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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. They fear women they can’t control. Keep that in mind whenever you come across a right winger vomiting their vitriol on any woman that speaks up for herself, defends herself or challenges their world view. You see it often enough in this forum.
  2. Wander back over here to the reality based universe. A Court Conviction is a recorded fact.
  3. The people who argued the U.S. should stay home and not be involved in other regions of the war have just flipped their line of argument.
  4. Almost 900 years of Common Law practice must be trashed because you don’t like your boy and his criminal followers to be held accountable under the law.
  5. This is interesting, a study indicating cardio vascular exercise giving a significant reduction in the risks of Prostate Cancer. The exercise does not have to be hard-core, within the ability of most people to achieve. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/jan/30/getting-fitter-can-reduce-prostate-cancer-risk-by-35-study-finds
  6. Taylor Swift, an intelligent, talented, outspoken woman who stands up for herself and what she believes in. Of course the rightwing hate her, and of course they retreat to their alternative conspiracy universe for comfort. It’s the blanket under which they hide from their own inadequacies. Bless ‘em, they can’t keep up.
  7. I don’t gamble, and I certainly would not bet on the outcome of any issue placed before the current SCOTUS Bench.
  8. That’s what happens when your ‘blocked list’ runs to several pages.
  9. It will be interesting to see if the rightwing, particularly the Trump rightwing appointees to the SCOTUS adhere to their positions on Originalism or whether their political allegiance gets the better of them.
  10. There were clues something was ‘going down’ or perhaps ‘up’ as far back as March 2018: https://medium.com/@DrGJackBrown/body-language-and-medical-analysis-4221-why-are-donald-trumps-pupils-intermittently-so-large-f4d883c8126a
  11. Biden’s Grand Jury and those Proud Boys who decided to confess where Biden’s too.
  12. Erm no. You’ve managed a non sequitur and whataboutary in one short post.
  13. Man with finger on the button, doped put of his head. What could go wrong?!
  14. No doubt about it, Trump has a grudge, it $86.3 million worth of a grudge.
  15. I remember when the Republicans at least pretended to be the law and order party.
  16. Convictions handed down by the Courts suggest you are mischaracterizing the events of January 6.
  17. Nobody tried to stop the election result being ratified by Congress in 2016.
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