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Chomper Higgot

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Everything posted by Chomper Higgot

  1. Nationalization wasn’t about ‘the best way forward’, it was wholesale asset stripping. The Tories were not interested in how the businesses were run, they were interested in selling off the assets to their chums in the city.
  2. Actually he hasn’t confirmed he was working in the previously nationalized industries under discussion.
  3. Your usual ‘I’m all right Jack hogwash’. If it were easy home ownership figures for the young would be much higher than they are. Without a substantial bung from parents or grandparents most young people can’t get near affording a home of their own these days. https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/housing-needs-of-young-people/ https://www.zoopla.co.uk/discover/property-news/homeownership-rate-falls-among-young-people/
  4. You forgot latte coffees, you can’t engage in a proper ill informed rant about why young folk can’t afford houses without mentioning latte coffees…. Oh and Netflix.
  5. so shall we take that you have zero experience working in any of the industries you are discussing?
  6. Incorrect. He was locked up awaiting trial. Now he’s under house arrest waiting trial.
  7. Defending these ‘men’ accused of numerous sex crimes, people trafficking now allegations of trafficking minors and sex with minors. Not a hill I’d want my reputation to die on. But up to you if you feel these are guys you wish to defend
  8. Your latest martyr was not jailed for singing a song, he pleaded guilt to and was sentenced to prison for Violent Disorder. “David Spring, 61, of Sutton, pleaded guilty to violent disorder and was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment at Inner London Crown Court on August 13, 2024. Spring was part of a 700-strong group who wreaked havoc in Whitehall on July 31. Members of the group ignored a police cordon and moved on to assault and spit at officers who were in attendance.” https://www.cps.gov.uk/london-north/news/crown-prosecution-service-pan-london-and-hate-crime-scrutiny-panel-joint#:~:text=David Spring%2C 61%2C of Sutton,in Whitehall on July 31.
  9. He wasn’t jailed for a Facebook post. He was jailed for multiple posts in breach of 127 (1) of the Communications act. The fact that he may not have left his house to do so is an utter irrelevance.
  10. He had a right to legal representation. If you have evidence that he was coerced please provide it. His posts were not ‘unremarkable’ they were in breach of 127 (1) of the Communications Act, they also targeted Asians, demonstrating his racist intent.
  11. No he was not. He has pleaded guilt to breach of 127 (1) of the Communications Act 2003. Stop gaslighting.
  12. Yet more of your fabricated nonsense. Stasi, what are on about? Long late night interviews, have you been watching too many late night movies. He pleaded guilty to breach of 127(1) of the Communications Act and was sentenced under 127(3) of the same Act. The targets of his hate mongering were Asians and Immigrants. While he’s rotting in his cell he can ponder his actions and consider he’s also certainly lost the security clearance he needed to work at Sellafield, one of the best paying work sites in the UK. Do not the Stasi Jonny, just a racist armchair warrior that you chose to defend. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/21/section/127
  13. The guy prosecuting on behalf of the victims of the far right rioters, that guy.
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