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  1. The people of Malaysia did not decide this or many of the other anti-gay laws. The anti-gay laws in Malaysia are the result of a combination of factors, including the country's Islamic heritage, British colonial rule, and conservative social values. The Syariah Penal Code (SPC), which criminalizes homosexuality, was introduced in 1985 by the then-Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad. The SPC is based on Islamic law, and it is enforced in the states of Malaysia that have a Muslim majority. The Penal Code, which is applicable to all Malaysians, also criminalizes "carnal knowledge against the order of nature", which is interpreted to include homosexuality. In addition to these laws, there are a number of other factors that contribute to the discrimination against LGBT people in Malaysia. These include social stigma, religious pressure, and the lack of legal protection for LGBT people. The SPC is a specific set of laws that are based on Sharia. It was introduced in Malaysia in 1985 and it is enforced in the states of Malaysia that have a Muslim majority. The SPC criminalizes a number of activities, including homosexuality, apostasy, and adultery. The SPC is not universally accepted by Muslims. Some Muslims believe that it is too harsh and that it does not reflect the true teachings of Islam. It is important to note that there is a growing movement in Malaysia to challenge the anti-gay laws. In recent years, there have been a number of protests and demonstrations against these laws. There is also a growing number of LGBT organizations working to promote equality and acceptance for LGBT people in Malaysia.
  2. it's been awhile since I was involved in the 'scene' but when I was I found the Bangkok to be a little better than Pattaya. I didn't live in Pattaya, so my remarks are more from a tourist point of view. Bangkok had a vibrant gay scene, primarily Silom, soi 4. In Pattaya, I found the scene to be dominated by a lot of rent boys. I have nothing against the pay-to-play at all. It was a great place as a tourist. Maybe some Pattaya locals can give better information on the scene there.
  3. I find it rather interesting that so many straight people take the opportunity to follow and comment on a gay forum, especially since the comments are sprinkled with misinformation and misunderstanding bordering on homophobia. Here's a little about why this may be an issue. Gays are confronted with their sexuality from a young age. It starts with the question "Do you have a girlfriend?" That haunts young gays throughout their formative years because it's not a simple question, it's a question about oneself. It raises self-doubt. Is there something wrong with me? Why am I not attracted to the opposite sex? The expectation and path laid out before young people leads in one direction and that is toward being straight. By the time most young people have graduated from HS, the questions are no longer innocent or easy, they are serious. "Is there something you need to tell us?" People do pry if you are not following the straight path. You will get questioned and the choice is to tell the truth or be deceptive. Remember, during the formative years, a lot of this questioning by peers is accompanied by bullying and sitting through a lot of banter as they talk about sex, what they like and what they don't. When you start working things get even more difficult. When I started work, we were not far out from being homosexual was a diagnosable mental condition. It was removed from the DSM in 1974. It was also legal to fire someone for being gay -- even for just being suspected of being gay. It was also against the law to engage in homosexual activity. Getting the laws changed took a lot of effort and a lot of very brave people to stand up, face some ugly consequences in the battle to decriminalize sexual activity. In Texas, the law banning same sex relations is still on the books. Living under the shadow of such a law is unnerving at least and has the potential to ruin lives at worst. The next step forward was the ability to have a legal Domestic Partnership. Doing that assured you were no longer in the closet and lacked some of the force and effect of an actual marriage. There is now a move to remove marriage equality. How would you feel if you're faced with having your marriage suddenly disappear against your will? So, to those that don't understand, just remember nobody has to come out as being straight. Nobody questions your activities, what you do and with whom. Most gay people are proud not just to be gay, but more proud they no longer have to live a life filled with lies and deception.
  4. Here's hoping he makes a speedy and full recovery. He's done a lot to help a great number of people get vaccinated from this disease.
  5. I suspect that if anyone deserves the death penalty, this guy does.
  6. I suspect this is just trolling. Assange is in the UK, not the US, so Biden is in no position to do anything.
  7. Apparently, they didn't get around to raking the forest.
  8. Here is his tweet: "To ensure the continuation of the Government including the safety of all citizens I accept the best recommendation of the Party Leaders today, to make way for an All-Party Government," Wickremesinghe tweeted. "To facilitate this I will resign as Prime Minister," he said.
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