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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Not quite. She’s an intelligent, articulate black woman in a position of power holding a white man to account. casting assertive black people as ‘uppity’, loud or aggressive is all part of the same racism. https://hbr.org/2022/01/the-angry-black-woman-stereotype-at-work
  2. Perhaps, but it’s an observation that might be of interest to some expats living in Thailand.
  3. Which I guess is why the Government are not using the same powers to go after tax evasion.
  4. Moves by Government to enforce surveillance by banks of accounts held by people in receipt of benefits, and extending this surveillance to their family members and even the account holder’s landlord are being challenged. The party of individual freedom has gone full throttle towards surveillance society. This surveillance will extend to expats in receipt of UK State pensioners and might be of concern if they have not declared their residence overseas. https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/04/ministers-urged-to-scrap-plans-for-surveillance-of-benefit-claimants-bank-accounts
  5. The thousands of truckers who will be put out of work by auto drive vehicles will definitely miss manual driven vehicles. A disproportionate number of these people are Veterans, good, well paying jobs about to be stripped out. Profit up, wealth distribution down.
  6. Trump’s insurrection of J6 is a far better example of an attempt to overthrow the democratic will of the people. I do agree a rigged SCOTUS is definitely not the place to decide.
  7. Because the thread is about Sunak’s comments about ‘Mob Rule’, it’s not about your off topic general crime fixation.
  8. Which isn’t general crime but Sunak’s statement on ‘Mob Rule’. We know you watch a lot of videos, you’ve told us as much. But this isn’t tik-tok, it’s a discussion forum.
  9. Owned. The ‘a cording to me’ you can’t find me posting but you claim it anyway.
  10. Once again you were wrong. Twice wrong, since I’ve never once set foot in a ‘soup kitchen’, which is of course another of your baseless assumptions.
  11. What UK holiday are you referring to? I’ve not had a holiday in the UK for at least 8 years now. Are you once again making baseless assumptions in your effort to sustain the rest of your baseless personal attacks?
  12. Hardly a surprise to anyone reading this sub forum, given the disproportionate number of Islamophobic posts coming from Brits.
  13. OK so you’ve nothing to add to the topic of discussion so you thought you’d set about a personal attack armed with fantasy evidence. Holiday? Imagining things again?
  14. So first, you don’t have any evidence to support your claims of me ‘protecting’ anything. Now I’ll ask you to provide a quote from my posts of me stating there is no crime in the UK. Or you could of course get back to the topic of discussion.
  15. More accusations of things I protect, and just like the last lot, zero evidence to back up your assertion. As I’ve said earlier I’ve been out and about on UK streets, very much more recently than you have.
  16. Oh. So the police fail to arrest everyone that breaks a law and you see a conspiracy, lead by Mayor Khan and involving the MET. Always a dark and murky conspiracy.
  17. The ‘we can’t prove you did anything wrong but there’s something we can’t put a finger on that we don’t like’ attack.
  18. If she was lying under oath the charge of perjury would apply. Note to those struggling to keep up, there is no charge of perjury.
  19. Down play? Dianne Abbott? I’m simply relating the experiences of people I knew, had of both Nazi Germany and 1930s/40s Britain, as recorded in their correspondence. I’m pleased you at least know the Nazis conducted a reign of terror, which is precisely why in my opinion the statement ’Britain feels like Nazi Germany’ is hyperbole. The UK Government are not enacting any laws persecuting Jews or engaging in any of the behaviors and policies of the Nazis.
  20. I have a the personal letters of someone who, together with her brother, fled to the UK from Nazi Germany. The letters record the hatred the family were facing, their fear and their agonizing over the decision to flee. They also record the reception the siblings received in the UK and the first years of their lives in England. Tragically, letter after letter after letter brings news of the deportation of their parents, relatives and final confirmation of their deaths. I’ve frequently read these letters through my teenage years and adult life. I’m absolutely sure there are incidences of abuse against Jews in the UK, one such incident would be one too many, but I doubt very much anything happening in the UK now comes anywhere near close to the experiences of Jews in Nazi Germany. I do however think the experiences of Jews in the UK are heading in the direction of where they were in 1930s UK. Antisemitism has a long history in the UK and was certainly experienced for Jews who fled Nazi Germany to the UK. But the UK 2024 feeling like Nazi Germany? IMHO hyperbole.
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