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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Unfortunately for your argument the international conventions the UK and US signed and UK and US law permit an application for asylum regardless of where the applicant arrived from and by whatever means they arrived.
  2. More unsubstantiated conspiracy hogwash. Immigrant non citizens don’t have a vote. You know this. Oh and thanks for providing an example to disprove Jonny’s claim that the left give Uganda a free pass. A claim I suspected to be a rightwing accusation confession thing. You brought home the bacon on that one.
  3. No not at all. This news report clearly states the jeopardy LGBTQ individuals in Uganda face. If one such individual arrives in or is already in the UK or US and seeks asylum on the basis of the treatment they face in Uganda under these laws do you support their right to asylum. Yes or no?
  4. Whataboutary isn’t going to help you out .
  5. It’s a ‘I haven’t got a clue what your meaningless post was even trying to say’. It seems you don’t either.
  6. I wonder if those amongst us currently doing their feeble best to twist this news into a stick to bash the political left, will accept the dreadful consequences of Uganda’s anti gay laws on the LGBTQ individuals in Uganda and therefore support the right of Ugandan LGBTQ individuals to seek asylum in the countries were they themselves come from, chiefly the UK and US?
  7. Here it is again. You said it, you presumably thought it meant something. Have another go at explaining exactly what this abuse of the English language was meant to say:
  8. You haven’t provided any examples to back your claim that anyone in the left give Uganda a free pass. Let alone any indication of what constitutes ‘places like Uganda’.
  9. More flush face bulging vein garbage from you then. Let’s see your evidence for any of those hogwash claims of yours.
  10. The indictments were handed down last year. Trump has actively delayed the trials, they could have been over and done with but for his ‘delaying tactics’.
  11. From the article you linked: ”“As always, any party remains free to avail itself of whatever appellate options it sees fit to invoke, as permitted by law” Not that Jack Smith needs any instruction on the law.
  12. Yep, silly you. The evidence has been found, much of it directly from Republicans and Trump associates. That evidence was put before a Grand Jury. It’s the Grand Jury that handed down the indictments.
  13. DA’s and AG’s get criminals. That’s what DA’s and AG’s do. Judges are required not only to be impartial but to have no appearance of bias.
  14. Simple. Recuse the judge and replace her with someone who was not appointed by the defendant.
  15. He might not be. There is no guarantee that the Republicans who are at each other’s throats could agree between them on a replacement. The party that can’t govern itself.
  16. Frog learns it wasn’t a good idea to give a scorpion a free ride.
  17. You’ll find the topic of discussion at the top of the thread, it’s not me. You’ll also find a link to private messaging at the top of the page, you may use that to send messages to individual members and thereby avoid cluttering the thread with your ‘bro chats’.
  18. All the best people: https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/investor-company-that-took-trump-media-public-pleads-guilty-insider-trading-2024-04-03/
  19. Yes he did, but that tells us nothing about what securities Knight Speciality Insurance have received or from whom they received them.
  20. Not at all. Perhaps not as Christian as they claim, and often curiously angry about other people’s gender and sexuality. Look at Graham Linemen as an example, pretending to be a woman. There’s lots of strange stuff going on once the auto-grievance stroking gets underway.
  21. Stating that I have absolutely no doubt you have not wasted any police time is not the same thing as stating, or even indicating, that the police would not waste time on your [claimed] report of [your asserted] Yousef’s race rant’. They might, for example never have received any such report. Or it might go straight in the trash folder as being a report of an alleged hate incident that predates the law.
  22. I have no idea, but I do know they are often not what they profess to be.
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