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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Well if it swings both ways ‘white people wouldn’t be doing much writing, mathematics or growing any food, to name just a few foundations of the world we all live in.
  2. Can please you provide a link to the claims that habitation in this newly discovered city was brought about by diseases from Europe?
  3. A few things come to my mind. The script of the TV show was written in 2019, therefore everything the drama brought to the public attention was already in the public domain by that date. Government are only responding now because of the public outcry. The second issue is while the Government has very rightly acted swiftly to exonerate the victims there is of yet no indication that criminal proceedings will be brought against the individuals and corporation that lied, committed perjury and did so in the unquestionable knowledge that their lies were sending innocent people to prison, indeed costing some their lives. Exonerating and compensating the victims is not enough, the perpetrators of this injustice need to do prison time. There is another issue, to their credit, Government ministers and individual MPs did attempt to find the truth of what was going on, they too were lied too, evidence they requested was withheld or its existence denied. These crimes are not simply a perverting the course of justice, they are also perverted the course of Governance. Those responsible need to be identified and brought to justice, moreover Businesses need to also be accountable under the law. The gloves need to come off. RIP the innocent victims and condolences to their families.
  4. Nah, I just like to see crooks getting what crooks deserve. See you at his next trial.
  5. Because they didn’t commit financial crimes within the jurisdiction of NY State. Or anywhere else for that matter.
  6. A two edged sword. Bad news for first time buyers, great news for home owners.
  7. Biden has not undermined any British sovereign decisions. The UK made a mistake and the consequences are coming home to roost, it’s not Biden’s fault, it’s nobody’s fault beyond those who lied to you and those who swallowed the lies. Personal responsibility and all that.
  8. Alternatively, you were lied to and you swallowed the lies. Those ‘warm sunlit uplands’ are a just over the horizon, keep the faith Jonny, keep the faith.
  9. Well Trump had a go at getting the last word, rambled on with a load of irrelevant nonsense until the Judge got fed up of Trump’s histrionic ranting and shutting him down. Trump’s last words are reported to be ‘What is going on here?’. What is going on Donny is you are being held accountable for your actions. See you in court again next time.
  10. The question is, how far up the house of cards is the penalty handed down by the Court going to be? Will it topple the whole edifice? Regardless, I’m sure the many contractors and suppliers bilked by Trump over the years are enjoying this.
  11. What has President Biden done to undermine British Sovereignty? Give it your best shot Jonny.
  12. The science is disputed by the same people that dispute every other science that tells them stuff they don’t want to hear.
  13. The great of change and having to do things differently has many quaking in their boots.
  14. Theater delivering justice, now that is an achievement to be proud of: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/09/post-office-scandal-tv-drama-horizon
  15. Well that an the risk of setting himself up for criminal prosecution by running his mouth. If prosecutors can stomach the stench his mouth is an evidence rich environment.
  16. Like this you mean?: https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/12/exxon-climate-change-global-warming-research
  17. Says guy spewing fossil fuel industry propaganda.
  18. ‘Elites’ Like elites you spend so much time defending? I’ve just got back from 50Kms of open country riding, not a private jet insight.
  19. After the trial he will claim he was denied the opportunity to speak and defend himself. His dullard supporters will swiftly repeat the lie.
  20. Nah, I’m not fixated on the lives of the rich and famous, I certainly don’t make my life choices based on theirs or anyone else’s I’ll stick around this forum as long as I wish and don’t break any rules that preclude me doing so, if you don’t mind that is.
  21. Funny how you believe the witness on something’s but not in others. I’ll be here as long as you are Jonny.
  22. Like I say Jonny, get that ‘Guzzler’ T-shirt. If Bill Gates ever sees you in it he’ll get your message.
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