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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. I’ve never dealt with ‘a regime’, I have however dealt with very many ordinary Saudis. My experience is they are no less liberal than anyone else in any of the many countries I’ve lived and worked. A couple of Saudis I’ve had the pleasure to know are amongst the most liberal and thoughtful people I’ve met anywhere. Ate there problems, of course there are. Is there any excuse to tar all Saudis/Arabs/Muslims with those problems, of course there is not.
  2. I can assure you many women drive in Saudi Arabia, the Bedouin women in particular. Its not at all income to see women in Jeddah (which is in Mecca Province) their faves and hair un covered. Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia?
  3. At odds with my experience of a priest visiting our camp to hold service and to on one occasion give the last rights to a dying South African. Certainly at odds with the Christmas tree and decorations put up in our mixed Saudi Expat office.
  4. No, but my experience of living and working in Saudi Arabia and other places across the Middle East persuade me of the fallacy in the statement I experienced very little ‘intolerance’ in Saudi Arabia, indeed I see far more expressed on this forum than ever I came across anywhere in the Middle East. Arabs are famously hospitable, the Saudis especially so. Perhaps it’s that ‘face to face’ thing.
  5. So now you are shifting the parameters. From: To: Do you want add a requirement to read any references made within the 136 linked report or shall we just stick to the ‘article’ it being the basis of your original claim of being less biased?
  6. Equating other people’s views to a well worn form of excusing Hitler is definitely my idea of trolling.
  7. Your claim the CPS ‘article’ was more balanced. I’ve explained why it wasn’t. Sorry no more time for your pedantry today.
  8. There are Jews and definitely a Rabbi in Saudi Arabia.
  9. I did read the whole article hence my comment. The Guardian article is a broader view and was not subject to the CPS checks to ensure it met the COS requirements wrt what the COS wishes to be said about the COS on the COS website. It goes under the heading ‘journalism’, not ‘public image management’.
  10. I read the OP. I read your post too. Lived and worked in Saudi, got the T-shirt.
  11. There is nothing fake out my disgust with your comment. Or indeed your inability to withdraw it and apologize. Utterly disgraceful behavior on your part.
  12. The CPS article on the report on the CPS published by the CPS on the CPS website. Balanced?
  13. What I get JingJing is this: That utterly disgraceful comment tells me exactly how much ‘good faith’ you are engaging in.
  14. The forum rules prohibit me from saying exactly what kind of disgrace that statement is. Especially since only today I have refuted a claim by another member on this forum that Hitler did anything good.
  15. I didn’t cherry pick, I summarized a single post you made. Here it is, ‘good faith’ sections underlined: with us or against us right there. Ad hominem right there. You yourself set a lit us test, refer ‘any Jew willing to… ‘above. You mis represent the marches, refer the Tim Adam’s’ article I linked, his first hand experience and the experiences of the maned Jews he quotes. Oh but you don’t accept that because Tim Adams and the named Jews he quotes fail your ‘litmus test’.
  16. Post in good faith?! Like when you refer to Jews who exercise their democratic right to join a protest to end the killing in Gaza useful idiots’? And when you accuse me of being ‘too dim’ to get the point you make? Is that your idea of good faith posting Jing?
  17. The headline is from the linked article and it does nothing if the sort.
  18. The ‘with us our against us’ ‘litmus test’ so beloved of zealots of all persuasions. Calling Tim Adam’s a ‘useful idiot’ while reverting to hyperbole and character assassination. If you had any kind of well structured, fact based argument you wouldn’t need to resort to personal insults. “You proved my point but you're too dim to get it.” You don’t have a point, you simply throw mud at those who disagree with you.
  19. Another example of the fact that the witnesses against Trump are not Democrats, but Republicans and or Trump’s own employees.
  20. Sorry Jing, I’ve got absolutely no idea what that meant be about or how it relates in anyway to my post that I assume your were responding to. Have another go.
  21. No. I provided you a Jewish Journalists account of his own experience of the peace marches which he backed up with the accounts of other named Jews. You responded by calling it BS. I doubt very much you even read it.
  22. Hitler did nothing good. The French didn’t impose anything on Germany that was not signed off on by Germany’s representatives at the surrender.
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