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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. China’s economy has a bunch of problems, not least the property bubble and a demographic time bomb.
  2. Odd point to raise in a Trump related thread. But we can’t agree on everything. Trump’s only term was a crock.
  3. When I said a few days back that Trump’s ratings would change, the cause I had in mind was the likes of FOX finally being in a position where they see the bigger/better selling news to be Trump’s crimes. It’s now happening.
  4. And yet nothing has changed about Trump, he’s exactly who and what many of us have always said he is. But you make a valid point, moving on from Trump is a thing. The problem is the GOP can’t move on and are increasingly seen as enablers and excusers of his criminality.
  5. The bigger issue is FOX is now backing Trump criminality as being more newsworthy. FOX views are now being treated to Trump’s lies being called out and his criminality bro g openly discussed on their favorite news channel.
  6. Of course it’s unopposed, it’s entirely reasonable on the basis of Trump’s past behavior to place restrictions on what Trump may not say about the case and control his access to evidence and witness names. The point remains, the DOJ application provides evidence of continuing investigations and as yet un-indicted individuals.
  7. Which doesn’t address the Prosecutors seeking and obtaining the court protective order for : "information pertaining to ongoing investigations, the disclosure of which could compromise those investigations and identify uncharged individuals." [underline added by me]. In a parallel move the DOJ has slapped down the request by Republicans in Congress to lift the lid on the DOJ investigation. https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4056871-judge-orders-trump-not-to-disclose-evidence-in-documents-case/amp/
  8. Just 7 Tories voted to reject the report’s findings. There we have it, 7 Tory MPs willing to vote in favour of Johnson. Let’s have no more nonsense about Johnson making a comeback anytime soon,
  9. The Tories are playing their last overs and even then they can’t play with a straight bat. An utterly shameful bunch of cowards.
  10. No, the inquiry was released tgen it was sent to parliament for parliament to approve. That’s how parliamentary inquiries are processed.
  11. You don’t like there being a parliamentary record censuring your boy Johnson for his serial lying to parliament. I get that, I do.
  12. Serially lying to parliament is not ‘inconsequential’ nor was the vote. We now have on record the names of almost 300 Tories who are not willing to vote to pass judgment on the serial liar Johnson.
  13. I’m not refuting the data, I’m refuting your comment: ” 100% not true. Why do you think they needed to increase the debt ceiling ?” You’ve asked a question, I have responded with an example of why the debt ceiling needed to be increased and another which was totally unnecessary.
  14. What he could never brag about is declassifying that particular document, it was always outwith his power to do so.
  15. The problem with 100% true is it can’t be applied when referring to complex causes. There was indeed ‘a need’ to borrow to spend during the pandemic. There was absolutely not ‘a need’ to hand $1.3 Trillion in tax breaks to the hyper wealthy and high profit corporations.
  16. Starmer is engaging in the wise policy if not interrupting your enemy while they are making mistakes. He need only remind the electorate that while the Tories squabble the key issues faced by the nation are getting worse and getting zero attention from the Tories.
  17. The lack of news on the progress of investigations under Jack Smith has a habit of being a very poor indicator of what Jack Smith is investigating.
  18. This ‘Witch hunt’ that relies on the sworn testimony of Trump loyalists, his attorneys, members of his administration, Republicans and members of his own family.
  19. We know as a matter of recorded fact Trump hid evidence and documents from his attorneys, why then pin hopes on Trump’s attorneys saying they can’t find documents?
  20. The Durham police inquiry found no COVID lockdown rules were broken by Starmer. Let me know when you have facts rather than wild conspiracy .
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