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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. No, but perhaps it’s the undeniable troubles he faces that prompted you to resurrect this thread.
  2. We’ve been telling you about FIX’s lies for long enough. Now that you are unable to deny the fact FOX is a misinformation channel (rightwing accusation/confession Thong anyone?) you switch to trying to paint all news outlets with the disgraceful behavior of FOX. Your switch has been spotted.
  3. The best argument the Tories have for getting rid of Braverman is she’s setting up the Election talk track for the extremists in ‘Reform UK’ and other far right parties that will take votes from the Tories.
  4. He wasn’t doing a good job, which is why he felt the need to bully his subordinates.
  5. Well we can live in hope: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-65301099
  6. Good riddance, don’t let the door ‘bully you’ on the way out.
  7. Thailand is enjoying the benefits of cannabis tourism, I guess Singapore doesn’t want to cash in on the travel that creates.
  8. Not quite correct: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/41-sporeans-and-prs-nabbed-for-suspected-drug-abuse-overseas-from-jan-to-aug-2022
  9. Once again, it’s a very limited number of crimes that is driving the public discussion on gun controls. Nobody is punishing responsible gun owners, you made that bit up.
  10. More effective and mandatory background checks. Denial of guns to people with a history of violence for example a citation for violence or assault. Denial of guns to people with mental health issues that are associated with violence. Prompt removal of guns from people who develop mental illness and or commit acts of violence. Criminal liability for allowing minors unsupervised access to guns and ammunition, including guns and ammo not under lock and key if minors are home alone. Gun exclusion zones within schools and colleges, carrying a gun in the zone being regarded as prima face threat of lethal intent. And disband the NRA. Would be a start.
  11. 24 years ago and since then the weapon of choice has been? Ask a cop which they’d rather go up against.
  12. But what it does do is demonstrate a political will to act and it tests the response of voters. Which is why the pro-gun side of the argument are getting so upset about it.
  13. I don’t need to. A private business enacting a no gun rule, which would not infringe any constitutional rights, is in my opinion, good business the clear majority of Americans do not own guns. Businesses enacting such rules would make the logistics of taken your gun into town a little awkward and thereby discourage people from doing so. Did you know criminals don’t follow rules, or have I got explain that to you.
  14. It’s you that asked the question trying to conflate criminals with guns and gun controls. Sorry you didn’t like my answer.
  15. I’ve got some shocking news for you. People have very strong feelings about the safety of the children. There are many alternatives to gun control beyond banning all guns.
  16. You don’t seem to grasp how the impact of public opinion on political decision making works. The events driving public opinion are non crime related mass shootings in schools, colleges, places of worship, shopping malls and public spaces. People want to know their kids are safe at school or college, families want to feel safe in places of worship, while out shopping or in public spaces. Your repeated attempts to conflate this with what goes on in the criminal world, where the vast majority of Americans never enter, is noted.
  17. Right so the tragic litany of non crime related mass killings in schools, colleges, places of worship, shopping malls and public spaces is something that you don’t feel is important. These events are far from random, they share a number of characteristics, amongst which is weapon of choice.
  18. They are not all AR-15s either, but we all know the gun types we are discussing. Hiding by pedantic semantics is not going to get away from that fact.
  19. Oh do you haven’t noticed the calls for gun controls in the aftermath of non crime related mass shootings st schools, colleges, places of worship, shopping malls, public spaces. I wonder how that managed to evade you? This seems to have evaded you too: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/texas-man-pleads-guilty-90-federal-hate-crimes-and-firearms-violations-august-2019-mass
  20. I suspect you are confusing Washington DC and Washington State.
  21. Yes, conflating all ‘Mass shootings’ with the ‘Mass shootings’ that is driving calls for gun controls. Few people care if a drug gang kill each other in a crack house, the concern is non crime related mass shootings in. schools, colleges, places of worship, shopping malls, and public spaces.
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