have. While I feel sympathy for these souls, but I would think he will be better in in his home country. 

  7. 11 hours ago, Leslie850 said:

    Sorry I am new to this putting comments on Thai Visa, but I think I may of come up  with a Solution to the Visa Problem.

    Please watch my You Tube Link.

    I would like to hear any comments if you have any.



    Nothing is new here. The same issue discussed multiple times and it is an obvious solution. I personally don't have any problem people doing it. But I would not defend when somebody is denied extension for doing so and claim it's TI's fault for changing rules.

    I will personally pay an agent to do it if they still exist and find loop holes to exploit. I will reward an agent and TI official if I am desperately trying to stay in Thailand even if I don't quality according to their rules. 


    If I'm so destitute that I could not afford an agent, may be I will resort to the method outlined here but I would never claim my privilege to live in Thailand on my terms and blame TI for changing rules.

    I'm fortunate to earn my income in a country whose  economic foundations are based on centuries of colonization and chattel slavery and I'm a beneficiary of that past economic system, however small that may be.  I despise claiming any privilege based on where I come from and assert my privilege to live in Thailand in my terms. I have to earn my privilege by personal achievement. If my personal achievement does not allow me to reward agents and TIs, I would rather move to a different country. 


    But I don't have to do none of these. I can go to my home country and get an O-A visa. Problem solved. 

  8. 14 hours ago, tilaceer said:

    They object to the fact that, on my stat dec, I have said "money deposited" and not pension or income.

    Isn't it supposed to be a standard form like a USA income declaration affidavit form? Did you use the same wording in the past also which was approved in the past. May be you can show them a copy of the past stat dec where exact same wording is used.

  9. 24 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    After all, if what they did were "really illegal", you would not see ads like the one posted just above your post - right?

    If it is legal how can they arrest IOs, just because a Farang did not get what he wanted neither in his home country and came to Thaialnd to assert his privilege? This does not make sense.

  10. 23 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    If there ever were a "real" crackdown, they would lose their extensions, at the least.  But it would be difficult if not impossible to prove which ones were legit or not - or complicit in any corruption.  This is the function of the agent - to provide a "private room deal" which insulates the payment from Foreigner to IO. 

    Agents have all the records of their clients. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    That would be a bit much IMHO...

    but the minimal action should be to cancel there illegally-obtained extension.

    They can come back and start over again. Unless you curb the root cause, you could never succeed. The root cause of agents are its customers. Without customers they are not in business for one day. While I don't subscribe to the  notion of punishing the consumer, but history has taught us that's the only way. 

    • Sad 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    Unless we see mass-arrests of Agents and their IO-buddies

    What about people who are using those agents? Should they also be arrested and deported for life? If no customers, agents will vanish and IOs will stop receiving tea money. It is a catch 22 issue, famously said by one the greatest criminal Pablo Escobar.  He said if there were no demands for my product, I will stop. As long as there is a demand for my product, I will continue my business. 

  13. 21 hours ago, moe666 said:

    I guess the big rub is that a condo, truck or a'c units are not on the list of requirements for recieving an extension of stay. I do not understand people who constantly want to be treated differently the rules are fairly clear except of course the local interpertation.

    May be it is another way to assert their rights to stay in a foreign land based on their purchasing power. 

  14. 17 hours ago, CangguSurfer said:

    I've decided to move to Pattaya from Chinag Mai.  I just did my 90 day reporting in Chiang Mai on 3 February.  I move to Pattaya on 15 March. 

    First thing is to do is a TM30. Insist the landlord does it and keep copy. My thai real estate agent did it for me after one week of my move but not sure how it was backdated to my move date. Great, I used the same TM30 to do my 90-day reporting. No question asked. 

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