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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Perhaps it was her family. Adult children frequently get hyper protective of aged parents, especially if there’s an inheritance on the horizon.
  2. I think the applicable term is ‘snowflakes’ . Which I believe is another one of those rightwing accusation/confession thigs.
  3. Once again the rightwing accusation of ‘Cancel Culture’ turns out to be a confession.
  4. A re-hash of Gilbert and Sullivan’s, sorry, Thatcher’s ‘Short, Sharp Shock’. It didn’t work in the 80s when there were Police Officers out and about in communities and it won’t work now.
  5. I don’t owe you any information, your education in the matter is your own responsibility.
  6. The Russians are not destroying the resources. They are trying to destroy Ukraine and place it back under the Russian jack boot.
  7. Good, now you have all the information you need to understand guns in public places wind up in other places they should never be.
  8. Agreed. Russia already had delivery systems that can reach anywhere on the globe, placing nukes in Belarus is simply a show. Thank god we have an adult in the WH.
  9. You’d love to see America take a giant stride towards become a dictatorship. Gotchya
  10. I wonder what Prison has taught the ‘Tiger King’ about people ‘Working their Butts Off’?
  11. I’ll see your ‘Jordan, Comer and Steil’ and raise you a ‘Tenth Amendment’: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
  12. I’ve cycle raced on Scampton airfield, there were regular events there during the 80s sponsored by RAF CA.
  13. ‘Sacrilege’ someone needs to get a grip. They might also want to read some history, particularly the history of refugees who served in the RAF during WW2.
  14. In the specifics of allegations of insurrection against Trump it would annul Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment and in respect of all Presidents past and present it would annul Section 1 ‘deny equal protection under the law’ because a President, past or present, who is above the law could shoot somebody in the head on 5th Avenue without facing legal consequences. The Federal Government cannot enact a law limiting the ability of State Jurisdiction prosecuting anyone for breaking that state law, to do so would breach the Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment ordinarily being one dear to the hearts of Republicans, but then so is expediency in matters protecting their own law breakers.
  15. It’s a shout out to moderate Americans, swing voters and any American that understands precisely why nobody must be above the law. And for the second time this week, Tenth Amendment anyone? The Republicans are handing the Democrats vote winning copy for the 2024 elections. Thank you guys.
  16. Why not go the who hog and declare Trump Regent, Congress, The Senate and The People his Subjects.
  17. It wasn’t F1 that fined him, it was a Brazilian Court, refer linked article. Words have consequences.
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