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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Trump takes the stage in Portsmouth NH and delivers this gem: “I just met non-liquid gold. It’s called corn! They have. it’s– it’s non-liquid. You know, it’s a pretty cool thought, isn’t it? That ‘s a nickname. We came to you with a new word. A new couple of words for corn.” Imagine for a moment Biden had come up with that rambling brain mush nonsense, we would not hear the end of it. Time to start talking more about Trump’s brain health, it’s way past time voters were told why Trump was rushed to the Walter Reid Hospital in the middle of the night to be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test. Get the ‘non liquid gold’ ready!
  2. Let me make a much simpler argument for you. If the SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump that Presidents are above the law, that right there would remove the S from SCOTUS and end the rule of law in the USA. The Law would inevitably become a tool of oppression in the hands of an unaccountable tyrant.
  3. Scores of court cases refuted the claims of election fraud. The USAG told Trump that DOJ investigations had found no evidence of any significant election fraud. Trump was not acting in any legitimate role of the President when he denied the election result after being repeatedly informed that he lost the election and that the election was fair and free of fraud. I look forward to discussing the SCOTUS ruling with you when it arrives.
  4. From the article: ”The filing included no proof of the allegations.”
  5. Absolutely. I have never met anyone who’s made a success of their own life who spews bile on immigrants. Every single person I know who engages in anti immigrant rants has failed in their own life. People who are happy with what they’ve made of their own life don’t need to prop themselves up by attacking people on the lower rungs human misery. Such behavior is without exception the reserve of people who have failed at life and know they’ve failed at life.
  6. How could you claim otherwise? An individual has a personal story, a personal history, a personal reason for becoming a migrant. Individual have to be unimportant to you, otherwise you’d have to engage with their story, worse still their humanity. Much better to refer to millions, to make sweeping derogatory generalizations about vast numbers of people, each an individual, with their own story and their own humanity. You’re not the first to adopt this tactic.
  7. The simple fix to complex problems that fails every test except being attractive to simple minds.
  8. No, you are accusing me of ‘scare tactics’. I guess there’s no reason for people from other war zones to go to the UK, but they do and for centuries have done. But for some reason you can’t explain Gazan Palestinians will not.
  9. I dud not say they haven’t been coming to the UK already, which begs the question why are you asking me about something I’ve not made a comment on? ”What is going to change in a few months time that will make them come to the U.K ?” I suggest you read up on the journeys of migrants to the UK, particularly how long those journeys take.
  10. Because Palestinians are being killed in huge numbers in Gaza. It’s not unreasonable to assume that many will seek refuge/asylum/sanctuary elsewhere and equally not unreasonable to assume many have existing connections to the UK. Just like people from other war torn areas of the world show up at the UK’s borders seeking refuge/asylum/sanctuary. Its a thing.
  11. He didn’t ask me a question. I didn’t say “Palestinians may seek Asylum in the UK” My precise words were: “I think it reasonable to assume Palestinians will start appearing at UK borders in the months to come.” There’s a subtle but important difference.
  12. There’s nothing in the news that might suggest it reasonable to expect Palestinians from Gaza to start showing up at UK borders seeking asylum/sanctuary?
  13. Because from where you sit in the political spectrum there is absolutely nothing extremist about placing Government above the role of law.
  14. It’s past time Trump was subjected to a psychologic assessment. Perhaps one of the courts he’s appearing before could order it. The man is very clearly ill.
  15. The rightwing extremists within the Parliamentary Tory Party have spent the past weeks telling anyone who cares to listen that this bill as amended will not work. Yesterday they voted for this bill as amended.
  16. Like neoliberalism worked out just swell, turning those millionaires into billionaires, and the working class into the working poor. The elites you simultaneously despise and support making off like bandits.
  17. Carroll needs to hope she can get an early ruling, there might not be anything left after NY have taken their slice.
  18. I said at the time, Trump could have helped himself by enacting prison reforms while he had the opportunity to do so.
  19. This is Schrödinger's Presidential Immunity. Trump claims it while stating he’ll prosecute Biden when he gets his dictator powers. The reality is, Trump is screaming ‘Trump is above the law’. His mental sickness does not permit any acceptance of him being answerable for his crimes. And take note, he’s not arguing he didn’t commit crimes, he’s arguing he can’t be held accountable under the law. Well Donny, justice is coming.
  20. Privatized profits, socialized costs. What’s not to understand?!
  21. I have no idea whatsoever, which is almost certainly as much an idea as you do. The trial is examining Trump’s later defamation of Carroll, which he has continued to do in the court room, while Carroll is on the witness stand giving her testimony, and significantly in earshot of the jury. The jury gets to decide if Trump defamed Carroll, the same jury that have witnessed him do exactly that in the court room. Tell us again how Trump is getting away with it all.
  22. And the lawsuit is for ‘defamation’. Trump defamed Carroll intront of camera within hours of losin the first case. His ranting in court this week is an indication of how things are going.
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