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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. How do you know that? Perhaps it’s something beyond her imagination and limited experience of only ever presided over 4 previous cases. She has a sterling history of being overturned by the appellate court and clear conflicts of interest, she should recuse herself or be recused.
  2. What innovation? Mini-subs already exist, the technology to build mini subs already exists. I very much doubt the passengers knew the risks, though we do know from court records that Stockton Rush was informed of the risk, chose to ignore the risks and fired the guy who was warning him of the risks. RIP his victims.
  3. “The House Weaponization Subcommittee” That’s either Nominative determinism or someone was trying to let the cat out of the bag. How could it be otherwise with Gym Jordan in charge?! Issue subpoenas Gym, and expect the recipients to show up, you clown.
  4. Like the technology of submarines, the technology of flight is well understood. Engineers and Designers know how to make safe aircraft, just like other Engineers and Designers know how to make safe subs. This wasn’t some daring leap into an unknown sphere of human endeavor, it was sheer idiocy, arrogance and hubris.
  5. Without safety and regulations, aircraft wouldn’t be reaching Thailand. But thank you for bringing up air transport, one of the most regulated and safest forms of transport; regulations that came about as a direct result of ‘suck it and see’ accidents killing people. The idiot behind this accident wasn’t ‘innovating’ he was ignoring the safety and fired the guy who warned him of the safety problems.
  6. So the people who said Trump will never be indicted have now switched to Trump will never be convicted. Up next, Trump will never be sentenced.
  7. Rather a theme of our age, cutting regulation/safety v innovation. Keep these events in mind next time the subject comes up.
  8. I see you are not disputing my argument that climate change will increase migration.
  9. It’s a forecast, with no reference to where you dragged it out of. Oh and I see your Greta fixation got the better of you.
  10. Ah, so you don’t understand how climate change might impact the supply of food for populations of any size.
  11. Oh look another one of those accusation confession things.
  12. It’s not simply a matter of mortgage defaults, while inevitably bringing with them misery, a bigger threat to the economy is contraction in business investment, undermining growth and adding to the already high SME failures. Non of which will help the underlying causes of UK inflation, supply side deficiencies. It will also worsen the UK economy’s already poor productivity. What a mess.
  13. Well of course, a heavily armed mercenary army leaving its barracks and heading to within 200Km of Moscow is the ‘media blowing it out of all proportion’.
  14. I suggest the usual suspects quell their rage against migrants and save some of their rage energy for the future. Climate change is going to drive a lot more human migration, don’t burn yourself out too early, you’ve got a lot more migration to be outraged over on the way.
  15. The political impacts of rising interest rates are becoming clear: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jun/24/mortgage-rise-impact-will-dwarf-energy-bills-crisis-for-uk-homeowners
  16. Putin’s live broadcast statement in response was telling. The themes and rhetoric could very easily have been mistaken as having been scripted by a well known fascist.
  17. Perhaps the Government should make an announcement that anyone driven into trouble with their mortgage or facing rent hikes as a result of the interest rate increases should take it on the chin as it’s all their own fault. I can see it winning votes.
  18. You’ve just presented the ‘There’s no smoke without fire’ argument that would undoubtedly cause some to pay up.
  19. Andrew Anglin, he of founding ‘The Daily Stormer’ fame is one. You’ll find more if you search ‘white supremicist, Asian women’ It’s a thing.
  20. “The sub was built to withstand such pressure” Evidently not.
  21. A meaningless statistic to people who’ve only had a mortgage in the past 10 - 15 years, and cold comfort to those already facing significantly higher mortgage payments, now or in the coming months. Added to which there are very many people renting in the private sector who are now facing higher rents because their landlord based their buy to rent business on low interest rates and is now passing the mortgage repayment rise to the tenants. All this with elections looming.
  22. When non white English national football team players suffer online racial abuse after missing penalties l, is that an example of failure to integrate or assimilate?
  23. There are too many examples of white supremacists married to or in relationships with Asian women for ‘aren’t most of us in mixed race marriages’ to be regarded as proof positive of being racist.
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