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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Royal Mail forwarding service. They’ll not scan letters but they will send them on to you. The difficulty is setting up the account from overseas.
  2. The constant blearing from a vociferous few on the political right suggests a great deal of pain and anguish.
  3. You’ve never done the experiment in which mass is moved on a spinning plane to observe the effect of rotational speed?
  4. Propaganda you say. Then immediately launch into rightwing conspiracy nonsense.
  5. All the same people who opposed Biden’s infrastructure bill.
  6. Scapegoating immigrants again. There are more balanced views available: https://www.oecd.org/economy/australia-economic-snapshot/#:~:text=Economic Survey of Australia - 26,population ageing and climate change.
  7. Revoking bail would be a more appropriate response.
  8. He was hiding from justice, he hid at the Embassy of a nation with a deplorable record on suppression of the press and murder of journalists, but which had at the time Assange fled into the embassy a President who had made a political career out of thumbing his nose at the U.S. An election in Ecuador removed Assange’s benefactor, Assange was then back to being held accountable for his own behavior. You don’t get to rewrite history: https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2019/apr/11/julian-assange-ecuador-president-lenin-moreno-evict-from-embassy
  9. Maybe Trump is bundling Truth Social stocks with Trump Approved bibles. $60 a pop, beware of imitations.
  10. That’s a remarkable claim noobe. Now let me see you quote a post of mine in which I have done any of that. I’ll put kettle on while you wriggle.
  11. Agreed. My point was that NI contributions are directly linked to receiving a state pension. We often read the common refrain ‘I paid my NI I therefore am entitled to my pension’ or words to that effect. The link is clearly in people’s minds that they receive something very tangible for their NI Contributions.
  12. So identify something I have said about NI contributions that is incorrect.
  13. Sorry for pointing out the crass nonsense of your suggestion that the Government should somehow examine the lifetime spending habits of people before deciding how much pension they deserve. Tell us how that would work, are the whole nation to keep their receipts when they spend any money?
  14. I’m sure you have a grasp of your own understanding of the ‘complicated history of NI contributions’. How on earth you determine I might have no idea of the same is one of those leaps of the imagination that characterize so many baseless assumptions on this forum.
  15. No I was responding to the ludicrous suggestion that the Government should examine how individuals have spent their money during their working lives. UK State Pensions an entitlement paid for by individuals’ NI contributions. Along with NHS care they are one of the very entitlements that the vast majority of people receive. There is also the direct relationship between NI contributions and entitlement to the State Pension. This is not simply the calculation of entitlement based on contributions that is available from the DWP but also a recognition amongst people paying NI that they will receive and expect to receive something for the contributions they make throughout their adult lives. Which perhaps explains why the Tories wish to get rid of NI. Undermining the funding of the State Pension and NHS at precisely the time both are in need of more funding. After all, it just not right that ordinary working people should expect to receive anything at all for the taxes they pay. The question is not should the triple lock remain, but why are the Tories proposing to abolish National Insurance,
  16. Never had you down as an advocate of ‘Brig Brother’ Government.
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