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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. What’s the average age of first time buyers in your area and the average income of people at that age in the same area? Or do yo want to stick with arguing local prices v national average incomes?
  2. Schrödinger‘s immigrants, both and at the same time penniless, skilless, welfare seekers and inflating the cost of houses. How many times a day do you blame immigrants Jonny?
  3. Now all you have to recognize young people are being priced out of the market. House price inflation, low wages, insecure employment, and importantly the buy to let industry in direct competition with young people for low cost homes.
  4. Far fewer young people are getting on the housing ladder and many who do are doing so with a bung from mummy and daddy or grandparents. https://blackstonesresidential.com/revealed-how-much-parents-give-their-children-to-help-them-buy-a-home/
  5. Not much use to some who needs a home near where they work in the home counties.
  6. That started with a pleasant surprise, I was in complete agreement with your first two sentences. Then you went back to your same old.
  7. You don’t seem to understand mathematics. The ‘Average salary’ is weighted higher by people who earn very high salaries and weighted on all salary scales by age. The data that matters is income of people in the age bracket 20 -35, and of course whether or not that income is secure, do they, for example, have a full 40hr per week permanent employment contract or are they on short term/zero hours contracts.
  8. Says Johnson fanboy. But please do produce your evidence that the Home Secretary is lying.
  9. This will stir outrage amongst those who never attend church.
  10. Isn’t this a re-hash of a previous topic? NYP doing their bit to rain on the Democrat Convention.
  11. So those extra 300 places in detention centers, an extra 300 case officers, 100 new intelligence officers. Is The Telegraph telling lies?
  12. I absolutely agree, moreover I don’t know anyone that does disagree with deporting bogus asylum seekers. But here’s a thing Jonny, they first need to have their claim assessed, something the last Government had failed to do resulting in a backlog of over a thousand cases while the Government cut funding to the immigration service. As this article points out, the new Labour Home Secretary is taking positive steps to address the mess she inherited, I’m only surprised you aren’t backing her and wishing her every success.
  13. Or anyone else. Staged performance is my guess.
  14. It seems the Home Secretary has hit the ground running. She of course needed to given the utter shambles the Tories left rotting. Hardly a shift, it’s a development of the already imitated measures quoted above. So the Home Secretary is getting on with the job he predecessor failed to do, and look ladies and gentlemen at who’s doing all the moaning.
  15. A very good summary. Though we I think the answer on the technology front is in, it’s already controlled by plutocrats. “Conservative government wanted to put a cap on personal care, so was proposing to initiate effectively a socialist policy (ie. in the end, the State will help you to the grave). Labour has kiboshed that.” And rightly so. It was an attempt to protect the estates of the wealthy at cost to the rest of society.
  16. OK you are aware that the assets were stripped before the companies where sold to the public. British Rail being a prime example; BR city/town center real estate and hotels where sold privately by the Government before what was left of BR was sold as shares. Likewise British Steel, likewise the nationalized water companies. Daylight plunder of the nation’s assets.
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