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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Here’s my response into news of President Biden holding classified documents:
  2. Let’s see your evidence that he was arrested for his opinions.
  3. As I predicted, you are building your next level of denial before it’s got to court. Incidentally, what’s 5 years too late, have you seen the indictment(s) and if not how do you know?
  4. And when he doesn’t you can move to your next layer of denial.
  5. I suspect the fence is simply to assert an undisputed border, which is a requirement of joining NATO.
  6. That’s a long time at from Ukraine. If it was targeted then consider the level of organization and resources required to carry out this attack.
  7. He has the authority of the court on his side. Trump has zero experience of being held to account, he’s about to enter a steep learning curve.
  8. It’s encouraging to think you might know what a ‘conspiracy theory’ is. Now try some self reflection.
  9. Having identified the problem, perhaps you can now rectify it and get back on topic.
  10. You are making a false equivalence. Trump is a cult leader, not so Biden. Nobody needs to commit crimes and go to jail because Biden won’t accept reality, the law and the Constitution.
  11. Was it the bit we’re Trump took the side of Putin against US Intelligence services, the bit were he cuddled up to ‘Rocket Man’ or his efforts to undermine NATO that swung it?
  12. It’s a good question, here’s my take. Rightwing pro-Trump propaganda is accessible to English language speakers, added to which the UK has a well established and dominant rightwing press supplemented by US cable networks, particularly FOX. Also on the mix are non US/UK propaganda outlets ‘Russia Today’ being the most prominent. Keep in mind much of the rightwing pro-Trump propaganda is disseminated online via social media, immediately accessible to English language speakers, And then there’s the actual Trump supporters themselves. Take a look at US home grown MAGA Supporters, no need to denigrate these people more than Trump already does, but realize the UK has its fair share too. Trump’s only offering is to make people who’ve retreated to fear and hatred feel good about themselves, that’s a message that hits home wherever there’s a bigot stroking their self affirming grievances.
  13. Remember those Republican accusations. Turns out they were confessions.
  14. I’m interested to hear two things: Firstly what the indictments actually are and secondly what bail conditions are set, specifically are Trump’s recent attempts to intimidate the NYDA raised in his bail hearing. Getting to see his mug shots would be an added bonus, but secondary to the above.
  15. And innocent of everything by others. Which is the point of my remark.
  16. And 100% have yet to hear what the indictments are.
  17. Another missive from Trump replete with accusations that are in fact confessions.
  18. No, I simply referred you back to my very first post in the thread, a post that very clearly contradicts your later assumptions of my thoughts on the matter. You assumed views for me that I have never expressed. You were once again arguing against yourself.
  19. Except you said this: And then said this: Arguing against your own ‘scenario’, calling it madness even. Keep us posted on which of the two wins out.
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