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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No, you assert that is a claim I made: So let’s be having your evidence me stating anything at all ‘is perfectly safe’?
  2. Mob rule and day to day crime are not the same thing. Non of the proposals the Government are making to address the concerns Sunak raised address ‘day to day crime’.
  3. Correct, but the mob aren’t ruling and even Sunak doesn’t say they are.
  4. When did I say the UK is perfectly safe’? A quote of me stating that or are you making stuff up again?
  5. No, not in Wales. The link is from a Welsh news source and discusses the failure of police in England to attend Burglaries in England. You obviously missed that in your failed attempt to be smart.
  6. Perhaps getting rid of over 20,000 experienced officers and gutting community policing was not such a good idea. A move made by a Tory Government. It’s rare to see a police officer in the UK, and they have a habit of not attending burglaries: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/police-failed-attend-more-45000-26642555
  7. I really do think a thread on how the Government has lost control of crime would be a good thing, but that’s not what Sunak’s comments were addressing,
  8. That’s a remarkable claim. You could wiggle it by arguing most towns and cities have ‘Bookies’ and ‘amusement arcades’ places I certainly wouldn’t want to go.
  9. Erm no. But nudging you back towards the topic of discussion. Please do share any data you have to support Sunak’s opinion: Britain is descending into ‘mob rule,’ Sunak says as he urges police to protect MPs
  10. No I didn’t dismiss them, they are nothing at all to do with the comments made by Sunak. Read the OP and you might get to understand.
  11. Again, nothing whatsoever to do with Sunak’s remarks. And sorry to disappoint you but I’ve never once felt unsafe in London.
  12. Let’s see you demonstrate how that has anything to do with what Sunak was talking about. Give it your best try.
  13. Like I say, your pedantry is getting the better of you. To be honest I don’t fret about what my friends or indeed anyone close to me gets up to when I’m not there to keep any eye on them. Incidentally, provide a quote to substantiate this little gem of yours: “Then English friends who........” Even a quote of me referring to my ‘English Friends’ if you think you can find one. Give it your best go.
  14. I didn’t move the goalposts at all, I simply demonstrated the ridiculousness of your pedantry, and as a bonus I did it with math.
  15. Because I have a handful of friends in the UK, all the perpetrators of terrorism in the UK have been identified and their identities published. Non of my small number of UK friends are amongst them. I’ll use whatever‘English’ I choose, provided it does not break any of the forum rules. But thanks for the suggestion anyway. The probability of zero is a thing. I do hope you didn’t teach math.
  16. It’s an answer. But you don’t understand it. I do hope you never taught math.
  17. Because it’s a really ridiculous question. There are almost 8 billion people in the world, perhaps a few tens of thousands are terrorists; I have a handful of friends and a few dozen social contacts. The conditional probability of those friends being terrorist and not having been identified is minuscule. I trust you didn’t teach math, let alone conditional probability.
  18. Precisely and how this goes over the head of people living in Thailand is a mystery.
  19. So on the off chance that a friend is a terrorist and hasn’t been caught and identified. I’m sure these kind of pedantic thought games play well in a class of 13 year olds, but hardly the stuff of adult discussion.
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