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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. He’s also set the stage for the appellate court to consider if Judge Cannon is making judgements void of legal basis and pointing out she is clearly exhibiting impartiality.
  2. Non of which require any ranting about transgender people in order to make any sensible arguments on those or any other reservations.
  3. What’s not to understand about JFK Jnr. The man’s a conspiracy riddled fruitcake. I believe the medically correct term is, ‘he’s nuts’, or something like that.
  4. Incorrect. Gag orders are an established procedure used to do exactly what the judge’s order states. Trump is not the first defendant to be ordered gagged in very specific terms, nor will he be the last. He’s being treated just the same as any other defendant who attacks or threatens the execution of justice in the courts: https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/Clarification-OrderRestrictingES.pdf
  5. Jack Smith has responded and directly challenges the Judge’s legally baseless ruling: ‘Writ of mandamus’ ! https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652/gov.uscourts.flsd.648652.428.0.pdf
  6. I read that multiple times, still non the wiser on what it was meant to say.
  7. Maybe it was some internet troll, there’s a lot of the about. Assuming a ‘pro trans lobby’ exists and have broken the law and of course the grievance laced assumption of what the law is for.
  8. If that is indeed who made the threats. Pass any information you have on their identities to the police.
  9. As stated above, Rowling hasn’t broken the law. Maybe she needs to push the envelope if she wants to be arrested. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/apr/02/jk-rowling-will-not-be-arrested-under-new-scottish-hate-law-say-police
  10. She’s not standing up for anything. She’s saying come and arrest me when she knows she hasn’t broken any laws.
  11. You mean people who propose baiting Muslims with bacon at the start of Ramadan? Doesn’t it come from the same animal as that bacon of yours?
  12. That’s not any kind of a definition of hatred. But by all means, hate whoever you like, you just don’t get to spew it on them or incite others to hate. I do understand how for some this would be a challenging restriction to their behavior.
  13. You assert ‘they are turning a blind eye’. Evidence? Perhaps evidence of her spewing hate? Or perhaps you don’t have any thing to back up this conspiracy of yours.
  14. JKR has suffered online abuse, it’s exactly the kind of thing this laws addresses and calls for regulation of social media address. She’s not been arrested, she’s not being censored, she’s persecuted by anyone beyond the very kind of people she’s giving cover for. When did I ever use the term ‘TERFS’? My Ilk? Hate speech against Jews? And of course you add in conspiracy. You’re on a roll Jonny.
  15. Except your ‘arguments’ add nothing, they have no basis in fact.
  16. Again, she hasn’t broken the law. So why would ‘they go after her’?
  17. Precisely that. She’s chosen to become the poster child for bigots and transphobes stoking their self awarded grievance - poor poor me, I can’t spew hate on other people. Nobody has silenced JKR, nobody has censured her. If she wishes to debate the issue she can do so without reporting to hate mongering.
  18. Oh so she didn’t display her ignorance on the matter of transgender books being burned?
  19. Let’s be fair to JKR, perhaps she’s trying to distract from her last week’s idiot and historically illiterate offering that the Nazis didn’t burn any Transgender books. Maybe there’s a a pattern, ‘JKR’ has a problem with the existence of Transgender people and their existence, despite efforts to erase that existence, in the historical record.
  20. In the interest of being fair minded I’ll read that again tomorrow morning after breakfast and a strong coffee to see if it makes any more sense than it does now.
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