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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Jonny reaches for the false equivalence and chooses the race card at the same time.
  2. I suspect Johnson is fluffing Trump in the hope of getting a lucrative speaking appointment at a Trump rally. He’s known to grift that way.
  3. The quantity of your posts on Biden and the vitriol they include suggests otherwise. Keep it credible Jonny, or at least try to keep it credible.
  4. It’s plain to see Republicans blocking funding to the border.
  5. Appart from the culture secretary couldn’t give any examples at all of the bias she was gobbing about.
  6. Feeling the pinch Jonny? You were warned your BREXIT dreams of sovereignty and influence in the world were a sack of nonsense. Know your place Jonny, the UK was always a very junior party, more so after BREXIT, in a ‘special relationship’ that’s a one way street.
  7. Unfortunately your argument falls down because Mexico refused to pay for it.
  8. They like a border problem, it’s a handy distraction for MAGA while Republicans get on with the serious business of handing the nation’s wealth to themselves and the already hyper wealthy.
  9. Your confusing righting fiction for facts. While you are here, did Mexico ever pay up?
  10. Johnson gave up his U.S. citizenship. He can run his lying mouth but he can’t vote and he can’t donate to the Trump campaign or the Republican Party.
  11. So who’s blocking Federal funding for border security? https://www.thirdway.org/blog/republican-efforts-to-defund-border-security
  12. Last Tuesday Trump went on a rant fest against Carroll, posting online attacks through the wee hours of the night. Carroll’s lawyers promptly entered those posts in court as evidence of yet more defamation of Carroll by Trump. Trump was back at it yesterday, posting over 40 times in an hour, and once again Carroll was the focus of his unhinged ranting. Look out for these attacks by Trump to also be entered as evidence against him. https://www.forbes.com/sites/anafaguy/2024/01/22/trump-attacks-e-jean-carroll-in-more-than-40-posts-on-truth-social/amp/
  13. It provides back up to my statement regarding Willis’ filing. Do keep up.
  14. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/fani-willis-accuses-a-special-prosecutors-estranged-wife-of-interfering-with-trump-election-case
  15. You are overlooking a detail in Willis’ filing in the divorce case. Her legal team have laid out the basis of criminal conspiracy on the part of the divorcing couple. I look forward to her filing on Feb 2, I expect to hear more of this ‘criminal conspiracy’, you should too.
  16. Trump’s lawyer has been exposed to COVID. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4421484-e-jean-carroll-trial-trump-lawyers-covid/amp/
  17. ‘Mechanics of the case’? The divorce court judge will examine if Willis has an argument to negate the subpoena that calls for her testimony, Willis has made compelling arguments to court in her filing. The criminal court judge will examine if the allegations have any legal bearing on the criminal case and if they present evidence of the defendant’s rights having been infringed. The accuser has made a very weak argument with zero grounds or evidence of his rights to a fair trial having been infringed.
  18. You need to go back to law school, or calm your hyperbole, which might be more difficult but definitely cheaper.
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