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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No surprises at all. The fact millions of people in the UK are relying on food banks for basic food needs has been discussed at length on this forum a number of times. Brace for the usual ‘blame the poor for being poor’ comments.
  2. It’s going to make the image of prisoner shackles on Trump all the more enjoyable.
  3. I think we all agree, or at least I hope we do, that it’s a good idea to keep religion out of government - way way out of government.
  4. On the matter of Assange reviving bail backed by a guarantor and then going on the lam, burdening his guarantor with the legal obligation to shell out the cash. Do you have any thoughts on that, or is it one of those gray areas between known truths, signed agreements and the desire of a toxic narcissist to avoid justice kind of things?!
  5. Because the bigoted views you were fed and chose to swallow out weigh over 800 years of Common Law Jurisprudence.
  6. Like there’s never going to be another vote on the matter?
  7. Dylan Mulvaney might not be your cup of tea, but then taking a Freudian view, your overt expression of disgust together with your posting history of anti transgender ranting might suggest otherwise.
  8. Article 7. For those suffering the delusion that treaties and case law doesn’t matter: https://www.congress.gov/treaty-document/108th-congress/23/document-text
  9. Got to give the Republicans some credit. When they invent baseless allegations they simply will not give up on them. Imagine if they put half as much effort into serving America.
  10. How is any of that remotely relevant to topic under discussion? Read up on amicus curiae.
  11. I’ll explain it simply to see if you can understand. A man has the same rights as a woman, for example the same rights to address a court of law. Refer your first post above. Denying someone that right because they are transgender would be an example of denying transgender rights.
  12. By filing an ‘amicus curiae brief’ with the court. Completely consistent with over 800 years of common law jurisprudence.
  13. Baseless opinions made by people who are unable to defend their nonsense.
  14. You’ll find this written at the top of the world news forum. ”Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.”
  15. Oddly many of those supporting the view ‘There are good people on both side’ that arose in the aftermath of Neo Nazis marching in Charlottesville chanting ‘Jews will not replace us’ are now reborn as pro Jewish and pro-Israel’s actions in Gaza. Perhaps because it’s Muslim civilians being slaughtered, starved and denied access to medical treatment. I suggest press pause and turning the news on…. Oh and watching it. At the very least, when you hear a Trump supporter expressing their views on Spielberg’s remarks, examine their response to Trump’s views on the aftermath of Charlottesville. You might, and it’s only a suggestion, examine the views of those you accuse of being Jew haters to the neo Nazi marches in Charlottesville. There’s been a lot of swapping sides going on.
  16. In the absence of evidence you offered an unsubstantiated opinion.
  17. Still no evidence presented yo back up the claims that Australia’s current economic woes are cause by immigrants.
  18. Here’s an idea for an intelligent response to this nonsense: ”I wouldn't be at all surprised to see temporary lockdowns for climate based reasons in the next decade. Just very short ones, just to test the waters.” If it came out of the mouth of someone sitting next to me on a bus I’d move seats and get off at the very next stop.
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