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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Removing oversight and inspection rights was a good move?
  2. Trump’s attorney Joe Tacopina has quit. He hasn’t made a public statement as to why, my bets, unpaid invoices, or a client asking him to humiliate himself in court, perhaps both. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-joe-tacopina-attorney-quits-b2479083.html#
  3. You are mistaking Biden’s disinterest in a minor player on the world stage as some kind of emotion. Trump friendly towards the UK?
  4. It’s a frame from a news feed video, multiple reporters were present. Trump showed up looking like he’d been dragged through a hedge backwards. He’s a mess. It’s common in folk losing their minds, they let the little stuff like hygiene and personal appearances go.
  5. The Democrats are not running a candidate selection, which is not at all uncommon with a sitting first term President, so let’s park the whataboutary. Meanwhile the Republicans are running a candidate selection and Trump is hiding. I agree with you on this’ ‘he has a lot to lose’, he’s falling apart, staggering around looking like a lost vagrant.
  6. So why won’t Trump debate with the other Republican hopefuls? Why is he hiding?
  7. I look forward to your reaction when he does. End of January early February is the forecast.
  8. Polls are one thing, donating your own dollars something different: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4394598-biden-campaign-raises-1m-online-in-24-hours-after-jan-6-speech/amp/ https://apnews.com/article/biden-democrats-election-2024-campaign-fundraising-trump-6d16c590a1f1fed055b6544e36c03b9a
  9. You do know about the Biden infrastructure bill don’t you? Or has your habit of blocking stuff you can’t deal with now extended to avoiding the real world?
  10. Let’s get things in sequence. Trump is not yet the Republican candidate. He refuses to debate with the other Republican hopefuls. There’s a very good reason why Trump is being kept away from the cameras, his brief showing yesterday staggering around a lift lobby like some lost vagrant gives a clue.
  11. Legislate to negate the perversely named ‘Citizens United Ruling’. Make it only living citizens who can donate to political parties and outlaw all other donations But as you say, the beneficiaries are unlikely to do that.Or at least most of them. We seldom get to hear about the representatives who do support ending citizens united.
  12. Remove paragraph 2) and we are in near full agreement. I’d replace paragraph 2) with issues around the pharmaceutical industry and insurance industry influence over Government health policies. The overpricing of insulin, now dealt with by Biden, being a prime example. How we get to discuss the provision of such a basic human need like health care in terms of Marxism and Communism without addressing corporate greed and corruption is a mystery.
  13. Request a thread from the forum administrator, but keep in mind you’ll need a link to a reliable news source for the subject.
  14. Burying a weapon in the head of a Russian invader is not the definition of losing it.
  15. Oh, this city was the only civilization in S America and after its demise no other civilization or culture existed. Who knew?
  16. ‘Indoctrinated into guilt’ Or seething grievance?
  17. Because writing, mathematics, agriculture are all inventions of people who were not white.
  18. The lender has a duty of due diligence to their share holders, but that’s just good business/investment practice. The borrower has a legal duty to make accurate accounting statements and that’s a matter of criminal law.
  19. It’s yet to be reliably confirmed how much money/assets Trump actually has. He’s sold a few of his most profitable properties in the last couple of years and is believed to upside down on many more. It is my firm belief that anyone who has a positive net balance on their assets and liabilities is wealthier than Trump. Which is why I believe a settlement of $360million in favor of NY might spell very real financial problems for Trump. His supporters might think otherwise, but fail to ask the obvious question - ‘Why is a Billionaire constantly begging for their money?’ It’s a question deserving of an answer.
  20. Living without all that Christianity crap foist on them can’t be too bad a thing either. One of the contemporaneous justifications for colonialism and one that continues to this day is the argument that westerners were bringing civilization to primitive societies. The existence of already established cities exposes the lie to that justification.
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