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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. There is also a problem with the classification of ‘mass shootings’. Few people are concerned if a drug gang member shoots dead half a dozen other drug gang members. What is of concern is killers arming themselves and going on murder sprees in schools, colleges, shopping malls, churches, synagogues and other places where law abiding citizens have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let’s not mix the data.
  2. “Accuracy and power mean little at close range” Tell that to the Uvalde police officers cowering outside while kids were being murdered at close range. Utter nonsense.
  3. Defeatist logic. Doing nothing will certainly give rise to more deaths. Removing an particularly lethal and favored weapon of mass killers will as you say cause them to choose other weapons, less accurate, less powerful and less lethal.
  4. Pledging support to the NRA and ignoring the fact 60% of American adults neither own a gun or live in a gun owning household. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/
  5. So let’s pretend that the false statements made by FOX to the court weren’t first the subject of detailed legal strategy discussions undertaken by FOX and their legal team.
  6. Perhaps you should have a think about what it is the SCOTUS does.
  7. Actually it was an Amendment to the Constitution, and not the first nor the last. The Constitution can be Amended.
  8. Perhaps they already have a life and don’t want to follow the example you yourself are setting and have outline above.
  9. As the article you linked clearly states, the Judge(s) did not wave any ‘Executive Privilege’, they ruled there was no ‘Executive Privilege’ since the actions by Trump being investigated are crimes out with the Presidential Duties. USA v Nixon already established at the SCOTUS there is no Executive Privilege’ covering actions by the sore side t that are crimes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Nixon
  10. NYAG is on it. https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2022/statement-attorney-general-james-court-tossing-latest-nra-effort-avoid
  11. Name a repressive regime or religion that doesn’t pay particular attention to controlling women.
  12. I’m all in favor of protests against Governments reducing rights, but please ‘burning bikes’, there are limits.
  13. When did little facts like that matter to people stroking their self appointed grievances?
  14. Why Perry is getting a lot of media attention is explained in the OP. You’re whataboutary is noted, again.
  15. What private businesses do is, provided it’s within the law, their business. If two private businesses mutually agree to something like the following then I don’t have any issue with it: “Play does not stop while matches are in mid-flow, but at the earliest convenient moment during a goal-kick, free-kick or throw-in. Teams and match officials will discuss beforehand whether a pause is required and an approximate time for the stoppage will be agreed.” ‘Pause’ agreements are common in sport, always have been, it’s usually called “Good Sportsmanship”. I believe Brits regard it one of their defining characteristics.
  16. Of course, it’s the men who are the victims. Or was that more rightwing self asserted grievance stroking?
  17. Actions do indeed have consequences. Here’s hoping Republicans reap the consequences of attacking the right of women to hold dominion over their own bodies.
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