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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Except: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/02/tech/twitter-hate-speech/index.html
  2. Perhaps, given the topic of discussion, we should be asking who’s funding the anthropomorphic climate change deniers.
  3. You’d first have to demonstrate the truth of your implied conspiracy.
  4. Fame for all the wrong reasons. But ‘Pro-Russian’ serving in the US Military, methinks there’s a problem we need to be knowing about.
  5. All fine and dandy, until it gets to the bit where they need to present evidence to a Grand Jury. Stick with the Comey Clown Show, it is at least entertaining .
  6. The allegations against Trump are called criminal indictments passed down by a Grand Jury, they are now the subject of criminal prosecution. The ‘allegations’ against Biden are completely unsubstantiated. There’s a difference.
  7. None of this is smoke, it’s all hot air from Comer. Accusations of crimes need evidence, he has no evidence of crimes that’s why he uses the terms ‘may have’, ‘possible’ and other such mealy-mouthed nonsense.
  8. FOX News, that organization that admitted in court to lying and even then went on to lie before the court. Is that where you go for your ‘Facts’?
  9. “The only strong evidence Joe wasn't involved was” You what??? It doesn’t work like that. If you are going to accuse someone of a crime you need evidence they committed a crime, they don’t need to provide evidence they did not.
  10. Try this for size. Banks notify international interbank transactions above $10,000, I make a number of such transactions per year. Each is notified as a ‘potential criminal transaction’ on the basis of the legal requirement to report, not on the basis of the transaction being a crime - The banks do not themselves investigate. “Financial institutions and money transfer providers are obligated to report international transfers that exceed $10,000.” https://www.bossrevolution.com/en-us/blog/international-money-transfer-laws So calm down, Comer and Murdoch’s NY Post mischaracterizing normal bank reporting might be the kind of nonsense you are eager to swallow but it is not evidence of any crimes.
  11. The only surprise here is a Republican Governor acting to cut out the rot in his own Party. Hat’s off to Gov. Kevin Stitt for acting on this.
  12. If a predatory pervert gets accused of other crimes, I’m not inclined to be the least bit concerned.
  13. That’s a very thin line of defense, more the point not a behaviour many feel the need to defend.
  14. The topic is “Climate-sceptic accounts surge after Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover”
  15. There was me thinking it was that special kind of attention some men reserve for intelligent, articulate women who have the temerity to express their opinion.
  16. Well you believe the UN want to control what we say and what we think. So you are right, people will believe all sorts of nonsense.
  17. Nurses are going on strike, Doctors too. Enough, has become enough. Not everyone has a ‘partner’.
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