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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. First to bang on about Biden and first to mention Trump. Back on topic Jonny.
  2. I don’t speak for anyone else but I’m sticking to the topic of discussion, refer top of this thread for a clue. Your repeated attempts at whataboutary are noted.
  3. Each case stands on its own merits, I doubt Jamie Fox, or indeed his Oscar will get a mention before the Appellate Court. Although with the Trump lawyers that stick around long enough to present before the court who knows what kind of whack job nonsense might come up with. Meanwhile, the court ruling stands and Trump continues to run his mouth present more live evidence against him self.
  4. There’s a clue at the top of this thread as to why people might be discussing Truss.
  5. I think it reasonable to assume Palestinians will start appearing at UK borders in the months to come. The Governments response to that will be interesting. Sunak and the Tories are once again setting the very trap they will later step into.
  6. Got a problem with women standing up for themselves? It seems you do. How about ‘woman gets the better of Trump, again’.
  7. Try Statista: https://www.statista.com/statistics/215630/hourly-earnings-of-all-employees-in-the-us-by-month/
  8. What alibi? This second case is for Trump’s continued defamation of Carroll, which he did in front of camera hours after losing the first trial.
  9. It started with Trump’s abusive actions and accelerated when he ran his mouth. A matter already settled by the court.
  10. I wonder, could the UK trade Liz Trust with China? Perhaps get a couple of plastic buckets in a fair exchange.
  11. They are positioning themselves for who will be leader of the opposition after the election.
  12. It’s also very useful for an Army that wishes to attack another nation who’s boarders and/or defense positions are protected with land mines. But I get your point, soldiers of an invading army are all somebody’s children.
  13. Meanwhile someone is getting fed up of waiting. Or perhaps the realization has dawned, £hundreds of millions already received for doing nothing, cut while the going is good: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/17/rwanda-president-efforts-to-implement-asylum-plan-cannot-drag-on
  14. You can strike Haley as VP to Trump, she’s just turned on him. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/16/new-hampshire-debate-trump-nikki-haley
  15. I think people who argue for removing the UK from international human rights laws and the ECHR in order to enact laws that they have been advised will in any case break UK law are rightwing extremists. Feel free to differ.
  16. That’s a remarkable claim, for which I doubt you have any credible evidence, but do give it a go.
  17. Unless of course the Government decide on a level that does harm to the economy and the provision of essential public services.
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