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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. An Alt-Right troll being forced to admit he was wrong and paying $Million for the privilege. That’s gotta hurt. Tell your kids, don’t go near Trump, it never ends well.
  2. Yea, here we go again. Trump attempting to avoid being held accountable for his actions.
  3. He’s surrounded himself by people who tell him what he wants to hear. Reality is about to get through.
  4. Now come back and tell us what is the weapon of choice for mass killers who perpetrate their heinous crimes in: Schools? Places of worship? Shopping Malls and Department Stores? Crime scenes where the killer’s intent is to kill as many innocent and non crime involved people as possible?
  5. Excellent news. I personally would like to see businesses doing more, banning guns on their premises. 69% of adult Americans do not own a gun, near 100% of American children don’t own a gun. Time to give these people the gun free environments they deserve: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/06/22/the-demographics-of-gun-ownership/
  6. He says by posting a graph confirming the food inflation rate already discussed.
  7. Well yes me too. That’s why I mention the increase difficulties of importing food to the UK. There’s also the reality of labour shortages in the UK’s farming, fishing and food industries. I wonder what brought that on?
  8. This is true, but if the cause of inflation is supply side restrictions (and corporate profiteering) how is putting the squeeze on growing the economy going with increased interest rates going to fix it?
  9. Nothing to do with importing food to the UK being more difficult, loaded with more paperwork and likely stuck in queues at the port with the use by date clock ticking?
  10. I think you’ve just demonstrated the truth of Cory1848’s argument.
  11. Similar ‘Chinese Police Stations’ have been found and closed down in Canada and across Europe. Oddly, the UK has not acted to close them down in London, Glasgow and Belfast: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/chinese-government-chris-philp-mps-house-of-commons-b2322714.html
  12. Women’s liberation was driven by left wing and liberal activism in opposition to entrenched rightwing conservatism. I suggest you look up the part played by these left wing liberals and you might want to have a look at the part played by that gas guzzling monstrosity ‘the bicycle’.
  13. The interviewer was clearly under prepared. The existence of speech on Twitter is not disputed even if an interviewer failed to prepare examples before bringing the subject up. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65246394
  14. Are the alleged crimes serious? Is there evidence of the crimes having been committed? If the answer to those two questions is yes and yes, then on what basis do you claim the charges are ‘Trumped up to get political opponents silenced’ Not taking allegations of sexual misconduct by an adult towards minors, and in the face of an open confession by the perp, seriously needs some explanation. It’s certainly not a position anyone I choose to associate with would ever take.
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