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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Better the Supreme Court consider Trump’s claim to a blanket immunity now rather than after his criminal trials.
  2. Tennessee 5% SAT participation. Do you think this might be the five percent who hope to do well? Overall educational attainment is a far better metric, Tennessee … erm. Even without the high numbers of immigrant students that California and NY school, Tennessee struggles. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education/higher-education/educational-attainment
  3. In Sunak’s latest statement he calls out all extremism, including that from the far right. That’s not going to go down well with the extremists in his own party.
  4. No, I’m not a teacher, but I do understand data, which is why I asked you for both SAT scores and student participation. Refer to the interactive map in your link. Tennessee’s score is based on a rate of 5% student participation, not so that of California or NY.
  5. Typical response from someone who makes unsubstantiated claims.
  6. You claimed but you never provided any backup link. I look forward to scores AND percentage of students sitting the tests.
  7. The people ‘pushing this’ are the rightwing. Create an outrage and reap the votes.
  8. Yes we do. Minorities, gays and immigrants being singled out and scape goated. Get the picture yet?
  9. Cart and Horse. But I do agree, banning flags is just the start…. Oh wait, they started with banning books.
  10. Transphobia and Nationalism are often linked (you probably know that) but they are not the same thing. Stoking outrage to achieve extremist nationalist is not new, since you mention WWII you might know that too.
  11. You need to discern the difference between Little Sunak stating ‘Britain is descending into ‘mob rule’, and ‘Britain is under ‘mob rule’. Get back to me when you have.
  12. Little Sunak doesn’t make the claim. Those claiming the UK is under mob rule need to provide the evidence to back their claim. Meanwhile, the specter of mob rule is being used as the basis to restrict liberties and civil rights… and as you pointed out, splurge £32million in the direction of MPs.
  13. How about Tennessee addressing school funding rather than flags?! https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-do-states-spend-on-education/#:~:text=New York State spent the,Idaho spent the least.&text=Home %2F Education %2F Articles %2F How,expenditure data every fiscal year.
  14. Says you, after you yourself stated MPs have awarded themselves £32million. Do you read your posts before hitting the submit button?
  15. Here you go: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/29/tories-accused-of-using-mob-rule-claims-to-justify-restricting-protests
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